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Django After Web 2.0

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ࣗݾ঺հ (JP) • ৉ ࢠሯ • νϣϯɾζʔϐϯ • @uranusjr

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Me • Call me TP • Follow @uranusjr •

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www. .com

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Dynamic Web Pages

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The Cycle Client Django Request Response

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It Works.

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Image Credit: Kevin Fox

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Single-Page Application Client Django Request Skeleton User Data Data Render Interact

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Frontend Framework Django REST Framework Django Model API

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Why Django At All?

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Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms

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Django DB URLs Django REST Framework View Sets Filters Routers Serializers API Views

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ORM Library REST

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ORM • SQLAlchemy • PeeWee • PonyORM • … REST • APIStar • Falcon • Flask? Pyramid? • Plain CGI (!)

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Position of Django

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Page-Based • Django is a back-end framework • Let it do what it is good at • Connect front and back in templates

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Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms Static Frontend Framework

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This is a bad idea

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Modern Front End • ES6 with modules, TypeScript, etc. • SCSS, LESS, Stylus, etc. • NPM and application bundler!

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{% load static compress %} {% compress css %} {% endcompress %} {% compress js %} {% endcompress %}

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{% load webpack_loader %} {% render_bundle 'main' 'css' %} {% render_bundle 'main' 'js' %}

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View Template Frontend Framework Context ???

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var data = {{ data_json|safe }} {% render_bundle 'main' 'js' %}

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var data = JSON.parse('{{ data_json|escapejs }}') {% render_bundle 'main' 'js' %}

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{{ data_json|escapejs }} {% render_bundle 'main' 'js' %} const contextData = JSON.parse( document.querySelector('#data').textContent )

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Take a Step Back

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View Template Frontend Framework Produces context Renders
 the UI Also renders the UI??

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Stimulus • By Basecamp (maintainers of Rails) • Interacts with the DOM directly • Works well with PJAX (Turbolinks)

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Stimulus • Easy parallel from Rails to Django • Use what’s already there—templates • Mostly server-side integration

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Stimulus framework jQuery re-imagined Works for Django too

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Django’s Next Steps

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Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms

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Vue (plus tools) Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms Components View View Model Style States Router DOM

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Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms

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Django DB Forms Generic Views Templates URLs Admin Model Forms

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! "

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Summary • Pure SPAs don’t really need Django • Django is still very good for modern MPA • How can Django fit into the SPA model?

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