page: 3 } uri.query = URI.encode_ www_form(params) req = Net ::HTTP uri req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass' res = Net ::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| http.request(req) end if res.is_a?(Net ::HTTPSuccess) puts JSON.parse(res.body) end
do root __dir __ routes 'config/routes' end end end “Who ever changed root? Who ever placed routes under another path? We're creating noise for the 99% of the developers who don't need these settings.” –Luca Gaudi
post is published" do expect(subject).to permit(admin, post) end # ActiveModelSerializers test "should render post serializer" do get :index assert_serializer "PostSerializer" end
|stub| allow(client).to receive(:candidates).and_return(stub) end end before do expect(integration).to receive(:client).and_return(client) end it "creates checkr candidate" do expect(candidates).to receive(:create).with( a_hash_including(params).and_return(id: 'checkr-123') expect(subject.checkr_id).to eq 'checkr-123' end Before v1.1.0