● Hello, I’m Phil
● I write Haskell and PureScript at Lumi
● I like building user interface libraries in PureScript:
○ React-Basic
○ Thermite
○ Behaviors
○ Purview
○ React-Explore
● I also like to study category theory
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● An intuition for comonads
● How can we specify user interfaces?
● How can we talk about specifying user interfaces?
● Some other interesting ideas
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Image: NASA
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class Functor m ⇒ Monad m where
return ∷ a → m a
join ∷ m (m a) → m a
(>>=) ∷ m a → (a → m b) → m b
(>=>) :: Monad m ⇒ (a → m b) → (b → m c) → a → m c
(f >=> g) a = f a >>= g
f >=> return = f
return >=> f = f
f >=> (g >=> h) = (f >=> g) >=> h
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class Functor w ⇒ Comonad w where
extract ∷ w a → a
duplicate ∷ w a → w (w a)
(=>>) ∷ w a → (w a → b) → w b
(=>=) :: Comonad m ⇒ (w a → b) → (w b → c) → w a → c
(f =>= g) w = g (w =>> f)
f =>= extract = f
extract =>= f = f
f =>= (g =>= h) = (f =>= g) =>= h
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The Store Comonad
data Store s a = Store s (s → a)
instance Comonad (Store s) where
extract (Store here go) = go here
duplicate (Store here go) =
Store here $ \there → Store there go
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The Traced Comonad
data Traced w a = Traced (w → a)
instance Monoid w ⇒ Comonad (Traced w) where
extract (Traced f) = f mempty
duplicate (Traced f) =
Traced $ \w → Traced (f . (w ◇))
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More Reading
● Cofree meets Free
● Comonads in Everyday Life
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Declarative UIs
Trends in UIs:
● No more direct manipulation
● One-way data flow
● Describe what the UI state should be, not how to reach it.
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Virtual DOM
The virtual DOM API in 4 lines:
data VDOM e
data Patch
diff ∷ VDOM e → VDOM e → Patch
apply ∷ Patch → IO Unit
(e f Eve s )
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We can build components:
data Component model = Component
{ initialState ∷ model
, render ∷ model → VDOM model
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E.g. Counter
counter ∷ Component Int
counter updateState = Component
{ initialState: 0
, render = \value →
[onClick \_ → value + 1]
[text ("Current value = " ⧺ show value)]
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A Comonad Appears
Hey, that looks like Store!
type Component model = Store model (VDOM model)
What do the Comonad functions do?
extract ∷ Component model → VDOM model
duplicate ∷ Component model → Store model Component
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The Future is Comonadic
extract ∷ Component model → VDOM model
extract renders the component’s current state
duplicate ∷ Component model → Store model (Component model)
duplicate captures the possible future states of the component
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Exploring the Future
How can we explore the future?
future ∷ Store model (Component model)
We need a function
explore ∷ Store model Component → Component model
Image: xkcd.com
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Exploring the Future
To usefully implement
explore ∷ Store model Component → Component model
we can
● read the current state
● move to a new state
Which can be packaged up using the State monad
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Exploring the Future
explore ∷ State model ()
→ Store model Component
→ Component model
explore state (Store here go) =
go there
(_, there) = runState state here
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Components using State
data Component model = Component
{ initialState ∷ model
, render ∷ model
→ VDOM (State model ())
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Counter using State
counter ∷ Component Int
counter updateState = Component
{ initialState: 0
, render = \value →
[onClick \_ → modify (\n → n + 1)]
[text ("Current value = " ⧺ show value)]
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Let’s Summarize
● A component is described by
Store model (VDOM (State model ()))
● We can render a component using
● We can observe possible future states of a component using
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Let’s Generalize!
● A component is described by
w (VDOM (m ()))
● We can render a component using
● We can observe possible future states of a component using
(Laz va ed!)
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We require the existence of a function
explore ∷ m () → w a → a
We can use the more general concept of
pairing ∷ m (a → b) → w a → b
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State s
Writer w
Reader e
Free f
Free ((,) i)
Store s (React)
Traced w (Incremental)
Env e
Cofree g (*) (Halogen)
Cofree ((→) i) (Redux, Elm)
* when f pairs with g
pairs with
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Pairings For Free
We get a (law-abiding!) monad with a pairing for free:
data Co w a = Co (∀ r. w (a → r) → r)
instance Comonad w ⇒ Monad (Co w)
explore :: Co w (a → b) → w a → b
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Let’s Summarize
● A component is described by w (VDOM (Co w ()))
● We can select the next future state using Co w ()
This is implemented in purescript-react-explore.
type Handler w = Co w ()
type Component w = w (VDOM (Handler w)))
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So What?
● We’ve unified several common approaches to UIs under one
● We have control over component state transitions
● We now have a language for studying the approaches themselves
○ E.g. comonad morphisms correspond to interpreters
○ E.g. every comonadic UI can be interpreted using Store (React)
● We can generalize this approach to comonads in other
● We can use this intuition to find new comonads
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Further Reading...
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Combining Components
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Day Convolution
Day (1970) defines the following convolution product of functors:
For example:
data Day f g a = forall x. Day (f (x → a)) (g x)
Day ((→) w) ((→) w’) a
~ exists x. (w → x → a, w’ → x)
~ w → w’ → a
~ (w, w’) → a
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Day Convolution
Day f g is a comonad whenever f and g are both comonads.
In fact, Day makes the comonad category into a (closed) symmetric
monoidal category.
TO : fi n u t e y
ex n is
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Day Convolution
Day (Store s) w
Day (Traced w’) w
Day (Env e) w
StoreT s w
TracedT w’ w
EnvT e w
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Symmetric Monoidal Categories
A symmetric monoidal category ( , ⨂, I) is defined by a bifunctor
⨂ : ⨉ →
with unit I (*) which is
● Associative (*)
● Symmetric (*)
* up to isomorphism
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Closed Symmetric Monoidal Categories
A closed symmetric monoidal category has right adjoints for each
tensoring functor
A ⨂ - : →
A ⇒ - : →
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Closed Symmetric Monoidal Categories
We can use linear lambda calculus, the internal language of closed
symmetric monoidal categories to talk about Day convolution and
component composition.
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Day is Closed
The internal Hom is given by
Notice that:
data Hom f g a = Hom (∀ r. f (x → r) -> g r)
Hom f Identity a ~ ∀ r. f (x → r) -> r
~ Co f a
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move ∷ ((f ⇒ 1) ⇒ (g ⇒ 1) ⇒ (f ⨂ g ⇒ 1)) ()
move = ⟦ linear | \f† g† pair
let (f, g) = pair
() = f† f
in g† g
Monads Annihilate Comonads
To change application state, we need
(f ⇒ 1) ()
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Comonad Optics
We can form optics for comonads just like lenses for types:
type Optic s t a b = s ↝ a ⨂ (b ⇒ t)
day1 ∷ Optic (a ⨂ c) (b ⨂ c) a b
day2 ∷ Optic (c ⨂ a) (c ⨂ a) a b
store1 ∷ Optic (StoreT s a) (StoreT s b) a b
store2 ∷ Optic (StoreT s a) (StoreT s’ b)
(Store s) (Store s’)
(Lo k s ik L !)
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Iterated Day Convolution
Day is our internal product type
Let’s form an internal record type!
See purescript-smash (also an implementation of extensible
data Smash (r ∷ # (Type -> Type)) a
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Bits and Pieces
● Comonads are closed under certain equalizers
● There is a Sum construction for modeling UIs with multiple
optional states
○ Can also be used to construct UIs for lists