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Frontend Tooling with Grunt / Gulp / Yeoman Workshop JavaScript Days Munich, March 2014

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Our development stack

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Sass LESS Stylus CoffeeScript TypeScript JSHint JSLint HAML Jade Uglify CSSMIN ImageOptim Jasmine Mocha Proxy Connections Server Deployment CI/CD

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I should use a tool

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1530 lines of code

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1530 lines of code Original Ant tasks used:

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1530 lines of code Original Ant tasks used: concat - copy - delete - mkdir

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In the end, I realized that a task-based build tool with built-in, commonly used tasks was the approach that would work best for me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a build tool that worked the way that I wanted. So I built one. — Ben Alman, 2012

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eco system

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Runtime Environment JavaScript

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package manager each module is installed via npm grunt and grunt plugins

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grunt provides an interface to node modules grunt plugins are usually just a wrapper

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npm install -g grunt-cli npm init touch Gruntfile.js

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to the command line!

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to the command line!

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npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-* npm install --save-dev grunt

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• parameter --save-dev adds modules to package.json • node_modules holds all the installed modules • npm install takes package.json to install required modules

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ! grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { dist: { files: [{ 'scripts/main.min.js' : ['scripts/main.js'] }] } } }); ! grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'uglify' ]); };

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ! grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { dist: { files: [{ 'scripts/main.min.js' : ['scripts/main.js'] }] } } }); ! grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'uglify' ]); }; task

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ! grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { dist: { files: [{ 'scripts/main.min.js' : ['scripts/main.js'] }] } } }); ! grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'uglify' ]); }; task target

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ! grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { dist: { files: [{ 'scripts/main.min.js' : ['scripts/main.js'] }] } } }); ! grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'uglify' ]); }; task target options

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• registerTask registers a sequence of tasks! • grunt calls default task
 grunt build calls build task • initConfig takes an object of task definitions • loadNpmTasks loads one installed task
 has to be defined in package.json!

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basic tasks

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contrib tasks

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Sass LESS Stylus CoffeeScript TypeScript JSHint JSLint HAML Jade Uglify CSSMIN ImageOptim Jasmine Mocha Proxy Connections Server Deployment CI/CD

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Sass LESS Stylus CoffeeScript TypeScript JSHint JSLint HAML Jade Uglify CSSMIN ImageOptim Jasmine Mocha Proxy Connections Server Deployment CI/CD

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Connect Connect is a middleware framework for node, shipping with over 18 bundled middleware and a rich selection of 3rd-party middleware.

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connect.static connect.static connect.session

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connect.static Request cannot GET Response OK Response OK

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connect: { server: { options: { port: 9009, base: '.', hostname: ‘’, keepalive: true } } },

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Problem? Keep the server alive indefinitely. Note that if this option is enabled, any tasks specified after this task will never run. By default, once grunt's tasks have completed, the web server stops. This option changes that behavior.

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connect + watch

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grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks(‘grunt-contrib-watch'); ! grunt.registerTask('serve', [ 'connect:server', 'watch' ]);

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watch: { scripts: { files: ['scripts/*.js'], tasks: ['jshint', 'uglify'] }, }, …

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connect.static livereload Request Response OK! Response Injected

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connect: { server: { options: { port: 9009, base: '.', hostname: ‘’, keepalive: true } } },

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connect: { server: { options: { port: 9009, base: '.', hostname: ‘’, livereload: 35729, open: true } } },

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return function(req, res, next) { if(/* req fulfills some condition */) { /* do something */ res.write(stdout); res.end(); } else { next(); /* next middleware in stack */ } }

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Yes, we can!

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Development Distribution Server + Livereload + Watch Sass —> TMP JS Unminified Assemble —> TMP Linting

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Development Distribution Server + Livereload + Watch Sass —> TMP JS Unminified Assemble —> TMP Linting Sass —> DIST JS Concat —> DIST + Minify Assemble —> DIST Linting Usemin

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grunt.initConfig({ // configurable paths yeoman: { app: 'app', dist: 'dist' }, … });

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sass: { dist: { options: { style: 'compressed' }, files: { '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css': '<%= %>/styles/main.scss' } } ...

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... server: { options: { style: ‘expanded’, debugInfo: true }, files: { ‘.tmp/styles/main.css': '<%= %>/styles/main.scss' } } }

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• do not commit node_modules • run
 npm install
 grunt build • npm install just installs/updates modules which aren’t there already

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• Install grunt-init with npm install -g grunt-init • Install the gruntplugin template with git clone git:// gruntplugin.git ~/.grunt-init/gruntplugin • Run grunt-init gruntplugin in an empty directory.! • Run npm install to prepare the development environment.

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { // load all grunt tasks require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); ! ... ! }; npm install --save-dev load-grunt-tasks

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { require(‘matchdep’) .filterDev(‘grunt-*') .forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks); // faster! ! ... }; npm install --save-dev matchdep

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'use strict'; ! module.exports = function(grunt) { require(‘load-grunt-config')(grunt); ! //Config intialized … now registerTasks ... }; npm install --save-dev load-grunt-config

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- myproject/ |-- Gruntfile.js |-- grunt/ |-- concat.js |-- uglify.js |-- imagemin.js

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// uglify.js ! module.exports = { dist: { files: { 'dist/build.min.js': ['dist/build.js'] } } };

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// grunt-contrib-concurrent runs tasks parallel ! concurrent: { dist: [ 'sass', 'assemble' ], }

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• Stream based build system • Configuration over code • Simple API • Small idiomatic Node modules Gulp?

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• Accessing the file system too often • Not really a “pipe” — tasks are run sequentially without being connected to the other With Grunt …

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• The Pipe is everything • Defining one bigger “task” of smaller build steps With Gulp …

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Gulp API gulp.task(‘taskname’, [‘deps’], fn);‘files.js’, [‘tasks’], fn); gulp.src([’files.js’]); gulp.dest(’endpoint.js’);

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Apples & Oranges • Code over configuration • Tasks run a sequence of methods • Methods don’t care about IO • Good amount of plugins, able to use unrelated modules • Configuration over code • Small, independent tasks, but with strong connection to IO • S**tload of plugins, a lot of them not really good • There might be a task for your need already there

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node-task • • Common ground for both gulp and grunt • Uses best practices of both libraries • The only thing different will be the interface

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• yeoman takes care about project scaffolding: installing best practices and common project standards by just one click! • plenty of official and community generators are out there! • overcomes blank page angst

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npm install -g yo npm install -g generator-webapp yo webapp this.template() Usage

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this.prompt() this.mkdir() this.copy() this.template() API

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