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Slides are easy The “let’s talk” serie Cristiano Rastelli

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index Why Structure Tools How to Conclusions

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30 minutes

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Why the slides are so important? Why

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Why spending time in making better slides? EMOTION ENGAGEMENT COMMUNICATION + +

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Which sequence give to the presentation? STRUCTURE

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1. COVER 2. INDEX 3. ABOUT ME 4. CHAPTERS ๏ Single slides 5. CONCLUSIONS 6. END/THANKS 7. REFERENCES one single slide optional loop

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But the most important thing is...

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Which one to use? TOOLS

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Whatever you feel comfortable with!

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Whatever you feel comfortable with! Yes, also this!

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Online tools But you will need a connection!

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Evil. Don’t use it. Ever.

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But you can also be more eclectic…

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What makes you come up with? +

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How can you make beautiful slides HOW TO

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Simplicity 1 A clear message 1 slide = 1 concept Use empty space

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This is NOT wasted space!

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This is NOT wasted space!

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Use can use this “empty” space at your benefit: just add a title or a short text, and you’re done!

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BRIDGING THE GAP Because beautiful slides are easy

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Fonts 2 Choose 2 or 3 max Combine them Use contrast

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HEAVY light sans serif slab regular italic UPPERCASE lowercase

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No content

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this is important USE THIS FOR TITLES

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No content

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This is a good starting point

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Colors 3 Choose a color palette (and stick to that!) Beware of low contrast

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No content

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+ Gradients

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Photos 3 Online resources Photos you have taken Create your own repository FREE, PAID, CC

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Search Engines for images Don’t stop at the first results, don’t be obvious

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FLICKR Check the copyright restrictions for every image

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FLICKR COMMONS These are public domain images you can use

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Photo Collections Only for internal (non public) usage

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Stock/Right-Managed archives You will have to pay for them to legally use

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Newspaper Galleries Only for internal (non public) usage

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Vintage/Retro images Most of them are free to use

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ADs or Propaganda Most of them are free to use

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Public Libraries/Collections Check the usage rights before using them

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Your images Photos you have taken by yourself

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Your collection Save in a folder all the images you see and like

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But the most important thing is...

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Details 4 Icons Shadows Transitions

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Inspiration ? Slideshare Speaker Deck Note & Point

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No content

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Some simple takeaways... CONCLUSIONS

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Start with paper & pen, always You have to tell a story, don’t forget! Create the most beautiful slides you can Find your personal style

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grazie Cristiano Rastelli

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References Apple Keynote Google Presentations TOOLS Slideshare Speaker Deck Note & Point Inspiration Font Squirrel Google Fonts Beautiful Web Type FONTS Adobe Kuler Tiny Eye Labs COLORS 500px Flickr - The Commons - Big Picture IMAGES Vintage Ad Browser Shorpy Historical Archive Retronaut