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Redefining Confidence Birgitta Böckeler | @birgitta410

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You do have in-depth technical knowledge. But you often use words that make your statements sound weaker.

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You could be even more confident.

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Thank you, I will consider that. But... You could be even more confident.

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“People are generally rational” “Emotions explain the exceptions” Daniel Kahneman, „Thinking fast and slow“

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People are generally rational Emotions explain the exceptions What we usually assume Cognitive Biases

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Confirmation Bias Tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms our existing beliefs

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Confirmation Bias et al Don’t repeat yourself, ever.

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Software development is full of uncertainty

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Zero Risk Bias Our preference for reducing a small risk to zero over a greater reduction in a overall risk.

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Zero Risk Bias Security Avoiding Lock-in Premature optimization

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Availability Heuristic Our tendency to think that if something can be easily recalled, it must be important

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Use models

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Use models Threat modelling Security

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Use models “Don’t get locked up in avoiding lock-in” Gregor Hohpe Avoiding Lock-in

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Be explicit about trade-offs

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Do Be Agile

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Software delivery is full of uncertainty

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Architecture is “the important stuff that people perceive as hard to change” - Martin Fowler

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Learning from our decisions

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Outcome Bias Our tendency to evaluate the quality of a decision based on the outcome of that decision.

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Outcome Bias Outcome Decision ?

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Outcome Bias Outcome Decision ?

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Outcome Bias

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Distinguish skill from luck Annie Duke, “Thinking in Bets” &&

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”...given what we knew at the time, our skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.”

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Self-serving Bias When we ascribe success to our own abilities and efforts, but blame failure on external factors

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|| “Redefining right” Annie Duke, “Thinking in Bets”

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Be explicit about trade-offs

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Write Architecture Decision Records

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Outcome bias Confirmation Bias Zero Risk Bias Availability Heuristic Self-serving bias More

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“You could be even more confident.” What does that even mean?

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“You could be even more confident.” What does that even mean? Do I really want to?

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“I’m not sure” Asking questions Changing my mind

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“Using uncertainty to our advantage” - Annie Duke

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How confident are you about your confidence?

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Birgitta Böckeler | @birgitta410

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