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EXPLORING NEST.JS Alfredo Bonilla @brolag

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WHAT IS NEST.JS? • Nest.js is a Node.js framework written in TypeScript for building back end applications. It combines elements of Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming and Functional Reactive Programming. • It’s very reminicent to Angular.

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WHAT DOES IT TRY TO SOLVE? • It helps providing an opinionated architecture for complex node.js application by making easy to: • Decouple modules. • Organize code per feature. • Decouple Transfer Layer (HTTP, Web Sockets). • TypeScript.

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CONTROLLERS • Controllers are responsible for handling incoming requests and returning responses to the client.

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DEPENDENCY INJECTION • Dependency Injection is the technique of supplying a dependent object, such as a module or component, with a dependency like a service, thereby injecting it into the component’s constructor.

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MODULES • A module is a class annotated with a @Module() decorator. • The @Module() decorator provides metadata that Nest.JS makes use of to organize the application structure.

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MIDDLEWARE • Middleware is a function which is called before the route handler. • Middleware functions have access to the request and response objects, and the next() middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle.

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ORM • Nest.js can be integrated with: • TypeORM • Mongoose • Sequelize

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WEBSOCKETS • Nest.js make use of package under the hood, but also, provide compatibility with a wide range of other libraries, including native web sockets implementation.

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MICROSERVICES • Nest microservice is a type of application that uses a different transport layer than HTTP. • In general, Nest supports several built-in transporters. • This makes it easy to switch between transporters without changing the line of code.

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OPEN API • The OpenAPI (Swagger) specification is a powerful definition format to describe RESTful APIs. Nest provides a dedicated module to work with it.

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CQRS • Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is the idea that each method should either be one that performs an action (command) or requests data (query), but not both.

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TESTING • The main Nest application starter is integrated with Jest framework to reduce an amount of overhead when it comes to start writing your tests, but still, you can get rid of it and use any other tool easily.

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SERVER SIDE RENDERING • Nest.js supports Angular Server Side Rendering by using Angular Universal features.

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TOOLING Nest CLI • Nest CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps to initialize and develop your applications. • The Nest CLI is based on the Angular Devkit package

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RESOURCES • • • me-nestjs • • • Book

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