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Towards Modelling Processes @mathiasverraes

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Mathias Verraes @mathiasverraes Independent Software Consultant Student of Systems Meddler of Models Labourer of Legacy

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Domain-Driven Design workshops

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No content

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Domain-Driven Design has evolved a lot in +10 years

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this talk is about things processes the grand dichotomy

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Great models are ╳ an accurate representation of reality ✓ useful abstractions ✓ solve problems

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Use heuristics

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Being Behaving Becoming Inspired by ”Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design” — Gerald M. Weinberg

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Being How it is structured Morphology

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Behaving How it reacts to inputs Repeatable, reversible

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Becoming How it changes into something else Evolution

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structural modelling focus on artefacts

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“As a shopper, in order to buy stuff Given I have a product X with price EUR100 When I …”

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“As a shop owner, in order to sell stuff Given I have a product X, And that product is priced EUR 100 in the pricing table When I …”

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imposes a structural model

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“As a shopper, in order to buy stuff Given the shop owner has priced a product X at EUR100 When I …”

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“Teachers have multiple courses, each with multiple modules. Students have multiple courses.”

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“Courses are only visible when their status is Approved”

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What changes? Why does it change? Under what circumstances? Who changes it? How often does it change? What are the consequences of that change?

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Behaving: “Only committee members can approve courses”

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Becoming: “Modules are added and removed”

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What happens to students who already completed some of the modules that are now obsolete?

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time event sourcing E E E E E E A E = domain event, A = artefact

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event storming

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event storming E Invoice was paid time

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E C C = command Pay for invoice Invoice was paid time

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E C B = business rule B Pay for invoice Invoice was paid

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E C B Invoice was paid Invoice was partially paid Pay for invoice Paid amount < Invoice amount Paid amount = Invoice amount

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E C B Invoice was paid Invoice was partially paid Paid amount < Invoice amount Paid amount = Invoice amount Paid amount > Invoice amount Invoice was overpaid

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E C B = end of lifecycle Invoice was paid

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E C B = depends on payment amount Pay for invoice

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C B E E invoice amount Invoice was created

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C B E C E Create invoice

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C B E C E C B E All paid amounts < Invoice amount All paid amounts = Invoice amount All paid amounts > Invoice amount

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C B E C E C B E E Invoice was paid Invoice was partially paid

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the primitives of our model

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artefacts relations + foo() behaviour

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time knowledge constraints history intentions branches processes And more: actors, queries, …

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going further… actors queries immediate consistency eventual consistency aggregates

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“Neither a static view nor a dynamic view can be the whole view.” Gerald M. Weinberg — Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design

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E E E E A E E E E process process

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E E E E E E E E collaborative construction execution artefact process process

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E E E E E E E E becoming being behaving

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process the artefact prescribes the execution process

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ordering receipt receiving & putaway

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negotiation insurance contract claim

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collaborative construction execution artefact

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collaborative construction execution artefact analysis tracking feedback

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process implicit internal policy

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process explicit policy

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process evolving policy

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invoice drafting invoice document invoicing process evolving policy

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configurable policies per tenant ordering receipt receiving & putaway

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product changes negotiation insurance contract claim internal policy

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implementation suggestions

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Processes with: Immediately consistent rules => aggregates Eventually consistent rules => process managers

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1 2 3 4 policy changes Versioning 2 E E E B B 1 2 3 4 2 2

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E E E 1 2 3 4 policy changes Specification B B

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E E E 1 2 3 4 policy changes Specification B B auditing

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E E E 1 2 3 4 policy changes Strategy B B

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E E E 1 2 3 4 policy changes Running process affected by policy changes B B

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complex business problems require a temporal model

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“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Albert Einstein

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@mathiasverraes Brussels, January 2016