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eduWeb 2012 – @DonnaTalarico No Such Thing as TMI: How to Create a Culture of Sharing

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Share it. Maybe?

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Why should we share?  Better communication  Accurate information  Bigger audience  More resources  Different points of view  Avoid duplication of efforts  Prevent missed opportunities  Protect brand messaging

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Creating and Sharing Content What gets shared and where.

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Sharability Quotient? Create Content that Begs to Be Shared Monitor What Receives Reponses  Compelling  Useful  Memorable  Emotional  Funny  Entertaining  Good News/Pride  Insights  Analytics  Retweets/Mentions  Hashtag Use  Web Traffic  Qualitative

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Find Content to Share  What are others on campus producing that you can share/curate?  What is happening on campus for which you can create content?  Whose story can you tell?  What are external people/outlets doing that you can share?  Can you get on the agenda at department meetings?

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Who’s Your Linda?

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No content

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Linda Lokey is most definitely not “Low Key”!

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Ask and Encourage…

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… And You Shall Receive

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Share the love

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Share the wealth

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Sharing … to the core

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Sharing …. a meal A random conversation with an art professor led to:  Local Sunday newspaper story  Video footage for website  As-it-happened social media coverage  Facebook album  Freelance photography for future view book use

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Content-Sharing Tools How can we share content? And make it easier to share?

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Make it Easy to Share Where to Share Sharing Tools  Social Media  Website  Partner Websites  Email  Word of Mouth  Sharing Icons  Storify  RSS  CMS features  To the left…

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User-Friendly CMS = Sharing  Does your CMS make it easy to create and share content?  Tools we use within our CMS, OUCampus  Snippets  Assets  SPIFs  Photo Sharing  Tagging  Twitter integration  Facebook Integration  CMS Training

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CMS & Social Sharing Features

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Social Sharing in CMS cont’d Voila!

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Content Sharing in CMS - Assets

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Content Sharing in CMS - Assets Same info on Business office website and Financial Aid office website, but info only created once!

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Content Sharing CMS - SPIFs

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Content Sharing SPIFs – Cont’d Locally! Globally!

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Content Sharing in CMS - Snippets

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Content Sharing on the Web Create in One Place… … Share on Another  RSS feeds on department pages (news, events)  Make profiles assets so they can be shared easily from one department to another (ex: a student double majors)  Social sharing buttons embedded in news, events, articles, etc.  Cross-promote on affiliated sites (alumni, athletics, etc.)

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Share Knowledge  Guide to Social Media on Campus  CMS Training  Content Training  Employee Orientation  New Student Orientation  Cues and Reminders Before Campus Events

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Lead by Example  Share on personal accounts  Find allies  Student ambassadors

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No content

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Share the Glory  Give credit within post  Storify it  Internal kudos

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Blue Jays Were Made to Tweet

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Any Questions? [email protected] @donnatalarico