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Maintainable So,ware Architeture in Haskell (with Polysemy) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 1

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maintain [ meyn-teyn ] verb (used with object) 1. to keep in existence 2. to keep in an appropriate condi2on, opera2on, or force; keep unimpaired: 3. to keep in a specified state, posi2on, etc. © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 2

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maintain [ meyn-teyn ] verb (used with object) 1. to keep in existence 2. to keep in an appropriate condi.on, opera/on, or force; keep unimpaired: 3. to keep in a specified state, posi/on, etc. © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 3

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maintain [ meyn-teyn ] verb (used with object) 1. to keep in existence 2. to keep in an appropriate condi.on, opera/on, or force; keep unimpaired: 3. to keep in a specified state, posi/on, etc. ... in Haskell? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 4

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 5

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"Socialism Haskell is a system language which heroically overcomes difficul9es unknown in any other system language" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 6

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 7

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Emphasis on what, less focus on why? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 8

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Maintainable So,ware Architeture in Haskell © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 9

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Our plan for today 1. Coding Dojo / Hack day 2. Real world example • problem • approach • consequences • Polysemy © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 10

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Does wri)ng code sucks? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 11

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Why wri(ng code sucks (some(mes)? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 12

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Coding Kata: Write a sor0ng algorithm © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 13

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"As a Billing System user I want to generate an invoice for a given account based on its current system use" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 14

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Func%ons and their nature 1. Manipulate data (f :: Input -> Output) 2. Interact with an outside world © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 15

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doStuff :: Int -> Int doStuff i = i + 1 Why this func,on is soooo good? • easy to test • you will be no/fied if its behavior changes © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 16

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It's easy to maintain func0on if it only manipulates data. © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 17

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 18

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 19

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 20

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 21

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 22

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 23

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It's easy to test and maintain func1on if it only manipulates data. Can we change "interac.ons with the outside world" into data? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 24

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-- | take an Int (i) and UUID (uuid) as parameters -- | fetch existing Int under given uuid from MongoDB -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 25

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Let's start with something simple © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 26

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-- | take Int, return +1 as text doStuff :: Int -> String doStuff i = "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 27

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property do -- given i <- -- when let res = doStuff i -- then res === "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 28

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module Main where main :: IO () main = putStrLn $ doStuff 10 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 29

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-- | take Int, return +1 as text doStuff :: Int -> String doStuff i = "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 30

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-- | take Int, return +1 as text doStuff :: Int -> String doStuff i = "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 31

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-- | take Int, store it, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> String doStuff i = ... © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 32

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 33

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 34

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 35

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 36

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 37

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 38

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 39

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 40

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 41

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 42

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data Storage = Persist UUID Int -- | take Int, store it, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) doStuff uuid i = ( Persist uuid newI , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 43

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data Storage = Persist UUID Int -- | take Int, store it, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) doStuff uuid i = ( Persist uuid newI , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 44

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data Storage = Persist UUID Int -- | take Int, store it, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) doStuff uuid i = ( Persist uuid newI , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 45

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 46

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 47

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 48

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 49

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 50

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 51

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 52

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) interpret :: (Storage, String) -> IO String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 53

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 54

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 55

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 56

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 57

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main :: IO () main = do ioRef <- newIORef M.empty uuid <- nextRandom res <- interpret ioRef (doStuff uuid 10) putStrLn res © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 58

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-- | take Int, store it, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) doStuff uuid i = ( Persist uuid newI , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 59

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> (Storage, String) doStuff uuid i = ( Persist uuid newI , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 60

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) doStuff uuid i = ( [(Persist uuid newI)] , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 61

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 62

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 63

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 64

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 65

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 66

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> (Storage, String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (Persist uuid pi, i) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) return i © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 67

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 68

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 69

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 70

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 71

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 72

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 73

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( Persist uuid (i + 1) , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 74

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( [Persist uuid (i + 1)] , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 75

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main :: IO () main = do ioRef <- newIORef M.empty uuid <- nextRandom res <- interpret ioRef (doStuff uuid 10) putStrLn res © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 76

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) doStuff uuid i = ( [(Persist uuid newI)] , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 77

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) doStuff uuid i = ( [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) ] , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 78

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( [Persist uuid (i + 1)] , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 79

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prop_returns_plus1 :: Property prop_returns_plus1 = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID -- when let result = doStuff uuid i -- then let expected = ( [ Persist uuid (i + 1) , Persist uuid (i + 1)] , "New value: " ++ (show $ i + 1) ) result === expected © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 80

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 81

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) interpret :: ([Storage], String) -> IO String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 82

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sthElse :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], Int) interpret :: ([Storage], String) -> IO String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 83

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sthElse :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], Int) interpret :: ([Storage], a) -> IO a © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 84

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], String) -> IO String interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 85

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], a) -> IO a interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 86

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data Storage k = Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) doStuff uuid i = ( [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI)] , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 87

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data Storage k = Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> ([Storage], String) doStuff uuid i = ( [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI)] , "New value: " ++ (show newI) ) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 88

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI))] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 89

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI))] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 90

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI))] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 91

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI))] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 92

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], a) -> IO a interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 93

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> ([Storage], a) -> IO a interpret ioRef (actions, i) = do traverse perform actions return i where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 94

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> [Storage a] -> IO a interpret ioRef actions = do traverse perform (init actions) value (last actions) where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) value (Done a) = pure a value _ = fail "failed" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 95

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> [Storage a] -> IO a interpret ioRef actions = do traverse perform (init actions) value (last actions) where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) value (Done a) = pure a value _ = fail "failed" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 96

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> [Storage a] -> IO a interpret ioRef actions = do traverse perform (init actions) value (last actions) where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) value (Done a) = pure a value _ = fail "failed" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 97

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> [Storage a] -> IO a interpret ioRef actions = do traverse perform (init actions) value (last actions) where perform (Persist uuid pi) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid pi) value (Done a) = pure a value _ = fail "failed" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 98

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) ] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 99

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) ] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 100

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> [Storage String] doStuff uuid i = [ (Persist uuid newI) , (Persist uuid newI) , (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) ] where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 101

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 102

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 103

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 104

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 105

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) *> interpret ioRef next © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 106

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) *> interpret ioRef next © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 107

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) *> interpret ioRef next © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 108

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 109

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 110

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interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) *> interpret ioRef next © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 111

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) -- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 112

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Eq, Show) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 113

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Functor, Eq, Show) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 114

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Functor, Eq, Show) instance Applicative Storage where pure a = Done a (<*>) func (Done a) = fmap (\f -> f a) func (<*>) func (Persist uuid i next) = Persist uuid i (func <*> next) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 115

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = (Persist uuid newI (Persist uuid newI (Done $ "New value: " ++ (show newI)) )) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 116

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 117

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 118

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 119

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> Persist uuid newI (Done ()) *> pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) where newI = i + 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 120

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-- | take Int, store it once, story it twice, return +1 as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = persist uuid newI *> persist uuid newI *> pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) where newI = i + 1 persist :: UUID -> Int -> Storage () persist uuid i = Persist uuid i (Done ()) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 121

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = fetch uuid *> persist ... data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID ... deriving stock (Functor) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 122

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = fetch uuid *> persist ... data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID ... deriving stock (Functor) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 123

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = fetch uuid *> persist ... data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID ... deriving stock (Functor) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 124

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = fetch uuid *> persist ... data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID ... deriving stock (Functor) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 125

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, store the result, return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = fetch uuid *> persist ... data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID ... deriving stock (Functor) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 126

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 127

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 128

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) persist :: UUID -> Int -> Storage () persist uuid i = Persist uuid i (Done ()) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) fetch uuid = Fetch uuid (\mi -> Done mi) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 129

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) persist :: UUID -> Int -> Storage () persist uuid i = Persist uuid i (Done ()) fetch :: UUID -> Storage (Maybe Int) fetch uuid = Fetch uuid pure © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 130

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"Sequen'ally compose two ac'ons, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second." © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 131

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??? :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 132

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>>= :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 133

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instance Monad Storage where (Done a) >>= f = f a (Persist uuid i next) >>= f = Persist uuid i (next >>= f) (Fetch uuid nextFunc) >>= f = Fetch uuid (\mi -> (nextFunc mi) >>= f) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 134

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 135

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 136

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 137

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 138

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 139

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 140

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 141

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-- | take Int, fetch existing Int -- | (if does not exist, default to zero) -- | add them, -- | store the result, -- | return result as text doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 142

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 143

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 144

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 145

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 146

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 147

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type InMemStorage = M.Map UUID Int interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Done a) = pure a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i next) = (modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i)) *> (interpret ioRef next) interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid nextFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem interpret ioRef (nextFunc maybeI) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 148

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prop_fetch_add_store_return :: Property prop_fetch_add_store_return = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID initial <- ioRef <- evalIO $ newIORef $ M.singleton uuid initial -- when res <- evalIO $ interpret ioRef (doStuff uuid i) -- then inmem <- evalIO $ readIORef ioRef res === "New value: " ++ show (i + initial) M.toList inmem === [(uuid, i + initial)] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 149

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> IO String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 150

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 151

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) instance Applicative Storage where pure a = Done a (<*>) func (Done a) = fmap (\f -> f a) func (<*>) func (Persist uuid i next) = Persist uuid i (func <*> next) instance Monad Storage where (Done a) >>= f = f a (Persist uuid i next) >>= f = Persist uuid i (next >>= f) (Fetch uuid nextFunc) >>= f = Fetch uuid (\mi -> (nextFunc mi) >>= f) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 152

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 153

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data Storage k = Done k | Persist UUID Int (Storage k) | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> Storage k) deriving stock (Functor) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 154

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data Storage k = Persist UUID Int k | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> k) deriving stock (Functor) data Free (f:: * -> *) (k :: *) = Pure k | Impure (f (Free f k)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 155

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data Storage k = Persist UUID Int k | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> k) deriving stock (Functor) data Free (f:: * -> *) (k :: *) = Pure k | Impure (f (Free f k)) persist :: UUID -> Int -> Free Storage () persist uuid i = Impure (Persist uuid i (Pure ())) fetch :: UUID -> Free Storage (Maybe Int) fetch uuid = Impure (Fetch uuid (\mi -> Pure mi)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 156

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instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where fmap f (Pure k) = Pure $ f k fmap f (Impure c) = Impure (fmap (fmap f) c) instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where pure a = Pure a (<*>) func (Pure a) = fmap (\f -> f a) func (<*>) func (Impure c) = Impure (fmap (\f -> func <*> f) c) instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where Pure k >>= f = f k Impure c >>= f = Impure $ fmap (\x -> x >>= f) c © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 157

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data Storage k = Persist UUID Int k | Fetch UUID (Maybe Int -> k) deriving stock (Functor) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 158

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 159

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doStuff :: UUID -> Int -> Free Storage String doStuff uuid i = do maybeOld <- fetch uuid let oldI = maybe 0 id maybeOld newI = oldI + i persist uuid newI pure ("New value: " ++ (show newI)) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 160

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interpretFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpretFree _ (Pure a) = pure a interpretFree f (Impure c) = f c >>= interpretFree f © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 161

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interpretFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpretFree _ (Pure a) = pure a interpretFree f (Impure c) = f c >>= interpretFree f interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i k) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) pure k interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid kFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem pure $ kFunc maybeI © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 162

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interpretFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpretFree _ (Pure a) = pure a interpretFree f (Impure c) = f c >>= interpretFree f interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i k) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) pure k interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid kFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem pure $ kFunc maybeI © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 163

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interpretFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpretFree _ (Pure a) = pure a interpretFree f (Impure c) = f c >>= interpretFree f interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i k) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) pure k interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid kFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem pure $ kFunc maybeI © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 164

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interpretFree :: Monad m => (forall x. f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpretFree _ (Pure a) = pure a interpretFree f (Impure c) = f c >>= interpretFree f interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a interpret ioRef (Persist uuid i k) = do modifyIORef ioRef (M.insert uuid i) pure k interpret ioRef (Fetch uuid kFunc) = do inmem <- readIORef ioRef let maybeI = M.lookup uuid inmem pure $ kFunc maybeI © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 165

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interpretFree :: (f x -> m x) -> Free f a -> m a interpret :: IORef InMemStorage -> Storage a -> IO a © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 166

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prop_fetch_add_store_return :: Property prop_fetch_add_store_return = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID initial <- ioRef <- evalIO $ newIORef $ M.singleton uuid initial -- when res <- evalIO $ interpret ioRef (doStuff uuid i) -- then inmem <- evalIO $ readIORef ioRef res === "New value: " ++ show (i + initial) M.toList inmem === [(uuid, i + initial)] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 167

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prop_fetch_add_store_return :: Property prop_fetch_add_store_return = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID initial <- ioRef <- evalIO $ newIORef $ M.singleton uuid initial -- when res <- evalIO $ interpret ioRef (doStuff uuid i) -- then inmem <- evalIO $ readIORef ioRef res === "New value: " ++ show (i + initial) M.toList inmem === [(uuid, i + initial)] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 168

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prop_fetch_add_store_return :: Property prop_fetch_add_store_return = property $ do -- given i <- uuid <- genUUID initial <- ioRef <- evalIO $ newIORef $ M.singleton uuid initial -- when res <- evalIO $ interpretFree (interpret ioRef) (doStuff uuid i) -- then inmem <- evalIO $ readIORef ioRef res === "New value: " ++ show (i + initial) M.toList inmem === [(uuid, i + initial)] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 169

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Free Monads? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 170

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"As a Billing System user I want to generate an invoice for a given account based on its current system use" © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 171

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 177

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 180

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 185

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To generate invoice for account account_id 1. fetch profile from CRM 2. fetch CDRs from FTP 3. generate invoice number 4. total = sum cdrs 5. glue together © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 186

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 187

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h"ps:/ / © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 188

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Sem r a . program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 189

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Sem r a . program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 190

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Sem r a . program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 191

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Sem r a ___ program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int ___ .________________________________________^ © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 192

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Sem r a . program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 193

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Sem r a ________________________ program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int ________________________ .________________________^ © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 194

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Sem r a . program :: Sem '[Console, (Random Int)] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 195

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Sem r a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int . © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 196

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Sem r a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int .________^ © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 197

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Sem r a program :: Member Console r <| => Member (Random Int) r <| => Sem r Int | .________^_____________________| © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 198

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 199

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 200

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 201

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 202

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 203

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 204

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 205

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String makeSem ''Console printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 206

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v makeSem ''Random nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 207

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v makeSem ''Random nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 208

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v makeSem ''Random nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 209

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v makeSem ''Random nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 210

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 211

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 212

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 213

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 214

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 215

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-- cheatsheet printLine :: Member Console r => String -> Sem r () readLine :: Member Console r => Sem r String nextRandom :: Member (Random v) r => Sem r v program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 216

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program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int program = do printLine "Insert your number:" i1 <- readLine i2 <- nextRandom pure (read i1 + i2) -- Sem r a ~> IO a ? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 217

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run :: Sem '[] a -> a runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a -- Sem '[Embed IO] a -> IO a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int -- Sem '[Console, Random Int] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 218

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run :: Sem '[] a -> a runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a -- Sem '[Embed IO] a -> IO a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int -- Sem '[Console, Random Int] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 219

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run :: Sem '[] a -> a runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a -- Sem '[Embed IO] a -> IO a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int -- Sem '[Console, Random Int] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 220

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run :: Sem '[] a -> a runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a -- Sem '[Embed IO] a -> IO a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int -- Sem '[Console, Random Int] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 221

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run :: Sem '[] a -> a runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a -- Sem '[Embed IO] a -> IO a program :: Member Console r => Member (Random Int) r => Sem r Int -- Sem '[Console, Random Int] Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 222

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What we need is an interpreter © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 223

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 224

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 225

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 226

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 227

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 228

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 229

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String -- embed :: Member (Embed m) r => m a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> putStrLn line ReadLine -> getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 230

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data Console m a where PrintLine :: String -> Console m () ReadLine :: Console m String -- embed :: Member (Embed m) r => m a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Console ': r) a -> Sem r a runConsoleIO = interpret $ \case PrintLine line -> embed $ putStrLn line ReadLine -> embed $ getLine © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 231

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data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v runRandomIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Random Int ': r) a -> Sem r a runRandomIO = interpret $ \case NextRandom -> embed randomIO © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 232

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data Random v m a where NextRandom :: Random v m v runRandomIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Random Int ': r) a -> Sem r a runRandomIO = interpret $ \case NextRandom -> embed randomIO © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 233

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= where execute = program & runConsoleIO & runRandomIO & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 234

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= where execute = program -- Sem '[Console, Random Int ] Int & runConsoleIO & runRandomIO & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 235

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= where execute = program -- Sem '[Console, Random Int ] Int & runConsoleIO -- Sem '[ , Random Int, Embed IO] Int & runRandomIO & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 236

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= where execute = program -- Sem '[Console, Random Int ] Int & runConsoleIO -- Sem '[ , Random Int, Embed IO] Int & runRandomIO -- Sem '[ , Embed IO] Int & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 237

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= where execute = program -- Sem '[Console, Random Int ] Int & runConsoleIO -- Sem '[ , Random Int, Embed IO] Int & runRandomIO -- Sem '[ , Embed IO] Int & runM -- IO Int © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 238

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 239

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data Invoice = Invoice { invoiceNumber :: InvoiceNumber , fullName :: FullName , deliveryAddress :: Address , total :: Cent } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 240

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newtype InvoiceNumber = InvoiceNumber { unInvoiceNumber :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data Address = Address { street :: Text , house :: Text , num :: Text , city :: Text , country :: Text } data FullName = FullName { first :: Text , last :: Text } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 241

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data Invoice = Invoice { invoiceNumber :: InvoiceNumber , fullName :: FullName , deliveryAddress :: Address , total :: Cent } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 242

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data CallType = Voice | Sms newtype Duration = Duration { unDuration :: Int } deriving stock (Show, Eq) deriving newtype (Num) data Cdr = Cdr { uuid :: UUID , accountId :: AccountId , callType :: CallType , callDuration :: Duration } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 243

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data Plan = Plan { voiceCost :: Cent , smsCost :: Cent } data Profile = Profile { firstName :: Text , lastName :: Text , address :: Address , plan :: Plan } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 244

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mkInvoice :: InvoiceNumber -> Profile -> [Cdr] -> Invoice mkInvoice invNum Profile {..} cdrs = Invoice { invoiceNumber = invNum , fullName = FullName firstName lastName , deliveryAddress= address , total = foldr cost zeroCents cdrs } where cost (Cdr _ _ Voice (Duration duration)) acc = acc + (voiceCost plan * duration) cost (Cdr _ _ Sms (Duration amount)) acc = acc + (smsCost plan * amount) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 245

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mkInvoice :: InvoiceNumber -> Profile -> [Cdr] -> Invoice mkInvoice = ... © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 246

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 247

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 248

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 249

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import Polysemy data Crm m a where GetProfile :: AccountId -> Crm m Profile makeSem ''Crm © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 250

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 251

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 252

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 253

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import Polysemy data CdrStore m a where FetchCdrs :: AccountId -> CdrStore m [Cdr] makeSem ''CdrStore © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 254

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 255

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 256

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 257

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import Polysemy data InvoiceStore m a where GenNextInvoiceNumber :: AccountId -> InvoiceStore m InvoiceNumber makeSem ''InvoiceStore © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 258

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 259

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 260

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 261

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import Polysemy data InvoiceStore m a where GenNextInvoiceNumber :: AccountId -> InvoiceStore m InvoiceNumber makeSem ''InvoiceStore © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 262

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import Polysemy data InvoiceStore m a where GenNextInvoiceNumber :: AccountId -> InvoiceStore m InvoiceNumber StoreInvoice :: AccountId -> Invoice -> InvoiceStore m () makeSem ''InvoiceStore © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 263

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 264

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© Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 265

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generateInvoice :: Member CdrStore r => Member Crm r => Member InvoiceStore r => AccountId -> Sem r Invoice generateInvoice accId = do invNumber <- genNextInvoiceNumber accId profile <- getProfile accId cdrs <- fetchCdrs accId let invoice = mkInvoice invNumber profile cdrs storeInvoice accId invoice return invoice © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 266

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data Crm m a where GetProfile :: AccountId -> Crm m Profile type CrmMap = M.Map AccountId Profile runCrm :: Member (State CrmMap) r => Sem (Crm ': r) a -> Sem r a runCrm = interpret $ \case GetProfile accountId -> gets (\m -> m M.! accountId) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 267

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data CdrStore m a where FetchCdrs :: AccountId -> CdrStore m [Cdr] type CdrMap = M.Map AccountId [Cdr] runCdrStore :: Member (State CdrMap) r => Sem (CdrStore ': r) a -> Sem r a runCdrStore = interpret $ \case FetchCdrs accountId -> gets (\m -> m M.! accountId) © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 268

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data InvoiceStore m a where StoreInvoice :: AccountId -> Invoice -> InvoiceStore m () GenNextInvoiceNumber :: AccountId -> InvoiceStore m InvoiceNumber type InvoiceMap = M.Map (AccountId, InvoiceNumber) Invoice runInvoiceStore :: Member (State InvoiceMap) r => Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (InvoiceStore ': r) a -> Sem r a runInvoiceStore = interpret $ \case StoreInvoice accountId invoice -> modify (M.insert (accountId, invoiceNumber invoice) invoice) GenNextInvoiceNumber accountId -> embed $ fmap (InvoiceNumber . toText) nextRandom © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 269

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 270

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 271

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 272

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 273

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 274

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profile :: Profile profile = Profile "John" "Smith" address plan where address = Address "Backer Street" "221b" "2" "London" "United Kingdom" plan = Plan 10 1 © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 275

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 276

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 277

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cdrs :: AccountId -> [Cdr] cdrs accountId = [ cdr "8abbe08f-4b64-4263-b000-13f3ff77a0c6" Voice 10 , cdr "bed067b0-3e79-429d-8b96-d1f2c96e79ba" Sms 1 , cdr "d4bea3d9-a2a7-44cc-8a8d-301051860761" Voice 30 ] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 278

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 279

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 280

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 281

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main :: IO () main = execute where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 282

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main :: IO () main = execute >>= putStrLn.prettyPrint where accountId = AccountId 1000 execute = generateInvoice accountId & runCrm & runCdrStore & runInvoiceStore & evalState @CrmMap (M.singleton accountId profile) & evalState @CdrMap (M.singleton accountId (cdrs accountId)) & evalState @InvoiceMap M.empty & runM prettyPrint = unpack.toStrict.encodePretty © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 283

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{ "fullName": { "first": "John", "last": "Smith" }, "deliveryAddress": { "country": "United Kingdom", "num": "2", "street": "Backer Street", "house": "221b", "city": "London" }, "invoiceNumber": "136172ef-95cb-4714-924a-4d3f9c5e5fd6", "total": 401 } © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 284

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Maintainable? © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 285

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Thank You! Pawel Szulc twi$er: @EncodePanda email: [email protected] © Pawel Szulc, @EncodePanda, [email protected] 286