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Push Notifications Think Michel Mongkhoy Renaud Mathieu

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Design guide

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Design guide How does it work?

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Design guide Best practice How does it work?

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Design Guide iOS

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Design Guide Android

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Notification is delivered instantly Lifecycle

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delay_while_idle ? collapsed ? GCM stores 1 notification GCM stores 100 notifications notification is delivered instantly Notification is delivered instantly Lifecycle

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delay_while_idle ? collapsed ? GCM stores 1 notification GCM stores 100 notifications notification is delivered instantly delay_while_idle ? GCM stores notifications Notification is delivered instantly Lifecycle

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How does it work? iOS notifications

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Apple Push Notification Service Accredited & encrypted IP connection Device APNS

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Token APNS Server Get a token Device

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Token APNS Server Push the token Device

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Token Payload APNS Server Send notification info to APNS Device

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Notification APNS Server Send notification to the device Device

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Token Token Token Payload Notification APNS Server Apple Push Notification Service Device

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How does it work? Android notifications

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Google Cloud Messaging Allow 3rd-party application servers to send messages

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Google Cloud Messaging Allow 3rd-party application servers to send messages No guarantee about delivery order

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Google Cloud Messaging Allow 3rd-party application servers to send messages Use an existing connection for Google services No guarantee about delivery order

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Google Cloud Messaging Register

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Google Cloud Messaging Register Receive

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server First Android device sends sender ID, application ID to GCM server for registration.

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server First Android device sends sender ID, application ID to GCM server for registration. Upon successful registration GCM server issues registration ID to Android device.

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server First Android device sends sender ID, application ID to GCM server for registration. Upon successful registration GCM server issues registration ID to Android device. Send the registration ID to your server.

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server First Android device sends sender ID, application ID to GCM server for registration. Upon successful registration GCM server issues registration ID to Android device. Send the registration ID to your server. Your server will store the registration ID in the database for later usage.

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Google Cloud Messaging

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server Server sends a message to GCM server along with the device registration ID

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Google Cloud Messaging Database Device GCM Server Server sends a message to GCM server along with the device registration ID GCM server will deliver that message to the respected mobile device using the device registration ID.

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Device Google Cloud Messaging Android System Get notified when Intent happens Registers for certain intents App Broadcast Receiver GCM

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Device Google Cloud Messaging Android System App Broadcast Receiver Notification Builder

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APNS GCM Communication Streaming TCP Socket HTTPS (max: 1000 registration_id dans la requête) Format du contenu binaire (max: 256 bytes) JSON ou plain/text (max: 4kb) Sécurité certificat SSL créé depuis le provisioning portal afin de valider la connexion entre le serveur de notification et APNS API key générée depuis le compte Google à inclure dans le header de la requête Notifications (client) L’utilisateur doit accepter de recevoir du push. Aucune possibilité de customiser la notification native L’utilisateur peut activer/ désactiver les notifications pour une application. L’application est en charge de fournir une vue pour afficher une notification Notifications (serveur) Une option : date d’expiration APNS stocke une notification par application pour un appareil Plusieurs options : delay_while_idle, collapsed_key

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Best practice Mobile notifications

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Best practice Make notification optional

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Best practice Make it personal Make notification optional

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Best practice Make it personal Navigate to the right place Make notification optional

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Best practice Make it personal Summarize your notifications Navigate to the right place Make notification optional