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Excessive Enhancement Phil Hawksworth @philhawksworth

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a history of great talks at full frontal javascript & browser technologies @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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front-end focus bleeding edge effects browser performance browser shizzle @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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node.js bringing javascript to the server @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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q=simon+willison+full+frontal &flesh_tones=false @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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f/e + b/e @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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browser shizzle can do animation can do 3D effects can do dynamic data visualisations @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf caution

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Eaten by dinosaurs eaten by dinosaurs (possibly while on the toilet) @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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captain killjoy running with scissors eating with mouth open @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf ...but this stuff is important

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf the web is agreement an uber-doodle about the web by @psd of @solderpad

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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the uri is the thing another uber-doodle about the web by @psd of @solderpad @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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agreement the contract of the URI @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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not a lecture on REST @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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cautionary tale the mistakes we have made before @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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representation of content ask, and ye shall receive GET http://some.stuff @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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the seductive power of the possible @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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html5 whatever that is @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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flash mistakes made with @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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anti-flash mob! you’re a member of the @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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snooty attitude of many web developers copyright Chris Kennett @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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common criticisms @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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frozen content copy / paste bookmark-able accessible searchable @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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flash *can* do it @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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"show me" @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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pixels > the web @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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what is valued by the developers? photoshop adobe suite flash @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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care more about the sex appeal ...than the fundamentals of the web @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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the seductive power of the possible @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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richer user experiences @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf increased sophistication @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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Slide 41 text a rich user experience open Web technologies ...and why I think it sucks @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf ~13 seconds operator instructions @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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11mb images 251 http requests missing cache expiration @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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15mb images 316 http requests missing cache expiration @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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4mb images 314 http requests @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf that is really rather a lot of http requests for a web site about a car. - Dr. Ian Malcolm

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Eaten by dinosaurs @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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but it will work on an iPhone @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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but it will work on an iPhone @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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but it will work on an iPhone @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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/reduced but it will work on an iPhone @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf hijacking the links @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf “why don’t the fucking wheels fucking move?!!” @bruised_blood @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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pixels the web > @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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pixels the web > @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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without javascript? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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what is the address of that content? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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URIs are what make the Web a web @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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forgotten how the web works @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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being seduced by the possible @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf why u no shizzle?

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf curl http://some.stuff

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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Slide 69 text is not a web site (except of course it is) @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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Slide 70 text is not a web site (except of course it is) @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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twitter is a platform everything uses the API @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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"twitter web client" @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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without javascript? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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but nobody has javascript disabled missing the point @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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what about the contract of the URI? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf not known at this address

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#! @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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#! shbang @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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#! shbang 61 slides simon willison ricky martin from to @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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#! why use @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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# @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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# @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf window.location.hash

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client-side routing client-side processing @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf enable history navigation

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf google ajax crawling #!

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when did it get so hard to crawl the web? what does it take to write a good crawler? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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interface shizzle doesn't have to break the uri @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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html5 @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf history api

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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client-side routing client-side processing @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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fashionable single page apps @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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helper libraries levi routes @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf 2k javascript library unobtrusive progressive enhancement

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demos & developer tools @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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just a demo @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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just a demo the biggest danger is when that demo mentality leaks into production websites @brucelawson @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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developer tools @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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we've been here before "it looks like you're making a snazzy web site..." would you like me to bollocks it up for you? @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf

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experiment & explore @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf but take care of the web (and chew with your mouth closed)

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Slide 111 text @philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf thanks & links best-practices-for-a-different-development-world/ #fullfrontalconf @philhawksworth

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@philhawksworth #fullfrontalconf #fullfrontalconf ta!