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WebϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ ͷͭ͘Γํ My talk will be in Japanese… I put what I plan to say in English here :)

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Hi ! @kosamari Hi I’m Mariko, known as @kosamari on the Internet

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Web DevRel at Google @kosamari I work at Google’s Web Developer Relations team

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Back in 2015, I talk about knitting with JS at NodeFest. Not today tho!

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Since then, I used my learnings from knitting project in my day job !

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… of cause I’m still doing knit with JS as hobby.

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new! @kosamari I’m a newbie in Web DevRel team at Google

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“I’m on the platform team” “ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜνʔϜॴଐͰ͢” Working with Chrome team, we talk about “platform” … a lot

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 WebϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ meeting … in meeting invites

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“X use web technology, but not on the platform” “͋Ε͸΢ΣϒςΫ࢖ͬͯΔ͚Ͳ ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ͡Όͳ͍” … in conversations

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“From the web platform point of view…” “ϓϥοτϑΥʔϜଆͱͯ͠͸…” … again and again

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#UseThePlatform It’s even in the hashtag Polymer.js team use!

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atformPlatformPlatformPlatfo mPlatformPlatformPlatformP atformPlatformPlatformPlatfo mPlatformPlatformPlatformP atformPlatformPlatformPlatfo mPlatformPlatformPlatformP atformPlatformPlatformPlatfo But I didn’t really know what “Platform” means

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WebϓϥοτϑΥʔϜͬͯͳʹʁ Web Platform …

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WebϓϥοτϑΥʔϜͬͯͳʹʁ Web Platform … what is it ?

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Even though I can’t explain it, I use the word …

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স … LOL I used it in my drawing even though I have no idea

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WebϓϥοτϑΥʔϜͬͯͳʹʁ So I decided to ask Chrome engineers what the web platform is

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 ྫ͑͹΢ΣϒαΠτ΍΢ΣϒΞϓϦ” “Things you build, like websites and apps out of language of the web.” One engineer gave me this …

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“A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” … and another one, we’re going to stick with this explanation for today

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???????????????? I had no idea what he was saying at the time, let’s investigate!

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 noun So let’s start by looking at the word platform

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I know what platform is, I used be a PM for proprietarily video platform

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But when I started developing for the web, no one was gatekeeping

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Open Web Platform … because web is the open platform

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The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki This is a definition I copied from W3C wiki

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The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki Let’s start with open part

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It’s really cool that every discussion about the web was done in public

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There are archive of mailing lists dating back to 1991

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BTW, this was the first message logged in the archive … LOL

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This is where you can find historical discussion like proposal of IMG tag

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The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki So we got the open part covered, but …

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The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki ΢ΣϒΛՄೳʹ͢Δ How about the other parts?

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As the usage of web changes from click to touch

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The web platform adopted new events to support new interaction

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As the web moves from document to application

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File access was added to the web platform

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The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki ΢ΣϒΛՄೳʹ͢Δ If you think about it, this definition is parallel to the definition I got …

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“A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͔ͭ͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” … from the Chrome engineer. Sounds similar right?

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“A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͔ͭ͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” But how about interoperability part?

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“copy each other’s bugs“
 (we use to) “͓ޓ͍ͷόάΛίϐʔ͋͠͏“
 (աڈͷ࿩Ͱ͢) I asked same Chrome engineer how they maintain interoperability

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“write spec for standards“
 (modern way) “ඪ४Խʹ޲͚ͯεϖοΫΛॻ͘“
 (ݱࡏ) This is where web standards comes in

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For example, every web API you use, has a specification document

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Spec defines exactly how and when to handle piece of code

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“ͳΜͰඪ४ԽʹίϯτϦϏϡʔτ͠ͳ͍ͷʁ” “Why don't you contribute to standards?” As I was researching, one of my coworker asked me this question …

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ͳ͍ͳ͍ no way ͳ͍Θʔ not me θολΠͳ͍ definitely not me I somehow thought standards spec writing is not for me

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But as I keep researching, I found out it’s a lot like software development

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Existing Spec For example, if you want to make change to existing spec …

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… like HTML spec, which is defined by WHATWG

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It’s all maintained on Github, they even have “good first bug”

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Spec edits are often grammar or language change as simple as this PR

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Web platform spec even has tests !

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It’s all JS inside HTML file, really interesting to read BTW.

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New Idea If you have new idea for the web platform …

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… you can start discussion by going to WICG

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We will develop specs/use case documents like we develop any open source software. - W3C blog
 WICG: Evolving the Web from the ground up Φʔϓϯιʔειϑτ΢ΣΞΛ࡞ΔΑ͏ʹεϖοΫΛॻ͘ This is the reason why WICG was made

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Every discussion starts with a thread on Discourse

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When you make a thread, you usually include a explainer document

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Once enough discussion was had, it moves into own repo under WICG

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Once that’s worked enough, then they ask to move to working group

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Once that’s done, your proposal will be a working group under W3C

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… aaaaand within the W3C there are even more process to create spec

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You can read it in there if you want, my point is … a lot of steps !

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You can see status of each spec when you search APIs on MDN :)

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So the process of creating a spec is a lot of discussions

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And it takes time, loooooooooong time, but there is a reason

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 Backward compatibility কདྷͷ͜ͱ΋૝ఆ͢Δ
 Future proofing Because the web has to think about the past as well as the future

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For example, let’s see why custom element name has to be hyphenated

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Like… why ? Isn’t it more clean to NOT have hyphen?

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 < > < data=“[1,2,3]”> > > Spec authors had to think about naming of custom elements

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One idea was to use colon name space, but that’s already taken by SVG

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Tab Content What about x- ? But putting x- on everything is kind of obnoxious

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(native HTML : ) Thus it became hyphenated for custom and non hyphenated for native

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Standards Body W3C WHATWG Unicode IETF Ecma Here are few standard bodies that a web browser deals with

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 (ECMA-262) ओͳࡦఆ͸ TC39 Let’s talk about JS(ECMAScript) specked by TC39 at Ecma International

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TC39ͷϝϯόʔ TC39 attendees are often described as “member”, that’s not quite true

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TC39ͷϛʔςΟϯάࢀՃऀ TC39ͷϝϯόʔ It’s more like a member company’s delicate to TC39 meeting

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TC39ͷϛʔςΟϯάࢀՃऀ TC39ͷϝϯόʔ (ࢀՃࢿ֨: Ecma Internationalͷϝϯόʔاۀͱͦͷট଴ऀ) No exam/vote to attend TC39 meeting, just have to be Ecma member

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Much like other standards, ECMAScript spec is all hosted on Github

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… and anyone* (*more on that later) can make proposal on Github

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Proposals are evaluated in “stage” process

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 Every 2months (agendas on Gihub) ٞ࿦͸੍࣌ؒݶ͖ͭ Time Boxed ϏδϣϯϓϨθϯ͕ؒʹೖΔ Vision Presentation Typical meeting includes proposal discussion as well as presentations

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ϛʔςΟϯάͰͷΈεςʔδલਐʗมߋϚʔδ Stage change & PR merge are only decided at the meeting Decisions are almost all made at the meeting, so if you have a proposal…

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ٞ࿦ɾܾٞ͸͚ͬ͜͏ײ৘త A lot of feelings are discussed …you have to find “champion” who can present yours at the meeting

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աڈͷٞ࿦ɾྺ࢙తഎܠ΋ٞ࿦ͷత Previous discussions & historical facts are also discussed Discussions are quite interesting, if you are history nerd like me

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ϓϩηεͷݟ௚ٞ͠࿦΋ଟ͍ discussion about process happens often … but also a lot frustrating time to time

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ٕज़ྗ͚ͩͰͳ͘ަবज़΋͔ͳΓॏཁ negotiation technique is important Some proposal do really well, and some stalls

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ΰʔϧ͢Δ·Ͱ͸ͳʹ͕ى͜Δ͔Θ͔Βͳ͍ You never know what happens to a proposal Proposals in stage 0 - 3 can change or disappear at any point

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͢΂ͯ͸ϢʔβʔͷͨΊ all for users But at the end of the day, those discussions are for users :)

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So if you were like me who thought web standards are not for you …

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… I hope this talk made it a lot more approachable!

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Thank you ! 
 Mariko Kosaka @kosamari Image credit: hourglass, coding, hand, browser, file folder, finger double tap, no money, calendar, cursor, internet, and Happy Man - Human Resource And Life Style Collection, by BomSymbols smile, smirk, laugh by Clara Joy | chick, smartphone browser by Royyan Wijaya | browser by Kimmi Studio | browsers by unlimicon, browser by Mello | app by Henrique Ourique | computer by Creative Mania spaceman by Nook Fulloption