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Intro  to   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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What  Twilio  Does   Twilio  provides  an  easy  API  for  handling  Voice   and  SMS  acBviBes.   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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How  Twilio  Does  It   Twilio  offers  a  RESTful  API,  and  markup  based   response  language  to  enable  easy,  meaningful   interacBons  with  their  service.   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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Quick  Ideas   •  Text/call-­‐in  VoBng   •  PBX  Service  (phone  tree)   •  Voicemail  System   •  SMS  NoBficaBons   •  Phone  NoBficaBons   •  Custom  Conference  ConfiguraBons   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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InteresBng  things  with  Voice   •  You  can  record  calls   •  You  can  transcribe  those  recordings   •  You  can  accept  numerical  input   •  You  can  play  audio  files   •  You  can  automaBcally  convert  text  to  speech   •  You  can  use  exisBng  phone  numbers   •  You  can  purchase  phone  numbers   •  You  can  port  phone  numbers   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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InternaBonal   •  You  can  place  calls  to  anywhere  in  the  world.   •  You  can  SMS  to  40+  countries.   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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To  Try  It  Out   To  get  a  handle  on  some  of  the  basics,  let’s  do   something  interesBng:     1)  Text  a  message  in   2)  Have  the  system  call  us  and  say  it  back   3)  System  takes  a  voice  message  from  you   4)  System  texts  you  back  what  you  said   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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Sound  cool?   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather  

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Demo     Check  out  the  repo  and  try  it  yourself!     hbps://­‐demo   Jacob  Mather   @thejmather