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“YOU SHOULD USE IT’S THE BESTESTEST!” , (worst talk name ever.)

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“I'm thinking based on your last post, there's a great talk in there, but rather than throw you to the mob with "Your framework sucks", I was thinking a talk entitled (something like) "Data Driven Decisions” would be awesome. Remy Sharp, email, Jul 2015

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OK, LET’S GET data!

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POP QUIZ number one

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“…your last post…”

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“…the bottleneck is almost always the DOM mutation and not JS execution. React docs

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2 timers started Time in Framework Timer 1 finished Timer 2 finished “DOM Manipulation”

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LET’S PLAY GUESS THE element count!

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URL Element count 388 4,501 3,231 5,050 2,936 143,998

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“If you torture your data long enough, they will confess to anything. Ronald Coase… Probably.

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DATA POINT: react-ions. (thanks, I know. I know.)

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“I don't see you mentioning shouldComponentUpdate at all. Twitter responder number one

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Every framework has best practices that I need to learn & follow. MY ANALYSIS:

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“An f1 car is fast but you can[’t] do your weekly shop in it Twitter responder number two

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I find writing vanilla HTML, JS & CSS is too difficult. MY ANALYSIS:

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Perf is a red herring. Twitter responder number three

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“React isn't popular because it's fast. It's popular because it's fun. Twitter responder number four (my emphasis added)

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MY ANALYSIS: Having fun when writing code is more important to me than other factors.

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ERGONOMICS USER NEEDS • Fun to use. • Quick to build. • Works around bugs. • Gets me paid, yo. • Loads quickly. • Has smooth interactions. • Doesn’t slow down my phone. • Doesn’t crash. • Has features I want.

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“ React + Performance = ?, It seems to me that developer ergonomics should be less important than our users’ needs.

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POP QUIZ number two.

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ERGONOMICS USER NEEDS • Fun to use. • Quick to build. • Works around bugs. • Gets me paid, yo. • Loads quickly. • Has smooth interactions. • Doesn’t slow down my phone. • Doesn’t crash. • Has features I want.

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ALL CODE HAS a cost.

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DEV COSTS • Learning it.

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DEV COSTS • Learning it. • Re-learning it.

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POP QUIZ number three.

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DEV COSTS USER COSTS • Learning it. • Re-learning it. • Debugging it. • Time. • Bandwidth. • CPU usage (battery). • Frame rate. • Memory usage.

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LIBRARIES VS. frameworks.

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Jake Archibald, arguing on Twitter (probably).

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OK, LET’S GET more data!

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• Time. • Bandwidth. • CPU usage (battery). DEV COSTS USER COSTS • Learning it. • Re-learning it. • Debugging it. • Frame rate. • Memory usage.

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Model data requested Model data arrives JS requested JS arrives Page interactive Evaluation, load & execution BOOTSTRAPPING / “TIME-TO-INTERACTIVE” Load

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HERE’S AN alternative.

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DEMO With TodoMVC!

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Page Load

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Page Load

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npm install -g bigrig

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BACK TO THOSE frameworks.

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Model data requested Model data arrives JS requested JS arrives Page interactive Evaluation, load & execution Load BOOTSTRAPPING / “TIME-TO-INTERACTIVE”

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AND HERE ARE the results.

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Framework Size Bootstrap time N51,3 Bootstrap time iPhone 5S2,3 Polymer v1.1.4 41KB5 409ms 233ms AngularJS v1.4.3 324KB 518ms 307ms React v0.13.3 311KB 1,201ms 1,463ms React v0.13.3 [JSX transformed via Babel]4 162KB 509ms 282ms Backbone v1.2.2 [inc. jQuery & Underscore] 139KB 248ms 168ms Ember v1.10.0-beta.3 580KB 1,992ms 1,440ms Vanilla 16KB 50ms 33ms 1. Tests done on a Nexus 5 running Chrome 47. 2. Tests done on an iPhone 5S running Safari 9. 3. All bootstrapping time includes handling initial todo list data. 4. JS Transformer stripped; JSX files transformed via Babel. 5. Excludes Web Components Polyfill (38KB)

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POSSIBLE OBJECTIONS • TodoMVC isn’t idiomatic. • TodoMVC isn’t my use-case.

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POSSIBLE OBJECTIONS • TodoMVC isn’t idiomatic. • TodoMVC isn’t my use-case. • A Nexus 5 / iPhone 5S isn’t what our users use. • It’ll be better in the next version of [insert framework here].

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SO SHOULD YOU USE a framework?

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“ PPK, The true JavaScripter, FOWA Oct 2015 Uses libraries & frameworks when needed…

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FRAMEWORKS ARE AN inversion of control

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“ PPK, The true JavaScripter, FOWA Oct 2015 But studies them in detail before doing so…

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COSTS • Time. • Bandwidth. • CPU usage. • Frame rate. ERGONOMICS • Fun to use. • Quick to build. • Works around bugs. • Gets me paid, yo. • Memory usage. • Learning it. • Re-learning it. • Debugging it.

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USE THE DATA AS A decision informer.

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“ PPK, The true JavaScripter, FOWA Oct 2015 And prefers to use a single one per project…

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“ PPK, The true JavaScripter, FOWA Oct 2015 … which provides the technical background to change a library or framework if necessary.

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SO SHOULD YOU USE a framework?

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ALWAYS FOCUS ON the people bit.

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Thanks! say hi: @aerotwist