Learning from Firefighters
to improve System Reliability
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Kerim Satirli
Senior Developer Advocate,
Infrastructure & Orchestration
he / him
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ca. 75 meters
ca. 100 meters
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ca. 825 meters
ca. 300 meters
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10 minutes
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3000 acres
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5000 acres
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regulations follow incidents
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Rules are Tools
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• logs, metrics, traces
• outliers and predictions
• track missing data
Order #1
Keep informed on system
conditions and forecasts.
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Know what your system
is doing at all times.
• architecture
• external factors
• (actual) weather
Order #2
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Base all actions on current and
expected behavior of the system.
• chaos testing
• game days
• incident retrospectives
Order #3
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• message queues
• degrade gracefully
• communicate early
Order #4
Identify minimum reliability
levels and make them known.
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• monitor honey tokens
• guard against insiders
• possibly bait attackers
Order #5
Post honeypots when there
is possible danger.
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Be alert.
Keep calm.
Think clearly.
Act decisively.
• rotate roles consistently
• trust your training
• know your plays
Order #6
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Maintain prompt comms with
your own and adjoining teams.
• organization
• corp comms
• customers
Order #7
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• verify comprehension
• document choices
• buddy system
Order #8
Give clear instructions and
ensure they are understood.
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• avoid tunnel vision
• don't overextend
• accuracy beats expediency
Order #9
Maintain control of your
systems at all times.
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• restore supported services
• collect forensics
• keep taking notes
Order #10
Protect systems aggressively,
having provided for safety first.
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systems reliability is a product of
structured command and control
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systems reliability is a product of
structured command and control
structured command and control
requires situational awareness
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systems reliability is a product of
structured command and control
situational awareness
requires strong communication
structured command and control
requires situational awareness
systems reliability is a product of
structured command and control
structured command and control
requires situational awareness
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systems reliability is a product
of strong communication