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Web Platform ... What is it ? (Webプラットフォームのつくり方)

Web Platform ... What is it ? (Webプラットフォームのつくり方)

This is my talk slide I used at NodeFest Tokyo 2017

Mariko Kosaka

November 25, 2017

More Decks by Mariko Kosaka

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  1. “A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across

    web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” … and another one, we’re going to stick with this explanation for today
  2. I know what platform is, I used be a PM

    for proprietarily video platform
  3. The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free)

    technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki This is a definition I copied from W3C wiki
  4. The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free)

    technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki Let’s start with open part
  5. The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free)

    technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki So we got the open part covered, but …
  6. The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free)

    technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki ΢ΣϒΛՄೳʹ͢Δ How about the other parts?
  7. The Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free)

    technologies which enables the Web. - W3C wiki ΢ΣϒΛՄೳʹ͢Δ If you think about it, this definition is parallel to the definition I got …
  8. “A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across

    web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͔ͭ͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” … from the Chrome engineer. Sounds similar right?
  9. “A set of interoperably implemented technologies available to developers across

    web browsers” “΢Σϒϒϥ΢β্Ͱ։ൃऀ͕࢖͔ͭ͑Δ
 ϒϥ΢βޓ׵ੑͷ͋ΔςΫϊϩδʔ܈” But how about interoperability part?
  10. ͳ͍ͳ͍ no way ͳ͍Θʔ not me θολΠͳ͍ definitely not me

    I somehow thought standards spec writing is not for me
  11. But as I keep researching, I found out it’s a

    lot like software development
  12. We will develop specs/use case documents like we develop any

    open source software. - W3C blog
 WICG: Evolving the Web from the ground up Φʔϓϯιʔειϑτ΢ΣΞΛ࡞ΔΑ͏ʹεϖοΫΛॻ͘ This is the reason why WICG was made
  13. You can read it in there if you want, my

    point is … a lot of steps !
  14. <body> <main>
 < > < data=“[1,2,3]”></ > </ > </main>

    </body> Spec authors had to think about naming of custom elements
  15. Standards Body W3C WHATWG Unicode IETF Ecma Here are few

    standard bodies that a web browser deals with
  16. 2ϲ݄ʹҰ౓ʢGithubʹΞδΣϯμʣ
 Every 2months (agendas on Gihub) ٞ࿦͸੍࣌ؒݶ͖ͭ Time Boxed ϏδϣϯϓϨθϯ͕ؒʹೖΔ

    Vision Presentation Typical meeting includes proposal discussion as well as presentations
  17. ϛʔςΟϯάͰͷΈεςʔδલਐʗมߋϚʔδ Stage change & PR merge are only decided at

    the meeting Decisions are almost all made at the meeting, so if you have a proposal…
  18. ٞ࿦ɾܾٞ͸͚ͬ͜͏ײ৘త A lot of feelings are discussed …you have to

    find “champion” who can present yours at the meeting
  19. ͢΂ͯ͸ϢʔβʔͷͨΊ all for users But at the end of the

    day, those discussions are for users :)
  20. Thank you ! 
 Mariko Kosaka @kosamari Image credit: hourglass,

    coding, hand, browser, file folder, finger double tap, no money, calendar, cursor, internet, and Happy Man - Human Resource And Life Style Collection, by BomSymbols smile, smirk, laugh by Clara Joy | chick, smartphone browser by Royyan Wijaya | browser by Kimmi Studio | browsers by unlimicon, browser by Mello | app by Henrique Ourique | computer by Creative Mania spaceman by Nook Fulloption