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Emily Robinson Data Scientist at DataCamp Build a Strong Data Science Portfolio

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About Me ➔ Background in the social sciences ➔ R programmer ➔ Formerly at Etsy ➔ Data Scientist at DataCamp ➔ Writing a book on data science careers with Jacqueline Nolis

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Why have a portfolio?

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Build your skills

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Advance your Career

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Expand your Network

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Give Back

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Some components Analyses Blog posts Talks Apps Open Source Projects

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Dataset -> Question

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Dataset -> Question

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Question -> Dataset

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Tip 1: Include visualizations

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Tip 2: hoose a topic you’re excited about

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Tip 3: Limit your scope

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Making progress Inspired by Less valuable More valuable Idea Getting data Cleaning Exploratory Final result Modeling Less valuable More valuable Work only on your computer Work online (GitHub, Blog, Kaggle) How I used to think about analyses How I think about analyses now

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The Full process

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Put it on GitHub

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Blog posts

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Where? ➔ Easy & quick to set up ➔ Organic traffic (medium) ➔ Less customizability/control

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Where? ➔ Complete control ➔ Always free ➔ Little longer to set-up ➔ May get stuck debugging issues

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Explain your analysis

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Teach a concept

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Share your experience

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Give advice

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Not just for extroverts!

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Where to start?

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First talk Jared Lander (meetup organizer) asked me to speak

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Snowball effect

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CFPs (Call for Proposals) ➔ Look for conferences offering first- time speaker help ➔ Be succinct ➔ Focus on the outcome for attendees ➔ Make it topical ➔ R-Ladies abstract review

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App for following conference tweets

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Tweet mashup

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Share it!

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Open Source Projects

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Help yourself & others

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Documentation is a great place to start There are many ways to contribute to scikit-learn … Improving the documentation is no less important than improving the library itself. - From scikit-learn contributing guide (emphasis mine)

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Is anything too small?

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The process ➔ Watch the repos ➔ Ask if you can help w/ issues ➔ Make the changes & submit a pull request

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Contribute to beginner-friendly issues

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If you’ve copied and pasted code three times, write a function If you’ve used the same function across three analyses, write a package Making your own package/library

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Isn’t making a package for “advanced programmers”? From Susan Johnston, as used in Jim Hester’s RStudio 2018 conference talk qCan you open and run R / Python? qCan you install a package? qCan you write code? qCan you write a function? qCan you learn to write a function? Excellent, you can write a package!

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Potential Components Analyses Blog posts Talks Apps Open Source Projects

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Additional resources ➔ Making Peace with Personal Branding by Rachel Thomas ➔ Overcoming Social Anxiety by Steph Locke ➔ Keeping up with blogdown by Mara Averick ➔ Advice to Aspiring Data Scientists: Start a Blog by David Robinson ➔ Speaking at conference by Cassie Kozyrkov ➔ List of speaking resources ➔ R packages book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan

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Thank you! @robinson_es

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