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Segurança em Containers Carol Valencia Devops Engineer

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Container Threats Best Practices Agenda

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NET UTS IPC PID Namespaces : Linux Kernel Process IDs Unix Timesharing System Network USER NS Linux 3.8 (2013) ● Docker Linux 2.6.19 (2006) Linux 2.6.24 (2008) ● CGROUP Linux 2.6.29 (2009) Inter-process communication Linux 2.6.19 (2006) Linux 2.4.19 (2002) Mount

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df -h Commands CLONE_NEWNS /proc mounted on the host system the new process sort of inherits a view on the underlying mounts chroot / pivot_root NS (Mount) Namespace

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hostname Commands CLONE_NEWUTS Hostname Domainname UTS Namespace Unix Timesharing System

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ipcs -a ipcs -s ipcs -q ipcs -m Commands CLONE_NEWIPC IPC semaphores IPC message queues IPC shared memory IPS Namespace Inter-process communication

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ps aux ps exf Commands CLONE_NEWPID Process within a PID namespace only see process in the same PID namespace PID Namespace Process IDs

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/var/run/netns - ip netns add vetha0 ------------ veth1 ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1 - ip link list Commans clone_flag = CLONE_NEWNET - routes - firewall rules - network devices - ip address Network stack Bridge, host or overlay networks veth interface allocated on a bridge Network Network Namespace

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id ls -la Commands CLONE_NEWUSER Allows to map UID/GID UID 0 (root) User Namespace

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- Blkio (block I/O) - Hugetlb - Net_prio Control what a process can SEE - PID - Mount - Network - UTS - IPS - User Namespaces Cgroup Control what a process can USE

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/proc/[pid]/ns/ directory Each process has a /proc/[pid]/ns/ subdirectory containing one entry for each namespace that supports being manipulated by setns(2)

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Container ● Linux kernel namespaces ● Linux control groups (cgroups) ● Linux runtime: Docker daemon: dockerd ● Linux capabilities (libcap) ● Linux security mechanism: AppArmor or SELinux

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Linux Capabilities By default, a container own only 14 of 37 capabilities

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BPF for Tracing, Internals - SDN - DDoS mitigation - Intrusion detection - Container security Linux Observability Brendan Gregg

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Threads Containers ● Kernel exploits ● Denial-of-service attacks (Dos) ● Container breakouts ● Poisoned images ● Application secrets

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Overview Docker Architecture

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NIST Special Publication 800-190 Developing Cycle with Containers Eradicate vulnerabilities before container deployment

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Best Practices

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Hardening Host Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark for Distribution Unsecured, unhardened host OS best practices

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Hardening Container Runtimes Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark for Docker Docker-bench-security API listen on /var/run/docker.sock Don’t mount the docker socket docker container run -d --v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock eu/danger Sign container images Docker Content Trust guarantees the integrity of the publisher and the integrity of the contents of a container image export DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1

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Hardening Container Images Public images ? Run as root ? Admin capabilities ? Unprivileged users grant the specific capabilities that it needs Nosuid & RO mounts Access Control: SELinux, AppArmor, Seccomp-bpf.

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Hardening Secrets docker run -v $(pwd)/secrets:/secrets:ro debian Intro_to_container_security Secrets in the Source code Secrets in the Dockerfiles / images

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Hardening Secrets Encryptation Dynamic secrets ◉ Hashicorp Vault ◉ CyberArk Conjur ◉ Aqua Secrets

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Container User Running containers as root users Run containers as non-root users RUN groupadd -r user && useradd -r -g user user USER user Disable setuid rights in Dockerfile: RUN find / -perm +6000 -type f -exec chmod a-s {} \; \ || true

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Container Privileges Capabilities Running privileged containers docker run -d --privileged ubuntu grant it only the specific capabilities that it needs docker run --cap-drop=ALL --cap-add=CAP_NET_ADMIN

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Firewall for system calls (syscalls) Seccomp security-seccomp

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It uses Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) rules to filter syscalls and control how they are handled. These filters can significantly limit a containers access to the Docker Host’s Linux kernel - especially for simple containers/applications.

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default-no-chmod { "name": "chmod", "action": "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW", "args": [] }, { "name": "fchmod", "action": "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW", "args": [] }, { "name": "fchmodat", "action": "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW", "args": [] }, The default.json profile has the chmod(), fchmod(), and chmodatsyscalls included in its whitelist..

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Tools ◉ Docker-bench-security ◉ Grafeas: audit and govern your software supply chain ◉ Sysdig: container troubleshooting and security investigation ◉ CoreOs / Clair: Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers ◉ Aqua / Microscanner: Scan your container images for package vulnerabilities ◉ Anchore: Detailed analysis on their container images, run queries, produce reports and define policies that can be used in CI/CD pipelines ◉ Lynis ◉ Dagda ◉ Tenable ◉ Twistlock

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Tools Security Compliance ◉ OpenSCAP - Open Source Security Content Automation Protocol ◉ Open Policy Agent / OPA.

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Brendan Gregg- BPF Performance Tools: Linux System and Application Observability

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D You can c Linkedin: Carol Valencia Github: krol3 [email protected] Thanks! Demo