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Introduction to Android Instant Apps by Cyril Mottier

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Find Install Start Setup Use Installing & using a mobile app is a long and steep path

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Reduce friction as much as possible

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Instant apps Native apps, without installation

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You may only need 10% of an app’s features So why download 100%?

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Application Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Common

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The build output now depends on the targeted run mode

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installable.apk Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Common

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What about the on-device behaviour?

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Installable app

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Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Base Installable app

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Instant app

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Feature 1 Base Instant app Using feature 1

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Feature 2 Base Instant app Using feature 2

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Feature 1 Base Instant app Using feature 1 then 2

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Feature 1 Feature 2 Base Instant app Using feature 1 then 2

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Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Base Instant app Using all features

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Android Studio 3.0+ with Instant Apps Development SDK

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Runtime permissions introduced in Android 6.0 (API level 23)

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App links Associate your app with your domain

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ]

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ] "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ]

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ] "namespace": "android_app" "target": { }

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ] "package_name": "" "target": { }

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ] "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] "target": { }

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https:///.well-known/assetlinks.json [ { "relation": [ "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls" ], "target": { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "", "sha256_cert_fingerprints": [ "1A:24:9C:B5:69:5F:B5:21:CD:80:45:7A:06:20:C5:78:DB: 07:A8:CA:A0:8F:E9:47:B9:F6:A5:60:6B:78:DB:32" ] } } ]

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Modularise your code Break the app into features

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Pointing out features

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Licenses :features:licenses module Installable app :app module About :features:about module

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What about the base APK? contains code/resources used in all modules

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Application icon Custom font management Common styles, dimens, colors, … Base Activity/Fragment implementation Utilities etc. What about the base APK? contains code/resources used in all modules

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Modularize action in Android Studio

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./settings.gradle include ':app', ':features:about', ':features:base', ':features:licenses', ':instant'

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include ':app', ':features:about', ':features:base', ':features:licenses', ':instant' ./settings.gradle ':app'

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include ':app', ':features:about', ':features:base', ':features:licenses', ':instant' ':features:base' ./settings.gradle

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include ':app', ':features:about', ':features:base', ':features:licenses', ':instant' ':features:about' ./settings.gradle

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include ':app', ':features:about', ':features:base', ':features:licenses', ':instant' ':instant' ./settings.gradle

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apply plugin: '' android { //... baseFeature true } dependencies { application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses') } ./features/base/build.gradle

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apply plugin: '' android { //... baseFeature true } dependencies { application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses') } ./features/base/build.gradle apply plugin: ''

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apply plugin: '' android { //... baseFeature true } dependencies { application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses') } ./features/base/build.gradle baseFeature true

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apply plugin: '' android { //... baseFeature true } dependencies { application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses') } ./features/base/build.gradle application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses')

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apply plugin: '' android { //... baseFeature true } dependencies { application project(':app') feature project(':features:about') feature project(':features:licenses') } ./features/base/build.gradle

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apply plugin: '' //... dependencies { implementation project(':features:base') } ./features/about/build.gradle

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apply plugin: '' //... dependencies { implementation project(':features:base') implementation project(':features:about') implementation project(':features:licenses') } ./app/build.gradle

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apply plugin: ‘' //... dependencies { implementation project(':features:base') implementation project(':features:about') implementation project(':features:licenses') } ./instant/build.gradle

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apply plugin: ‘' //... dependencies { implementation project(':features:base') implementation project(':features:about') implementation project(':features:licenses') } ./instant/build.gradle apply plugin: ‘'

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apply plugin: ‘' //... dependencies { implementation project(':features:base') implementation project(':features:about') implementation project(':features:licenses') } ./instant/build.gradle

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where Function returning the binary size of Total download bundle binary size

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where Function returning the binary size of Maximum download bundle binary size

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Maximum download bundle size (i.e. that weird “ ” constant)

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During development ∞ Maximum download bundle size (i.e. that weird “ ” constant)

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Play Store dev tracks 10MB During development ∞ Maximum download bundle size (i.e. that weird “ ” constant)

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4MB Play Store production Play Store dev tracks 10MB During development ∞ Maximum download bundle size (i.e. that weird “ ” constant)

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The smaller, the better (not specific to Android only)

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Slim down your APK size

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Slim down your APK size Resource shrinking

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Slim down your APK size Code minification Resource shrinking

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Slim down your APK size Code minification Vector graphics Resource shrinking

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Slim down your APK size Code minification Vector graphics Resource shrinking

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Slim down your APK size Dependencies reduction Code minification Vector graphics Resource shrinking Downloadable fonts Resources de-duplication Remote fetching Images optimisation WebP format Granular dependencies Density bucket removal Native code architecture removal Wear 2.0 APK distribution Sparse translation elimination Version collapsing

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APK Analyser

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APK Analyser

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Still not enough? Configuration split to the rescue

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android { //... generatePureSplits true splits { abi { enable true } density { enable true } language { enable true include "en", "fr" } } } ./

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Installation prompts

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dependencies { //... implementation '' } ./features/base/build.gradle

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if (InstantApps.isInstantApp(this)) { val postInstallIntent = MainActivity.newIntent() InstantApps.showInstallPrompt(this, postInstallIntent, INSTALL_PROMPT_REQUEST_CODE, "Referrer") }

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Keep user state after app installation

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Cookie API // Instant app with(packageManager) { if (cookie.size <= instantAppCookieMaxBytes) { updateInstantAppCookie(cookie) } }

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// Installable app val cookie = packageManager.instantAppCookie // ... (i.e. restore user data) packageManager.clearInstantAppCookie() Cookie API

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Instant App Data dependencies { //... implementation '' } ./features/base/build.gradle

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Instant App Data val client = InstantApps.getInstantAppsClient(this) val fileTask = client.instantAppData fileTask .addOnCompleteListener { readData(it.result) } .addOnFailureListener { handleException(it) }

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Instant App Data Shared Preferences getFilesDir() getDir(String, int) Databases ParcelFileDescriptor to the caller's Instant App's data

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Instant Apps in the real world aka the pros and cons

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VS Instant apps Progressive Web apps

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Thank you! @cyrilmottier