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1 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice: the current status of the most powerful OSS office suite Naruhiko NARU Ogasawara LibreOffice Japanese community, The Document Foundation

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2 HKOSCon 2020 Who am I 小笠原 (OGASAWARA) 徳彦 (Naruhiko) Call me “NARU” FLOSS lover from Japan Live in Sakura, Chiba, 1 hour from NRT LibreOffice Japanese community The Document Foundation member

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3 HKOSCon 2020 Topics What is LibreOffice? Notable LibreOffice Features LibreOffice Online LibreOffice for mobile? LibreOffice Asia League

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4 HKOSCon 2020 What is LibreOffice? The most powerful OSS office suite

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5 HKOSCon 2020 Outline Full-featured OSS office suite Only one active successor of 2 billions estimated users worldwide Mozilla Public License v2+ 9 millions of C++11 code Windows / macOS / Linux official build Time based release (2 times per year)

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6 HKOSCon 2020 Writer - wordprocessor

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7 HKOSCon 2020 Calc – spreadsheet

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8 HKOSCon 2020 Impress – presentation (this slide :)

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9 HKOSCon 2020 Draw – diagrams

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10 HKOSCon 2020 Base – database

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11 HKOSCon 2020 Math – formula editor Sample from Math itself

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12 HKOSCon 2020 Open Document Format (ODF) LibreOffice native format Simple, human readable, easy to machine- manipulate XML Real Open Standard for office documents ISO/IEC 26300 Microsoft Office, Google Drive also support Keep up with the evolution of the application Not as the “pseudo standard,” which is essentially unrevised from the proprietary application document format released in 2007

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13 HKOSCon 2020 Our world wide community

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14 HKOSCon 2020 2020 is NOT COVID-19 year… 10/20 Celebration! LibreOffice was announced on Sep. 28, 2010, the predecessor of LibreOffice, was launched on July 19, 2000

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15 HKOSCon 2020 Notable LibreOffice features Many features from kids to enterprise worldwide

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16 HKOSCon 2020 CJK (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) Features LibreOffice has several CJK specific features like… Asian Typography Grid Layout Input Method Support Mixing Western and Asian Scripts Non-BMP Unicode Character support … “LibreOffice CJK Bugs, Fixes, and Stories” by Mark Hung

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17 HKOSCon 2020 Interoperability Allows us to work with proprietary office users Day-by-day OOXML improvements such as: 2013/2016/2019 format export support (7.0~, Aug. 2020) Better XLSX pivot table import (6.4~, Jan. 2020) Many PPTX animation import/export improvement (6.3~, Aug. 2019) Other supported filters: Apple Keynote, WordPerfect, Lotus WordPro, Corel Draw, … Check “Document Liberation Project”

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18 HKOSCon 2020 Notebookbar NOT just a “ribbon-like UI” Can select preferred UI… or may create your own

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19 HKOSCon 2020 LibreLogo Your word processor becomes educational programming environment! Logo language with turtle graphics Good for kids Drown objects by the turtle is LibreOffice shapes, so it could be useful with your idea :)

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20 HKOSCon 2020 Enterprise features Document Signing Sign your document digitally; ODF, PDF and OOXML! Signature Line Digital Sign with Drawing Sign Redaction Remove any sensitive data from your document And do it automatically with specifing “target” keywords

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21 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Online You can host collaboration office suite in your environment, And even integrate it into your own app!

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22 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Online

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23 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Online LOOL FLOSS, same as LibreOffice core Say, “like Google Docs or Microsoft Office Online” NOT as a service, BUT a serivce seed which can be served as your own service Self-hosted collaborating document work server NOT a product, BUT a component which can be embedded it into your web app

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24 HKOSCon 2020 Ready-to-go integrated products Owncloud/Nextcloud ☞ OSS Dropbox clone Most famous integration Can edit uploaded docs Similar taste of Google Drive / Docs Moodle Online learning platform (LMS: Learning Mangement System) You may found more by Googling / DuckDuckGoing “Collabora Online,” which is commercial variant of LOOL

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25 HKOSCon 2020 Implementation

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26 HKOSCon 2020 Implementation LOOL server creates 256x256 pixel bitmap tiles by kicking LibreOffice Then send them to client via WebSocket LOOL client draw them using Leaflet.js All key / mouse events are captured via then send to the server, and tiles are send back (if needed) If you have strength of Web development, you can help LOOL development too!

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27 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Mobile? Little far from production, but we are trying to do more

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28 HKOSCon 2020 Status Little far from production Need more mobile app developers’ help If you have your own LOOL server, using LOOL via smartphone is a good solution

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29 HKOSCon 2020 Current two Implementations Android Viewer ● Use “Tile-rendering” technology same as LOOL ● NOT in Google Play, side-loading or F-Droid needed ● Unstable, performance issue ● But FLOSS, anyone can join! Collabora Office Mobile ● The idea is “LOOL inside the app” ● Providing WebView to run LOOL client ● LOOL server is inside the app ● Editing possible ● iOS / Android ● Closed-source (at the moment)

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30 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Asia League Here in Asia, we can make LibreOffice better together!

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31 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice needs more Asian power To improve LibreOffice CJK features It is hard for western LibreOffice hackers to understand expected behaviour of CJK features as ours We have to solve our problems by ourselves To promote LibreOffice more and more Number of users helps FLOSS project We need strong ecosystem in Asia Users, fulltime/part-time devs, trainers, and companies which hires them...

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32 HKOSCon 2020

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33 HKOSCon 2020 LibreOffice Asia League The group to “do something which make LibreOffice make better together” in Asia Hosting LibreOffice Asia Conference Desiging regional certification program Growing more developers in this area From Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia and Japan And more...

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34 HKOSCon 2020 Conclusion LibreOffice is 10 years old FLOSS office suite With worldwide community And tons of features, includes CJK support We also have Online (production) and Mobile (…) LibreOffice needs more Asian power

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35 HKOSCon 2020 All text and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License (unless otherwise specified). "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation" are registered trademarks. Their respective logos and icons are subject to international copyright laws. The use of these therefore is subject to the trademark policy. Thank you for listening! … If you haven’t used LibreOffice yet, just try! … If you already use LibreOffice, join our Asia League! zero ([email protected], Twitter: @naru0ga, Telegram: @naruoga)