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Logs, Traces, Metrics: Observability von .NET 7 Anwendungen Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans Cloud-Native Consultant

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Consultant @ Thinktecture #Azure #Kubernetes #Rust #CloudNative #Docker #GoLang #WebAssembly @ThorstenHans Microsoft MVP | Docker Captain Thorsten Hans

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• Introduction • OpenTelemetry • Instrumenting .NET Apps • Conclusion Agenda

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• Introduction • OpenTelemetry • Instrumenting .NET Apps • Conclusion Agenda

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With Observability, we gain insights into complex systems by monitoring their states and behaviors. Introduction What is Observability?

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Addressing Observability means we must collect, store, and analyze data from different sources (e.g., individual apps, databases, caches, infrastructure, …) Introduction What is Observability?

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With Observability we can identify problems and potential defects before they happen, because we look at data over a period of time, which allows us to spot trends Introduction What is Observability?

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• Logs • Textual records of discrete events or actions within a system • Provides a chronological record that aids in root cause analysis and debugging • Metrics • Point in time measure of different sources • Enables monitoring and alerting based on predefined thresholds or anomalies • Traces • Collection of spans that outline a program’s flow and data progression • Enables end-to-end tracing and troubleshooting of distributed systems Introduction Observability data types

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• Introduction • OpenTelemetry • Instrumenting .NET Apps • Conclusion Agenda

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• OpenTelemetry (OTel) is an open-source observability framework • OTel empowers devs with generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data from distributed systems. • OTel provides a standardized set of APIs, libraries, and instrumentation tools that we can use to instrument our apps • OTel supports many programming languages and integrates with various observability systems OpenTelemetry

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• Introduction • OpenTelemetry • Instrumenting .NET Apps • Conclusion Agenda 1

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Instrumenting .NET Apps • Let’s instrument a regular .NET Web App Demo

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• Add Instrumentation packages to collect more insights • Exporter packages are used to send / expose data to integrate with well-known, battle-tested observability solutions (Jaeger, Zipkin, Prometheus, Elastic, ….) • Individual metrics and spans are captured using regular types from .NET BCL Instrumenting .NET Apps

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Instrumenting .NET Apps • Take our instrumentation to the next level Demo

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• Introduction • OpenTelemetry • Instrumenting .NET Apps • Conclusion Agenda

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• Observability is mission-critical to • Maintain the reliability and performance of your app • Visualize the health of your app • Gain insights about how users use your app • Collect data and generate KPIs and group them into meaningful dashboards • Observability is more than just using ILogger • Do not underrate the importance of custom metrics Conclusion

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• OpenTelemetry is the de-facto standard • Both manual and automatic instrumentation are super helpful to get insights of the entire application • Look for dedicated Instrumentation NuGet packages to gain more insights e.g, • OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.SqlClient • OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.GrpcNetClient • OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.StackExchangeRedis • OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.EntityFrameworkCore Conclusion

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Thanks for your attention @ThorstenHans