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Dist::Zilla raaaaaaaaar!

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What is Dist::Zilla?

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Any Questions?

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RJBS - cake and pie (and doughnuts)

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RJBS - cake and pie (and doughnuts) - cocktails and beer

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RJBS - cake and pie (and doughnuts) - cocktails and beer - shooting zombies

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RJBS - cake and pie (and doughnuts) - cocktails and beer - shooting zombies - giving away useful software

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being a CPAN author is hard! let’s go gemming!

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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WriteMakefile( NAME => ‘YourApp’, AUTHOR => ‘You ’, VERSION_FROM => ‘lib/’, ABSTRACT_FROM => ‘lib/’, LICENSE => ‘perl’, PREREQ_PM => { ‘Lingua::EN::Inflect’ => 1.86, ‘Sub::Override’ => 0.07, ‘Test::More’ => 0, }, );

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WriteMakefile( NAME => ‘YourApp’, AUTHOR => ‘You ’, VERSION_FROM => ‘lib/’, ABSTRACT_FROM => ‘lib/’, LICENSE => ‘perl’, PREREQ_PM => { ‘Lingua::EN::Inflect’ => 1.86, ‘Sub::Override’ => 0.07, ‘Test::More’ => 0, }, (eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.46) } ? (META_MERGE => { resources => { Repository => ‘...’ } }) : ()), );

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use inc::Module::Install; all_from(‘lib/’); requires(‘Lingua::EN::Inflect’ => 1.86); requires(‘Sub::Override’ => 0.07); requires(‘Test::More’ => 0); repository(...); WriteAll();

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/boilerplate.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/boilerplate.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./Changes

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./Changes ./lib/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./Changes ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./Changes ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/

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./Changes ./LICENSE ./MANIFEST.SKIP ./Makefile.PL ./README ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./t/unit-tests.t ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod.t ./Changes ./lib/ ./lib/YourApp/ ./lib/YourApp/Util/ ./lib/YourApp/

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No content

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- updating version numbers

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- updating version numbers - uploading to CPAN

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- updating version numbers - uploading to CPAN - committing, tagging releases in Git (VCS)

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- updating version numbers - uploading to CPAN - committing, tagging releases in Git (VCS) - determine prerequisites

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- updating version numbers - uploading to CPAN - committing, tagging releases in Git (VCS) - determine prerequisites - other stuff that is totally boring

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Dist::Zilla is AWESOME

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No content

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- eating cake and pie (and donuts)

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- eating cake and pie (and donuts) - drinking cocktails and beer

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- eating cake and pie (and donuts) - drinking cocktails and beer - shooting zombies

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- eating cake and pie (and donuts) - drinking cocktails and beer - shooting zombies - giving away useful software

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Dist::Zilla is HUGE

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106 prereqs

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106 prereqs (and counting)

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No content

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- Dist::Zilla only handles “make dist”

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- Dist::Zilla only handles “make dist” - it doesn’t handle “make install”

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- Dist::Zilla only handles “make dist” - it doesn’t handle “make install” - only authors need to install the 106 prereqs

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- Dist::Zilla only handles “make dist” - it doesn’t handle “make install” - only authors need to install the 106 prereqs - your users don’t see Dist::Zilla

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- Dist::Zilla only handles “make dist” - it doesn’t handle “make install” - only authors need to install the 106 prereqs - your users don’t see Dist::Zilla - they just see MakeMaker or Module::Build

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Dist::Zilla is also Stupid

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It keeps its brains in plugins.

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# How Dist::Zilla builds a dist: prepare; gather_files; prune_files; munge_files; register_prereqs; setup_installer; write_files; finish; name = Your-Dist license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = J. Fred Bloggs [GatherDir] include_dotfiles = 1 [PruneCruft] [MetaYAML] [MakeMaker] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] user = JFB password = QwardRules

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# How Dist::Zilla builds a dist: prepare; gather_files; prune_files; munge_files; register_prereqs; setup_installer; write_files; finish; name = Your-Dist license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = J. Fred Bloggs [GatherDir] include_dotfiles = 1 [PruneCruft] [MetaYAML] [MakeMaker] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] user = JFB password = QwardRules

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# How Dist::Zilla builds a dist: prepare; gather_files; prune_files; munge_files; register_prereqs; setup_installer; write_files; finish; name = Your-Dist license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = J. Fred Bloggs [GatherDir] include_dotfiles = 1 [PruneCruft] [MetaYAML] [MakeMaker] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] user = JFB password = QwardRules

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# How Dist::Zilla builds a dist: prepare; gather_files; prune_files; munge_files; register_prereqs; setup_installer; write_files; finish; name = Your-Dist license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = J. Fred Bloggs [GatherDir] include_dotfiles = 1 [PruneCruft] [MetaYAML] [MakeMaker] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] user = JFB password = QwardRules

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name = Dist-Zilla author = Ricardo SIGNES license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Ricardo SIGNES [@Basic] [AutoPrereq] [AutoVersion] [PkgVersion] [MetaConfig] [MetaJSON] [NextRelease] [PodSyntaxTests] [Repository] [PodWeaver] [@Git]

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name = Dist-Zilla author = Ricardo SIGNES license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Ricardo SIGNES [@Basic] [AutoPrereq] [AutoVersion] [PkgVersion] [MetaConfig] [MetaJSON] [NextRelease] [PodSyntaxTests] [Repository] [PodWeaver] [@Git]

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [ManifestSkip] [MetaYAML] [License] [Readme] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [MakeMaker] [Manifest] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN]

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name = Dist-Zilla author = Ricardo SIGNES license = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Ricardo SIGNES [@Basic] [AutoPrereq] [AutoVersion] [PkgVersion] [MetaConfig] [MetaJSON] [NextRelease] [PodSyntaxTests] [Repository] [PodWeaver] [@Git]

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Too much!

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No content

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dzil build

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dzil build dzil test

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dzil build dzil test dzil install

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dzil build dzil test dzil install dzil release

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How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->collect_metadata; How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->collect_metadata; $self->write_out( @files ); How Dist::Zilla Builds

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->collect_metadata; $self->write_out( @files ); } How Dist::Zilla Builds

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How do you pick plugins?

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There is no default config.

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] The Basics

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] MANIFEST The Basics

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] MANIFEST Makefile.PL The Basics

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] MANIFEST Makefile.PL LICENSE The Basics

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] MANIFEST Makefile.PL LICENSE README The Basics

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [Manifest] [ManifestSkip] [MakeMaker] [License] [Readme] [MetaYAML] [ExtraTests] [ExecDir] [ShareDir] [TestRelease] [ConfirmRelease] [UploadToCPAN] MANIFEST Makefile.PL LICENSE README META.yml The Basics

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Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] [AutoPrereq] Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] [AutoPrereq] [AutoVersion] Cruft Minimizers

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[PkgVersion] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] [AutoPrereq] [AutoVersion] [NextRelease] Cruft Minimizers

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[@Git] [@Subversion] [@Mercurial] [@SVK] Version Control

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package YourApp; =head1 NAME YourApp - my awesome app =head1 VERSION version 1.001 =cut our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; =head1 NAME YourApp - my awesome app =head1 VERSION version 1.001 =cut our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; =head1 NAME YourApp - my awesome app =head1 VERSION version 1.001 =cut our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 VERSION version 1.001 =cut our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 VERSION version 1.001 =cut our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app our $VERSION = 0.001; =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =head1 METHODS =head2 this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =head2 that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 AUTHOR Margo Yapp =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. method that_method { ... } =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008, Margo Yapp. This is distributed under the terms of the accidental death and dismemberment license and if you redistribuet this document you will be “accidentally” deathed or dismembered. You have been told. =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } =cut 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } 1;

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package YourApp; # ABSTRACT: my awesome app =head1 DESCRIPTION This app is awesome. =method this_method This method does stuff. =cut method this_method { ... } =method that_method Also stuff. =cut method that_method { ... } 1;

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Converting Your Dist

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Converting Your Dist - create dist.ini

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Converting Your Dist - create dist.ini - remove a bunch of files

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Converting Your Dist - create dist.ini - remove a bunch of files - delete a bunch of stuff from leftover files

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Converting Your Dist - create dist.ini - remove a bunch of files - delete a bunch of stuff from leftover files - and Dist::Zooky, too

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Questions so far?

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Creating New Dists

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dzil build dzil test dzil install dzil release

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dzil build dzil test dzil install dzil release dzil new

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No content

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files [DistINI]

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files [DistINI] [Git::Init]

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How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->make_module( $module ); How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->make_module( $module ); $self->write_out( @files ); How Dist::Zilla Mints

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sub mint { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->make_module( $module ); $self->write_out( @files ); } How Dist::Zilla Mints

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No content

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files [DistINI]

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[GatherDir::Template] root = files [DistINI] [Git::Init]

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[%User] name = Ricardo Signes email = [email protected] [%Rights] license_class = Perl_5 copyright_holder = Ricardo Signes [%PAUSE] username = RJBS password = PeasAreDelicious

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dzil setup

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Minting a New Dist - create config.ini (in ~/.dzil) - maybe configure or install a profile - run dzil new

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Questions so far?

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Writing Plugins!

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Writing Plugins is Easy!

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Writing Plugins is Easy! (and awesome)

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sub build { my ($self) = @_; my @files = $self->gather_files; $self->munge_files( @files ); $self->collect_metadata; $self->write_out( @files ); } How Dist::Zilla Builds

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$self->munge_files( @files ); How Dist::Zilla Builds

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my @mungers = grep { $_->does(‘FileMunger’) } $self->plugins; for my $plugin (@mungers) { $plugin->munge_files( @files ); } How Dist::Zilla Builds

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package Some::Class; use Moose; with ‘Some::Role’; $obj->does( $role )

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Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider AfterBuild Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider AfterBuild BeforeArchive Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider AfterBuild BeforeArchive BeforeRelease Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider AfterBuild BeforeArchive BeforeRelease Releaser Roles to Make Plugins Go

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BeforeBuild FileGatherer FilePruner FileMunger PrereqSource MetaProvider AfterBuild BeforeArchive BeforeRelease Releaser AfterRelease Roles to Make Plugins Go

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Let’s write a plugin!

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => ‘built-on.txt’, BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => ‘built-on.txt’, content => scalar `uname -a`, BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => ‘built-on.txt’, content => scalar `uname -a`, }); BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => ‘built-on.txt’, content => scalar `uname -a`, }); $self->add_file( $file ); BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => ‘built-on.txt’, content => scalar `uname -a`, }); $self->add_file( $file ); } BuiltOn

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[BuiltOn] BuiltOn

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::BuiltOn; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer’; has filename => ( is => ‘ro’, default => ‘built-on.txt’, ); sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => $self->filename, content => scalar `uname -a`, }); $self->add_file( $file ); }

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[BuiltOn] filename = build-host.txt BuiltOn

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[BuiltOn] BuiltOn

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Let’s write a another!

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.pl$/; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.pl$/; my $content = “#!$^X\n” AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.pl$/; my $content = “#!$^X\n” . $file->content; AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.pl$/; my $content = “#!$^X\n” . $file->content; $file->content( $content ); AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddShebangs; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.pl$/; my $content = “#!$^X\n” . $file->content; $file->content( $content ); } AddShebangs

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.p[lm]$/; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.p[lm]$/; my $content = “# BUILD BY $ENV{USER}\n” AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.p[lm]$/; my $content = “# BUILD BY $ENV{USER}\n” . $file->content; AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.p[lm]$/; my $content = “# BUILD BY $ENV{USER}\n” . $file->content; $file->content( $content ); AddBlame

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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddBlame; use Moose; with ‘Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger’; sub munge_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; next unless $file->name =~ /\.p[lm]$/; my $content = “# BUILD BY $ENV{USER}\n” . $file->content; $file->content( $content ); } AddBlame

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft]

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [AddShebangs] [AddBlame]

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [AddShebangs] [AddBlame] print “Hello.\n”;

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [AddShebangs] [AddBlame] #!/usr/bin/perl print “Hello.\n”;

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [AddShebangs] [AddBlame] # built by rjbs #!/usr/bin/perl print “Hello.\n”;

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[GatherDir] [PruneCruft] [AddBlame] [AddShebangs] #!/usr/bin/perl # built by rjbs print “Hello.\n”;

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In Conclusion...

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Dist::Zilla is..?

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Dist::Zilla is: - judges will accept: - awesome - huge - stupid

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We are Friendly - #distzilla - - mailing list -

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Any Questions?

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Thank you! raaaaaaaaar!