Why Jetpack ?
● Accelerates App Development
● Eliminates Boilerplate code
● Build high quality, robust apps
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● A set of Kotlin Extensions
● Made using kotlin language features like Extension Functions, Lambda,
● Makes your code more concise
● Note: This doesn’t add any new feature to existing Android APIs
Android KTX (Kotlin Extensions)
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Why you need KTX ?
Write Less.. Do More..
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object : ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
return true
You are bored writing...
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How about this ?
view.doOnPreDraw {
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This is how Kotlin defeated old Java :P
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Wanna see what else KTX can
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val alarmManager =
.putBoolean("key", value)
val alarmManager =
systemService() <--Deprecated
val alarmManager =
sharedPreferences.edit {
putBoolean("key", value)
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val contentValues = ContentValues()
contentValues.put("Name", "Chintan Soni")
contentValues.put("Age", "??")
val contentValues = contentValuesOf(
Pair("Name", "Chintan Soni"),
Pair("Age", "??")
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KTX can do even more...
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Awesome article by Joe Birch
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Let’s Play with Work Manager
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Quiz: List background task apis.
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Background Task Apis
Handlers and Loopers
Jobs (Api >=21)
GCMNetwork Manager
Sync Adapters
Alarm Managers
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Background Task Requirements
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Nightmare: Background Task that is deferrable
and needs a guaranteed execution
● Job Scheduler Api supports Api >=21
● Firebase Job Dispatcher comes with backward compatibility upto Api level
14, but requires, Google Play Services
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Sometimes you are so helpless
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Work Manager, at your rescue
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Work Manager
Schedule tasks that executes in Background
Easy to specify:
● Deferrable
● Asynchronous
● When to run
Sits on top of all those background Apis that are deferred and requires
guaranteed execution
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● Constraints like only on wifi, device plugged in, etc
● Backward compatible
● Queryable Api Status
● Chainable
● Note: When system puts background restriction, it won’t run
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When would you use WorkManager ?
● Uploading logs
● Applying filters to images and saving the image
● Periodically syncing local data with the network
● Note: SHOULD NOT use work manager to make api calls that should only
work while in Foreground. We have ThreadPool for such Tasks.
Worker Class
class CompressWorker : Worker() {
override fun doWork(): Result {
return Result.SUCCESS
This is the place where you will
actually write the work that you
want to do.
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Work Request
● Choose type of work request:
○ OneTimeWorkRequest
○ PeriodicWorkRequest
● Apply Constraints
val myConstraints = Constraints.Builder()
val compressionWork =
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Enqueue your work
Query your work status
Cancel your work
// Enqueue your work
// Query work status with LiveData
.observe(lifecycleOwner, Observer { workStatus ->
// Do something with the status
if (workStatus != null && workStatus.state.isFinished) {
// ...
// Cancel your work
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More on Jetpack updates
Emoji Library
Android Studio 3.2 Canary updates
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No Questions...
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Chintan Soni
Sr. Software Engineer @
Simform Solutions Pvt.
Follow me on:
FB: chintansoni202
Twitter: @chintansoni202