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It has never been so easy to document your things!

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Pedro Nauck @pedronauck

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⚙ Need setup ⛏ Hard/impossible to customize # Complex codebase Heavy and slow Pain

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Zero config and easy ⚡ Blazing Fast Easy to customize MDX Based Pluggable Typescript and Flow Support Solution

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Zero-config ➡ Run without complex configurations ➡ Easy to setup and use ➡ No strict architectures

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Blazing fast ➡ Fast build with webpack 4 ➡ Automatic code splitting ➡ Hot reload that works

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Easy to customize ➡ Create your own style ➡ Share and create themes

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MDX Based ➡ Markdown with components ➡ Easy to write and understand ➡ Built-ins components ➡ Remark and Rehype ecosystem

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Is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code written in a programming language AST

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unified is an interface for processing text using syntax trees.

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1. Parse: Text => MDAST 2. Transpile: MDAST => MDXAST 3. Transform: MDX/Remark plugins applied to AST 4. Transpile: MDXAST => MDXHAST 5. Transform: Hyperscript plugins applied to AST 6. Transpile: MDXHAST => JSX Transpilation Flow

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Pluggable ➡ Third party integration ➡ Easy to reuse and install

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Typescript and Flow ➡ Zero config typescript and flow support

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Live code

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How it Works

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Write app files ‣ Write app files using node file system for bundle ‣ Render theme, wrappers and router Start devserver ‣ Start bundler dev server ‣ Get configuration from plugins ‣ Watch mdx and configuration file using chokidar Create data ‣ Server communication with Websockets Parse entries ‣ Get meta information using AST parsing

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➡ Testing documentation generation ➡ Vue, Preact and Inferno integration ➡ Static builds based on routes (SSR) ➡ Render popups on the fly (action logger) ➡ Fetch data (getInitialData) ➡ …

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Some Numbers

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What I’ve Learned

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✅ Create something that you're really going to use ✅ Explore the current pains and work upon them ✅ Work hard to build something good ✅ Be patient, your project isn’t a startup ✅ Try to find the way between an MVP and a perfect project ✅ Make a badass announcement and documentation

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