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Realm meetup Osaka [email protected]

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#realm_jp [email protected]

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Katsumi Kishikawa Realm Inc. [email protected]

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What’s Realm [email protected]

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What’s Realm • ϞόΠϧσόΠεઐ༻ʹ৽͘͠࡞ΒΕͨσʔλϕʔε • ϞόΠϧ༻్ʹ࠷దԽ͞Ε͍ͯΔ - ஗Ԇϩʔυ - θϩίϐʔɾΞʔΩςΫνϟ - ωΠςΟϒɾϦϯΫ • ಠࣗΤϯδϯʢSQLiteΛ࢖͍ͬͯͳ͍ʣ • Φʔϓϯιʔε [email protected] [email protected]

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What’s Realm • ߴ଎ͳಈ࡞ • ҉߸ԽΛඪ४૷උ • ϚϧνϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ • ௚ײతͰγϯϓϧͳAPI • ஸೡͳαϙʔτʢ೔ຊޠOKʣ [email protected] [email protected]

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Multi platform • Realm Objective-C/Swift 1.0.2 • Realm Java 1.1.1 (was 1.1.0) • Realm React Native 0.14.0 • Realm Xamarin 0.77.1 (was 0.76.0) [email protected] [email protected]

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Realm Objective-C/Swift 1.0.2 (was 1.0.1) [email protected]

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Already compatible with Swift 3 & Xcode 8 [email protected]

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } class Comment: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var user: User? = nil } class User: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var name: String = "" }

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } 0CKFDUך؟ـؙٓأ

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } 0CKFDUך؟ـؙٓأ 㛇劤涸חEZOBNJDWBS

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } ⢽㢩(FOFSJDTך׋׭

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } ؙٓأذ٦ـٕ فٗػذ؍ؕٓي

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } ر٦ة㘗 رؿٕؓز⦼

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } 㼎ךꟼ鸬

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() } 㼎㢳ךꟼ鸬

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Simple API (Model definition) [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var title: String = "" dynamic var content: String = "" dynamic var creationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var modificationDate: NSDate = NSDate() dynamic var deletionDate: NSDate? = nil dynamic var user: User? = nil let comments = List() override class func primaryKey() -> String? { return "id" } } فٓ؎ؤؗ٦

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Usage (Save) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let article = Article() article.title = titleTextfield.text article.contents = contentTextfield.text let currentUser = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) article.user = currentUser try! realm.write { in realm.add(article) }

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Usage (Save) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let article = Article() article.title = titleTextfield.text article.contents = contentTextfield.text try! realm.write { in realm.add(article) }

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Usage (Save) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let article = Article() article.title = titleTextfield.text article.contents = contentTextfield.text try! realm.write { in realm.add(article) }

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Usage (Save) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let article = Article() article.title = titleTextfield.text article.contents = contentTextfield.text try! realm.write { in realm.add(article) }

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Usage (Save) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let article = Article() article.title = titleTextfield.text article.contents = contentTextfield.text realm.write { () in realm.add(article) }

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser: User = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles: Results = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser: User = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles: Results = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article: Article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (Query) [email protected] let realm = try! Realm() let currentUser: User = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(User.self, key: userID) let articles: Results = realm .objects(Article) .filter("user = %@", currentUser) let article: Article = articles[indexPath.row] cell.titleTextLabel.text = article.title cell.contentTextLabel.text = article.contents cell.userNameLabel.text =

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) ⥂㶷㜥䨽ؿ؋؎ٕせ

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) 农〾⻉

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) و؎ؚٖ٦ءّٝ儗חؿ؋؎ٕ⵴ꤐ

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config) ֿךؿ؋؎ٕד⢪欽ׅ׷ذ٦ـٕ׾ꣲ㹀

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config let realm = try! Realm()

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Usage (RealmConfiguration) [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(fileURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "..."), encryptionKey: key, deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true, objectTypes: [Article.self, User.self, Comment.self]) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config let realm = try! Realm()

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Multi thread [email protected] func updateUnread(id: String) { let realm = try! Realm() guard let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Article.self, key: id) else { return } request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) in if let error = error { return } ... try! realm.write { tweet.unread = false } } }

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Multi thread [email protected] func updateUnread(id: String) { let realm = try! Realm() guard let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Article.self, key: id) else { return } request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) in if let error = error { return } ... try! realm.write { tweet.unread = false } } }

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Multi thread [email protected] func updateUnread(id: String) { let realm = try! Realm() guard let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Article.self, key: id) else { return } request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) -> Void in if let error = error { return } let realm = try! Realm() if let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Tweet.self, key: id) { try! realm.write { tweet.favorited = !tweet.favorited } } } }

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Multi thread [email protected] func updateUnread(id: String) { let realm = try! Realm() guard let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Article.self, key: id) else { return } request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) -> Void in if let error = error { return } let realm = try! Realm() if let tweet = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(Tweet.self, key: id) { try! realm.write { tweet.favorited = !tweet.favorited } } } }

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Best practice [email protected] var timeline: Results? var notificationToken: NotificationToken? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ... let realm = try! Realm() timeline = realm.objects(Article.self) .sorted("creationDate", ascending: false) notificationToken = timeline?.addNotificationBlock { [weak self] (results, error) in if let _ = error { return } self?.tableView.reloadData() } } override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return timeline?.count ?? 0 } func getTimeline() { ... request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) -> Void in if let error = error { self.showAlert(error.localizedDescription) return } let articles = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []) let realm = try! Realm() try! realm.write { articles.forEach { (article) -> () in ... realm.add(article, update: true) } } } }

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Best practice [email protected] var timeline: Results? var notificationToken: NotificationToken? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ... let realm = try! Realm() timeline = realm.objects(Article.self) .sorted("creationDate", ascending: false) notificationToken = timeline?.addNotificationBlock { [weak self] (results, error) in if let _ = error { return } self?.tableView.reloadData() } }

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Best practice [email protected] func getTimeline() { ... request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) -> Void in if let error = error { self.showAlert(error.localizedDescription) return } let articles = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []) let realm = try! Realm() try! realm.write { articles.forEach { (article) -> () in ... realm.add(article, update: true) } } } }

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Best practice [email protected] func getTimeline() { ... request.performRequestWithHandler { (data, response, error) -> Void in if let error = error { self.showAlert(error.localizedDescription) return } let articles = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: []) let realm = try! Realm() try! realm.write { articles.forEach { (article) -> () in ... realm.add(article, update: true) } } } } فٓ؎ؤؗ٦׾ⵃ欽׃ג 鷄⸇،حفر٦ز 傀㶷ך3FTVMUTכ荈⹛涸ח 剑倜ךⰻ㺁ח刿倜ׁ׸׷

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Migration Tips [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(schemaVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { (migration, oldSchemaVersion) in migration.enumerate("") { (oldObject, newObject) in ... } }) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config let realm = try! Realm()

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Migration Tips [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(schemaVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { (migration, oldSchemaVersion) in migration.enumerate("") { (oldObject, newObject) in ... } }) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config let realm = try! Realm()

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Migration Tips [email protected] let config = Realm.Configuration(schemaVersion: 1) Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration = config let realm = try! Realm()

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Migration Tips [email protected] class User: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var name = "" } class User: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var name = "" dynamic var age 0 }

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Migration Tips [email protected] class User: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var firstname = "" dynamic var lastname = "" } class User: Object { dynamic var id = 0 dynamic var fullname = "" }

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Advanced Tips [email protected] • List is ordered

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List is ordered [email protected] class Data: Object { dynamic var name = "" ... dynamic var order = 0 // ฒ΂ସ͑ͷͨΊͷΧϥϜ͕ඞཁ }

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List is ordered [email protected] override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, moveRowAtIndexPath sourceIndexPath: NSIndexPath, toIndexPath destinationIndexPath: NSIndexPath) { try! realm.write { let sourceObject = objects[sourceIndexPath.row] let destinationObject = objects[destinationIndexPath.row] let destinationObjectOrder = destinationObject.order if sourceIndexPath.row < destinationIndexPath.row { // ্͔ΒԼʹҠಈͨ͠৔߹ɺؒͷ߲໨Λ্ʹγϑτ for index in sourceIndexPath.row...destinationIndexPath.row { let object = objects[index] object.order -= 1 } } else { // Լ͔Β্ʹҠಈͨ͠৔߹ɺؒͷ߲໨ΛԼʹγϑτ for index in (destinationIndexPath.row..

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List is ordered [email protected] class Article: Object { dynamic var name = "" ... dynamic var order = 0 // ฒ΂ସ͑ͷͨΊͷΧϥϜ͕ඞཁ }

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List is ordered [email protected] override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, moveRowAtIndexPath sourceIndexPath: NSIndexPath, toIndexPath destinationIndexPath: NSIndexPath) { try! realm.write { let sourceObject = objects[sourceIndexPath.row] let destinationObject = objects[destinationIndexPath.row] let destinationObjectOrder = destinationObject.order if sourceIndexPath.row < destinationIndexPath.row { // ্͔ΒԼʹҠಈͨ͠৔߹ɺؒͷ߲໨Λ্ʹγϑτ for index in sourceIndexPath.row...destinationIndexPath.row { let object = objects[index] object.order -= 1 } } else { // Լ͔Β্ʹҠಈͨ͠৔߹ɺؒͷ߲໨ΛԼʹγϑτ for index in (destinationIndexPath.row..

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List is ordered [email protected] class ArticlesWrapper: Object { let articles = List }

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List is ordered [email protected] override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, moveRowAtIndexPath sourceIndexPath: NSIndexPath, toIndexPath destinationIndexPath: NSIndexPath) { try! realm.write { let sourceObject = objects[sourceIndexPath.row] objects.removeAtIndex(sourceIndexPath.row) objects.insert(sourceObject, atIndex: destinationIndexPath.row) } }

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List is ordered [email protected] class Category: Object { dynamic var name = "" let articles = List }

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Where to find us • " Realm Japan User Group: • " Twitter: • GitHub: • " StackOverflow: • " Email: [email protected] • " Slack: [email protected] [email protected]

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Realm Japan User Group Facebook [email protected]

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Support Chat Slack [email protected]

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Ξϯέʔτ [email protected]

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Questions? Katsuma Kishikawa [email protected] @k_katsumi