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“to be - or - 
 – not to be a Ravi Mahfunda 2021 Design Jam 
 Indonesia a little story on my journey becoming a ux designer

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Ravi Mahfunda UX Designer / Founder of Design Jam Indonesia / Casual Blogger Find me anywhere @ravimahfunda To be or not to be 02 2021 Design Jam 

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Design Jam Indonesia We are a design community that thrive to help the beginners to start, facilitate the experts to share, encourage the community to grow. Instagram / Telegram To be or not to be 2021 03

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ux <> dating if you think about it understand action happinness devotion To be or not to be 2021 04 Design Jam 

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To be or not to be 2021 05 Design Jam 
 Indonesia UX Definition by Wikipedia UX is a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful, and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership.

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To be or not to be 2021 06 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Business Technology Design Innovation

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To be or not to be 2021 07 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Viable Feasible Desireable Innovation

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yes, it was high demanded but it so crowded before we talking about how to standout among this crowd, lets talk about... To be or not to be 2021 08 Design Jam 

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To be or not to be 2021 09 Design Jam 
 Indonesia to be or not to be a UX Designer, that’s the question” contemplating ux designer ”

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01 we fail often To be or not to be 2021 10 Design Jam 

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To be or not to be 2021 11 Design Jam 
 Indonesia 02 we’re still figuring it out

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2021 Design Jam 
 Indonesia we do a lot of mudane things 03 To be or not to be 12

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To be or not to be 2021 13 Design Jam 
 Indonesia How to be a UX Designer in 3 steps: Learn UX Design Process Build Kickass Portfolio Apply for a Job

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Learn UX Design To be or not to be 2021 14 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Step 01

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To be or not to be 2021 15 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Understand Design Validate

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To be or not to be 2021 16 Design Jam 
 Indonesia D iv e rg e number of possibilities C o n v e rg e

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To be or not to be 2021 17 Design Jam 
 Indonesia What are the problems Ooh this is the main problem What are the potentials solution Ooh this is one serve the best Just to make sure

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Build Kickass To be or not to be 2021 18 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Step 02

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To be or not to be 2021 19 Portfolio tips: 01 02 03 04 05 06 Pick 1-3 your best works Emphasize the best of the best Host it somewhere Explain findings and learnings Provide TLDR; Do it now!

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To be or not to be 2021 20 Notion as portfolio

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To be or not to be 2021 21 Building portfolio on

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To be or not to be 2021 22 Craft your portfolio with webflow

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Apply for a To be or not to be 2021 23 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Step 03

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To be or not to be 2021 UX Hiring Process Screening CV/Resume Portfolio Design Process Critical Thinking Communication Articulating Design Decision Attitude Professio Punctuali Design Challenge Interview Probation

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To be or not to be 2021 03 Resume Tips: 01 02 03 04 Keep it short Keep it relevant Structure well Consider reading flow Your Name Digital Product Designer W O R K I N G E X P E R I E N C E S Office 3, Job Title Jan 2020 - Present Provide your company short description here. Provide your company short description here. • Accomplishment 1
 • Accomplishment 2
 • Accomplishment 3 Office 2, Job Title Jan 2020 - Present Provide your company short description here. Provide your company short description here. • Accomplishment 1
 • Accomplishment 2
 E D U C AT I O School nam Bachelor Degr GPA 3.5 H o n o r s Competition as Title Competition as Title Competition as Title S K I L L S

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To be or not to be 2021 26 More tips 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 No picture needed Explain the context Show your powerskill Provide link Maintain Visual Hierarchy Skill bar? Meh Hide your personal info Mention your best project Don’t forget proof read

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To be or not to be 2021 27 Design Challenge Tips 01 02 03 04 05 06 06 Avoid pattern Show more than just the methods Do exploration Communicate constraint Test and Evaluate Set success metrics Don’t seek for example Design Jam 

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To be or not to be 2021 28 Passing through probati n 01 02 03 04 05 Admiting your stupidity Ask it right a way Say it bluntly Don’t be head-nodder Experiment Design Jam 

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To be or not to be 2021 29 Design Jam 
 Indonesia How to standout as a designer Double down on your strenght Be a rule breaker Niche down Play the infinite game

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To be or not to be 2021 30 Design Jam 
 Indonesia skills mastery

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To be or not to be 2021 31 Design Jam 
 Indonesia wireframer prototyper animator visual designer 3d illustrator workshopper

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To be or not to be 2021 32 Design Jam 
 Indonesia UI/UX Designer UX Designer Product Designer Crypto Product Designer

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To be or not to be 2021 33 life time efforts

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To be or not to be 2021 34 Design Jam 
 Indonesia 80%20% impact comes from effort

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To be or not to be 2021 35 Design Jam 
 Indonesia Any ques tion?