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Sunday, 7 October 12

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Plan B Sunday, 7 October 12

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Why functional is the new black Elise Huard @elise_huard JSConf EU 2012 Sunday, 7 October 12

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Why functional is the new black Elise Huard @elise_huard JSConf EU 2012 Sunday, 7 October 12

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Why functional is the new black Elise Huard @elise_huard JSConf EU 2012 Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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λ λ Sunday, 7 October 12

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λ λ Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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It’s all functions Sunday, 7 October 12

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It’s all functions no global variables or global state Sunday, 7 October 12

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It’s all functions no global variables or global state no side-effects Sunday, 7 October 12

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It’s all functions no global variables or global state no side-effects no destructive updates Sunday, 7 October 12

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function Person(gender) { this.gender = gender; } Person.prototype.sayGender = function() { console.log(this.gender); }; var person1 = new Person('Male'); var genderTeller = person1.sayGender; Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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Some “patterns” Sunday, 7 October 12

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Higher order functions Sunday, 7 October 12

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Taking functions as arguments Sunday, 7 October 12

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input.change(function(event) {...}); app.get('/', function(req, res) { ...}); Sunday, 7 October 12

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returning functions Sunday, 7 October 12

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var validate = function(validationFunction) { return function(field) { var isError, errorMessage = validationFunction(field); return (isError,errorMessage); } } var requiredField = validate(function(field) { var errorMessage = null; if (!field) { errorMessage = "should have a field" } return [!field, errorMessage]; }) Sunday, 7 October 12

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Utilities Sunday, 7 October 12

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[1,3,5].map(function(x) {return x+1 });[1,2,3], function(x) {return x+1}); map('x+1', [1,2,3,4]) Sunday, 7 October 12

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for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) doSomething(array[i]); // => map for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i]%2 == 0) doSomething(array[i]); } // => filter var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sum += array[i]; } // => reduce/foldl Sunday, 7 October 12

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Currying Sunday, 7 October 12

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var phoneListing = function(name,home) { return name + “ - “ + phone; } listing(“Sam”,”012345678”); listing(“Sam”); // => undefined Sunday, 7 October 12

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// getLocalArgs() = function partial(f) { var args = getLocalArgs(), givenArgs = args.slice(1); return function() { var remainingArgs = getLocaLArgs(); return f.apply(this, givenArgs.concat(remainingArgs)); } } var samsPartner= partial(phoneListing, ”Sam”); samsPartner(“0999999999”); // => “Sam - 0999999999” Sunday, 7 October 12

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Monads Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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// make a monadic value (“return”) var makeMonadicValue = function(value) { return function(state) { return {value: value, state: state}; } } Sunday, 7 October 12

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// make a very simple monadic value var makeMonadicValue = function(value) { return function() { return value; } } Sunday, 7 October 12

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// make a monadic value (“return”) var makeMonadicValue = function(value) { return function(state) { return {value: value, state: state}; } } Sunday, 7 October 12

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// Joe is in the kitchen var mv = makeMonadicValue("Joe"); mv(10); // => {value: "Joe", state: 10} Sunday, 7 October 12

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// bind to a function var bindToFunction = function(mv, f) { return function(state) { var monadOutput = mv(state), value = monadOutput.value, newState = monadOutput.state; return (f(value))(newState); } } Sunday, 7 October 12

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// you could act on the value directly var addPerson = function(value, name) { return value + " and " + name; } // but here's the monadic way to do it var mAddPerson = function(mv, name) { return bindToFunction(mv, function(value) { return makeMonadicValue(value + " and " + name); }) } Sunday, 7 October 12

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(mAddPerson(mv, "Tom"))(10); // => {value:"Joe and Tom", state: 10} Sunday, 7 October 12

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// you can act on state var takeYoghurt = function(state) { return state - 1; } var mTakeYoghurt = function(mv) { return bindToFunction(mv, function(value) { return function(state) { return {value: value, state: state-1}; } }) } (mTakeYoghurt(mv))(10); // => {value: "Joe", state: 9 } Sunday, 7 October 12

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(mTakeYoghurt( (mAddPerson( (mTakeYoghurt( (mAddPerson (mv,"Tom") ))), "Shelley")))) (10); // => { value: 'Joe and Tom and Shelley', state: 8 } Writing-Desk Sunday, 7 October 12

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Lazy evaluation (?) Sunday, 7 October 12

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The Good Sunday, 7 October 12

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Easier to debug Sunday, 7 October 12

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Easier to test Sunday, 7 October 12

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Easier to refactor Sunday, 7 October 12

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Parallelization (?) Sunday, 7 October 12

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Hard? Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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"the greatest single programming language ever designed" - Alan Kay, on Lisp, the 70s Sunday, 7 October 12

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“Object-oriented programming (...) allows software structure to be based on real-world structures, and gives programmers a powerful way to simplify the design and construction of complex programs. - D. Gelernter, the 80s Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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Software is hard Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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Sunday, 7 October 12

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But: Sunday, 7 October 12

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Thank you. Elise Huard @elise_huard Sunday, 7 October 12