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Multi-lingual natural language understanding with spaCy Matthew Honnibal Explosion AI

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Explosion AI is a digital studio specialising in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing. Open-source library for industrial-strength Natural Language Processing spaCy’s next-generation Machine Learning library for deep learning with text Coming soon: pre-trained, customisable models
 for a variety of languages and domains A radically efficient data collection and annotation tool, powered by active learning

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Matthew Honnibal CO-FOUNDER PhD in Computer Science in 2009. 10 years publishing research on state-of-the- art natural language understanding systems. Left academia in 2014 to develop spaCy. Ines Montani CO-FOUNDER Programmer and front-end developer with degree in media science and linguistics. Has been working on spaCy since its first release. Lead developer of Prodigy.

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“I don’t get it. Can you explain like I’m five?” Think of us as a boutique kitchen. free recipes published online catering for select events a line of kitchen gadgets soon: a line of fancy sauces and spice mixes you can use at home open-source software consulting downloadable tools pre-trained models

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Joint transition-based segmentation and parsing

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doc = nlp(u"Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup") for token in doc: print(token.text, token.pos_, token.tag_, token.dep_, token.head.text, token.lefts, token.rights)

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What’s parsing good for?

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Trees are the truth sentences are tree-structured
 dependencies can be arbitrarily long in string space
 syntax is application-independent

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Trees are the truth sentences are tree-structured
 ... but they’re read and written in order dependencies can be arbitrarily long in string space
 ... but they’re usually short syntax is application-independent
 Learn the language once, apply it many times.

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טפשמ והז. Whitespace != Word income tax return Einkommensteuererklärung C’est une phrase. これは⽂文章です。

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How the parser works

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Model design goals must be updateable (including learning new vocab) must transfer well (including on fragments) must run fast on CPU pipelines are bad

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features = doc2array([NORM, PREFIX, SUFFIX, SHAPE]) norm = get_col(0) >> HashEmbed(128, 7000) prefix = get_col(1) >> HashEmbed(128, 7000) suffix = get_col(2) >> HashEmbed(128, 7000) shape = get_col(3) >> HashEmbed(128, 7000) embed_word = ( (norm | prefix | suffix | shape) >> LayerNorm(Maxout(128, pieces=3)) ) Hash Embeddings allow flexible vocabulary Notation | Function concatenation >> Function composition

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trigram_cnn = ( ExtractWindow(nW=1) >> LayerNorm(Maxout(128)) ) encode_context = ( embed_word >> Residual(trigram_cnn) >> Residual(trigram_cnn) >> Residual(trigram_cnn) >> Residual(trigram_cnn) ) CNN makes model faster and less brittle Notation | Function concatenation >> Function composition

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tensor = trigram_cnn(embed_word(doc)) state_weights = state2vec(tensor) state = initialize_state(doc) while not state.is_finished: features = get_features(state, state_weights) probs = mlp(features) action = (probs * valid_actions(state)).argmax() state = do_action(action, state) Transition-based approach makes joint modelling easy

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spaCy for other languages learning to merge tokens learning to split tokens

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What’s the current progress? implemented learning to merge working on learning to split ranking ~2nd place on the CoNLL 2017 benchmark great results for Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese joint model consistently better than pipeline

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Results on CoNLL 2017 (1) English LAS UAS Sent Word Pipe 79.0 81.8 73.2 98.7 Joint 80.2 83.1 77.3 98.7 Chinese LAS UAS Sent Word Pipe 57.1 61.8 98.2 88.9 Joint 63.7 68.3 99.1 92.5

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Results on CoNLL 2017 (2) Japanese LAS UAS Sent Word Pipe 73.1 74.4 94.9 89.7 Joint 78.5 80.0 95.5 92.9 Vietnamese LAS UAS Sent Word Pipe 39.1 44.2 92.6 82.5 Joint 44.7 50.8 91.8 86.7

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Workflow of the future start with pre-trained models same representation across languages parse tree enables powerful rule-based matching updateable models for accuracy on your domain rapid iteration and data annotation

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Thanks! Explosion AI Follow us on Twitter