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GUARDIAN Andy Hume M.GUARDIAN.CO.UK Front-end London, January 2013 RESPONSIVE Friday, 18 January 13

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Improve mobile web site Responsive future New www via the back door? WHAT ARE WE DOING? Friday, 18 January 13

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Builds on Guardian APIs - Amazon hosted - EC2, S3, Cloudformation Code in public Github repo - HOW ARE WE DOING IT? Friday, 18 January 13

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Metrics and monitoring - Omniture, Ganglia, Graphite, custom tools Automation - Tests, build, sprites, cloudformation Continous deployment - merge to master, Team City, test, deploy AGILE? (or something) Friday, 18 January 13

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LESS STUFF requirejs nodejs web fonts AMD bower style guide PhantomJS Jasmine Selenium localStorage responsive images curljs jshint grunt Friday, 18 January 13

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JAVASCRIPT Friday, 18 January 13

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‘CUTTING THE MUSTARD’ (thanks Tom Maslen) var guardian = { isModernBrowser: ( ‘querySelector’ in document && ‘addEventListener’ in window && ‘localStorage’ in window ) }; Friday, 18 January 13

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MICRO LIBRARIES EventEmitter reqwest bonzo qwery bean Friday, 18 January 13

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JS BOOTSTRAPS var r = new Router(); // Init all common modules first Common.init(config); r.get(‘/sport’, function(req) { SportFront.init(req, config); }); r.get(‘/football/:action/:day’, function(req) { Football.init(req, config); }); Friday, 18 January 13

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REQUIREJS OPTIMIZER Uglify One app file Splitting up app file Bower Friday, 18 January 13

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AMD define(['common', 'modules/detect', 'bonzo'], function (common, detect, bonzo) { var theModule = { method: function() { if (detect.touch) { common.doSomething(); } } }; }; return theModule; }); Friday, 18 January 13

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CURLJS Asynchronous AMD loader 2.5Kb compressed Supports non AMD via plugin (Less jQuery compatible) Friday, 18 January 13

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REQUIREJS PATHS paths: { “bower”: “components/bonzo/bonzo.min.js”, } BOWER > bower update bonzo Friday, 18 January 13

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LESS BUILD @import “components/clearless/mixins/ helpers.less” BOWER > bower update clearless Friday, 18 January 13

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CSS Friday, 18 January 13

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SMACSS base, layout, module, state optimise for change not ‘pretend semantics’ Friday, 18 January 13

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HELPERS .pull-left { float: left; } .margin-bottom { margin-bottom: @baseline*2; } .gutter-right { padding-right: @gridGutter; } .border-top { border-top: 1px solid #BEBEBE; } Friday, 18 January 13

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STYLE GUIDE Ensures you’ve built a system Modules decoupled Type decoupled Friday, 18 January 13

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LESS CSS pre-processor Mainly use variables and mixins No nesting (except @media) Friday, 18 January 13

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NODEJS Friday, 18 January 13

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BUILD PROCESS sbt calls out to nodejs JavaScript: requirejs, jshint CSS: Less (CSS lint?) Spriting: SVG PNG Fonts: base64 encoded WOFF Friday, 18 January 13

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ICON SPRITES Receive SVGs from design team We decide on format grunticon from Filament group Ouputs CSS with SVG data URIs Outputs CSS / sprited PNG file Friday, 18 January 13

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WEB FONTS Only support WOFF (nearly) 5(!) fonts totalling 97Kb Base64 encoded Cached in localStorage Friday, 18 January 13

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PERFORMANCE Friday, 18 January 13

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THE USUAL STUFF Everything compressed Static assets with 10 year expiry One CSS file (so far?) One JS file (so far?) Friday, 18 January 13

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CUTTING THE MUSTARD No JavaScript All low res images No web fonts Friday, 18 January 13

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CRITICAL PATH Friday, 18 January 13

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CRITICAL PATH Friday, 18 January 13

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IMAGES More to do Remove from html Demand load more Optimise better Friday, 18 January 13

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RESPONSIVE IMAGES? Not responding to viewport Responding to size of image Responding to network speed (sort of) Friday, 18 January 13

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var endTime, startTime, perf = window.performance; if (perf && perf.timing) { startTime = perf.timing.requestStart; endTime = perf.timing.responseStart; } return endTime - startTime; DETECT.JS var loadTime = getPageSpeed(); var speed = ‘low’; if (loadTime < 1000) { speed = 'high'; } return speed; Friday, 18 January 13

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MONITORING SPEED Friday, 18 January 13

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OTHER TOOLS WebPagetest Google Critical Path Explorer PhantomJS Friday, 18 January 13

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THIRD PARTIES? Removing SPOFs document.write() Ads Friday, 18 January 13

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Thank-you! @andyhume Creative Commons Licensed Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike cc Friday, 18 January 13