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Seeing is Believing Mobile Vision API Deep Dive

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Moyinoluwa Adeyemi Off Grid Electric @moyheen

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Mobile Vision API ● Finds objects in photos and videos

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● Finds objects in photos and videos ● Includes face, barcode and text detectors Mobile Vision API

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● Finds objects in photos and videos ● Includes face, barcode and text detectors ● Easy to set up Mobile Vision API

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● Finds objects in photos and videos ● Includes face, barcode and text detectors ● Easy to set up ● Works locally Mobile Vision API

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● Finds objects in photos and videos ● Includes face, barcode and text detectors ● Easy to set up ● Works locally ● Available offline Mobile Vision API

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● Finds objects in photos and videos ● Includes face, barcode and text detectors ● Easy to set up ● Works locally ● Available offline ● Free Mobile Vision API

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Face Detection

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Detects human faces Sorry dawg, humans only.

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Euler X - up/down Euler Y - left/right Euler Z - rotated/slated Understands faces positioned at different angles

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Slide 15 text Understands facial expressions isSmilingProbability: 0.006698033 isLeftEyeOpenProbability: 0.98714304

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Slide 16 text Understands facial expressions isSmilingProbability: 0.006698033 isLeftEyeOpenProbability: 0.98714304 isRightEyeOpenProbability: 0.69178355

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Works on all skin colors

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Barcode Detection

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Detects barcodes in images and videos

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Works on both 1D and 2D barcodes

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Detects multiple barcodes in one image

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Even when they are upside down

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Text Detection

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Detects texts in image and video #TIL

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Segments text into block, lines and words

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Spanish English Hungarian Norwegian German Dutch French Catalan Portugese Romanian Polish Danish Finnish Italian Swedish Turkish Works only on Latin based languages

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Has a wide range of applications

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Getting Started

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dependencies { compile '' } Update the gradle file

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Update the manifest file

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Update the manifest file

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Update the manifest file

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Run only on a background thread CAUTION DO NOT RUN ON UI THREAD

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faceDetector.release() barcodeDetector.release() textRecognizer.release() Release resources at the end

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GIVEN any photo WHEN any face is detected THEN overlay image and graphics

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Convert photo to a mutable bitmap val bitmapOptions = BitmapFactory.Options().apply { inMutable = true }

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Convert photo to a mutable bitmap val bitmapOptions = BitmapFactory.Options().apply { inMutable = true } val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.image, bitmapOptions)

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val tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.width, bitmap.height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565) Prepare the canvas

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val tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.width, bitmap.height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565) val paint = Paint().apply { strokeWidth = 5f color = Color.MAGENTA style = Paint.Style.STROKE } Prepare the canvas

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val tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.width, bitmap.height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565) val paint = Paint().apply { strokeWidth = 5f color = Color.MAGENTA style = Paint.Style.STROKE } val canvas = Canvas(tempBitmap) canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0f, 0f, paint) Prepare the canvas

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setClassificationType(FaceDetector.ALL_CLASSIFICATIONS) .setTrackingEnabled(false) .setProminentFaceOnly(false) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setMinFaceSize(0.2f) .build() Set up the face detector

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if (!faceDetector.isOperational) { toast("Face Detector could not be set up on your device :(") return } Confirm the operationality

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val frame = Frame.Builder().setBitmap(bitmap).build() val faceArray = faceDetector.detect(frame) Detect faces

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Calculate coordinates for (i in 0 until faceArray.size()) { val face = faceArray.valueAt(i) val left = face.position.x val top = face.position.y val right = left + face.width val bottom = top + face.height } (x, y) left, top (x + width, y + height) right, bottom

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Draw graphics on face for (i in 0 until faceArray.size()) { val face = faceArray.valueAt(i) ... val bound = RectF(left, top, right, a bottom) canvas.drawRoundRect(bound, c cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint) }

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Draw on all landmarks for (landmark in face.landmarks) { val x = landmark.position.x val y = landmark.position.y val landmarkType = landmark.type.toString() C canvas.drawText(landmarkType, x, y, p paint) }

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Draw on a specific landmark for (landmark in face.landmarks) { val x = landmark.position.x val y = landmark.position.y when (landmark.type) { 1, 7 -> canvas.drawCircle(x, y, r radius, paint) } }

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Detect classification for (i in 0 until faceArray.size()) { val face = faceArray.valueAt(i) // face.isSmilingProbability // face.isLeftEyeOpenProbability // face.isRightEyeOpenProbability when (face.isSmilingProbability) { in 0.0f..0.49f -> // TODO in 0.5f..1f -> payForFriedChicken() } ...

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Detect position for (i in 0 until faceArray.size()) { val face = faceArray.valueAt(i) // face.eulerY // face.eulerZ Log.i(TAG, face.eulerY.toString()) Log.i(TAG, face.eulerZ.toString()) }

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Update the image and release resources imageView.setImageDrawable(BitmapDrawable(resources, tempBitmap)) faceDetector.release()

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GIVEN any photo WHEN any barcode or text is detected THEN retrieve information

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Create an immutable bitmap (since we don’t intend to draw on it) val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.image)

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val barcodeDetector = BarcodeDetector.Builder(this) .setBarcodeFormats(Barcode.ALL_FORMATS) .build() Set up the detectors

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val barcodeDetector = BarcodeDetector.Builder(this) .setBarcodeFormats(Barcode.ALL_FORMATS) .build() Set up the detectors

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val barcodeDetector = BarcodeDetector.Builder(this) .setBarcodeFormats(Barcode.ALL_FORMATS) .build() val textRecognizer = TextRecognizer.Builder(this).build() Set up the detectors

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if (!barcodeDetector.isOperational || !textRecognizer.isOperational) { return } Confirm the operationality

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val frame = Frame.Builder().setBitmap(bitmap).build() val barcodeArray = barcodeDetector.detect(frame) val textArray = textRecognizer.detect(frame) Detect barcodes and text

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Retrieve info - barcode for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i) }

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Retrieve info - barcode for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i).wifi }

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Retrieve info - text for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i).wifi } (0 until textArray.size()) .map { textArray.valueAt(it) } .filterNot { it.value.isNullOrBlank() } .forEach { println(it.value) }

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Retrieve info - text for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i).wifi } (0 until textArray.size()) .map { textArray.valueAt(it) } .filterNot { it.value.isNullOrBlank() } .forEach { println(it.value) }

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Retrieve info - text for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i).wifi } (0 until textArray.size()) .map { textArray.valueAt(it) } .filterNot { it.value.isNullOrBlank() } .forEach { println(it.value) }

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Retrieve info - text for (i in 0 until barcodeArray.size()) { val barcodeData = barcodeArray.valueAt(i).wifi } (0 until textArray.size()) .map { textArray.valueAt(it) } .filterNot { it.value.isNullOrBlank() } .forEach { println(it.value) }

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Release resources barcodeDetector.release() textRecognizer.release()

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GIVEN any back camera WHEN any face is detected THEN overlay graphics and images

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Update the UI ● Include a CameraPreview

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Update the UI ● Include a CameraPreview ● Include an overlay class

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Set up a face tracker class FaceTracker internal constructor( private val overlay: GraphicOverlay ) : Tracker() { private val faceGraphic: FaceGraphic = FaceGraphic(overlay) ... }

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Set up a face tracker override fun onNewItem override fun onUpdate override fun onMissing override fun onDone

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Set up a face tracker factory class FaceTrackerFactory : MultiProcessor.Factory { override fun create(face: Face): Tracker = FaceTracker(overlay) }

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Set up a face detector val detector = FaceDetector.Builder(this) .setTrackingEnabled(true)... detector.setProcessor( MultiProcessor.Builder(faceTrackerFactory).build()) if (!detector.isOperational) { //... }

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Create the camera source cameraSource = CameraSource.Builder(this, detector) .setRequestedPreviewSize(640, 480) .setFacing(CameraSource.CAMERA_FACING_BACK) .setRequestedFps(30.0f) .build()

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GIVEN any back camera WHEN any object is detected THEN overlay graphics and images

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Update the UI ● Include a CameraPreview

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Update the UI ● Include a CameraPreview ● Include the overlay classes - FaceGraphic.kt, BarcodeGraphic.kt, TextGraphic.kt

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Set up the respective object trackers class FaceTracker internal constructor( private val overlay: GraphicOverlay ) : Tracker() { private val faceGraphic: FaceGraphic = FaceGraphic(overlay) ... }

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Set up the respective object trackers class BarcodeTracker internal constructor( private val overlay: GraphicOverlay ) : Tracker() { private val barcodeGraphic: BarcodeGraphic = BarcodeGraphic(overlay) ... }

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As well as the tracker factories class FaceTrackerFactory : MultiProcessor.Factory { override fun create(face: Face): Tracker = FaceTracker(overlay) } class BarcodeTrackerFactory : MultiProcessor.Factory { override fun create(barcode: Barcode): Tracker = BarcodeTracker(overlay) }

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Set up the detectors val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this).build() val barcodeDetector = BarcodeDetector.Builder(this).build()

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Set up the detectors val faceDetector = FaceDetector.Builder(this).build() val barcodeDetector = BarcodeDetector.Builder(this).build() faceDetector.setProcessor( MultiProcessor.Builder(faceTrackerFactory).build()) barcodeDetector.setProcessor( MultiProcessor.Builder(barcodeTrackerFactory).build())

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Wrap the detectors with a MultiDetector val multiDetector = MultiDetector.Builder() .add(faceDetector) .add(barcodeDetector) .build() if (!multiDetector.isOperational) { //... }

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Create the camera source cameraSource = CameraSource.Builder(this, multiDetector) .setRequestedPreviewSize(640, 480) .setFacing(CameraSource.CAMERA_FACING_BACK) .setRequestedFps(30.0f) .build()

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References ex.html Samples Illustrations The extremely talented Virginia Poltrack - @VPoltrack

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Moyinoluwa Adeyemi Off Grid Electric @moyheen Thank you!