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Ruby, Rails, and the Open Source Community

Ruby, Rails, and the Open Source Community

Public archival of a presentation I did back in 2010 at OpenFest in Athens, Greece.

Jim Myhrberg

March 16, 2010

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  1. Ruby is simple & elegant, but yet extremely powerful and

    complex. -199.abs # 199 "ruby is cool".length # 12 "Your mother is nice.".index("u") # 2 "Nice Day Isn't It?".downcase.split("").uniq.sort.join # " '?acdeinsty"
  2. In 2005 with the rise of Ruby on Rails, Ruby

    as a language started gaining international attention.
  3. Rails all of a sudden allowed web- developers to build

    stunning and complex web applications faster than ever before. And it was fun too :)
  4. Rails currently powers a large number of high and low

    profile websites. • Penny Arcade • Urban Dictionary • Shopify • Justin.tv • iLike • Kongregate • SoundCloud • and more...
  5. Both Ruby, and Rails have gained most of their traction

    thanks to being open source, and the communities that grew around the two projects.
  6. In short, Ruby officially adopted a new core technology developed

    by a member of the open source community.
  7. Ruby on Rails has to date nearly 1400 contributors, and

    over 13000 commits in the official Git repository.
  8. The Merb and Rails merger is one of many examples

    of how versatile open source communities really are.
  9. Thanks to Rails moving to GitHub around the time of

    GitHub’s public launch, the Ruby community was one of the first to fully embrace Git and GitHub.
  10. Thanks to an enormous amount of plugins available for Rails,

    you can sometimes get close to a feature complete product in hours.
  11. • AuthLogic: Complete and fully featured User Authentication system. (30

    minutes) • AuthLogic Extensions: Facebook Connect, OAuth, OpenID, and more. (10-30 minutes each) • Delayed Job: Easily run background processes for email sending or other long running tasks, by changing a single line of code. (5 minutes) • Whenever: Easily configure and update crontasks (10 minutes) Some Favorite Rails Plugins
  12. There are many many more amazing plugins and gems which

    simplifies your life tremendously. Now go digging yourself ;)
  13. Thanks for Watching Rails Impact Graph taken from: http://github.com/rails/rails/graphs/impact GitHub

    User & Language map taken from: http://lumberjaph.net/blog/index.php/2010/03/07/github-explorer-a-preview/ Jim Myhrberg ([email protected]) http://jimeh.me/