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A guided journey of Cloud Native

A guided journey of Cloud Native

Presented with Cheryl Hung from CNCF at QCon London 2019

The Cloud Native Trail Map provides a path for enterprises to deploy cloud native applications, and the steps they’ll encounter along their journey. However, the needs of each enterprise are rarely the same and these journeys are rarely linear.

We examine the journey that Monzo, a UK based digital bank, have taken over the last four years, the stages they went through as they grew, the challenges they faced at each point, and the technologies and techniques they used to build a cloud native bank.


April 06, 2019

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  1. “construct a highly agile and highly available service from ephemeral

    and assumed broken components” - Adrian Cockcroſt
  2. How does Monzo operate? - AWS, GCP, and physical data

    centres - Cloud Native technologies:
 Kubernetes, Docker, Calico, Cassandra, Kafka, NSQ, Etcd, Prometheus, Jaeger, Envoy, Elasticsearch… - Go based micro services
  3. #

  4. $

  5. %

  6. Source Control CI system to test & build our apps

    Artisanally hand-crafted servers on AWS EC2 Monzo (early 2015) &
  7. Source Control CI system to test & build our apps

    Artisanally hand-crafted servers on AWS EC2 Go based micro services Cassandra as our database?! Monzo (early 2015) &
  8. Pub/Sub Messaging — NSQ Deployment — CI system (Jenkins) Orchestration

    — Mesos & Marathon Error Tracking — Sentry Metrics — Influx stack
 Distributed locking — etcd Monzo (late 2015) (
  9. *

  10. Monzo (mid 2016) ) Focus on reliability and scalability Containerisation

    — Docker Orchestration — Kubernetes Service mesh — linkerd Resilient messaging — Kafka
  11. Monzo (2018) + Scalable metrics — Prometheus Tracing — Jaeger

    Network Isolation — Calico Service Mesh (sidecar) — Envoy