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Event-Driven Architecture Event-Driven Architecture Messaging Patterns for Ruby Microservices Kirill Shevchenko Kirill Shevchenko

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at Two years with Microservices

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at Two years with Microservices Maintainer of Ruby/Rails digest on

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at Two years with Microservices Maintainer of Ruby/Rails digest on Live in Dnipro, Ukraine

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at Two years with Microservices Maintainer of Ruby/Rails digest on Live in Dnipro, Ukraine kirill_shevch

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Who I am Who I am Ruby/JS developer, Tech Lead at Two years with Microservices Maintainer of Ruby/Rails digest on Live in Dnipro, Ukraine kirillshevch kirill_shevch

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Agenda Agenda Road from Monolith to Microservices Communication Patterns Message Brokers Publish/Subscribe Testing and Monitoring

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Microservices Are Microservices Are Something You Grow Into, Something You Grow Into, Not Begin With Not Begin With

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Let The Adventure Let The Adventure Begin Begin

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"Hello World" Setup "Hello World" Setup +

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"Hello World" Setup "Hello World" Setup

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Background Jobs Background Jobs +

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Background Jobs Background Jobs

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Cache Cache

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Business logic size Business logic size Orders?

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Business logic size Business logic size Products? Orders?

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Business logic size Business logic size Analytics? Products? Orders?

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Business logic size Business logic size Analytics? Products? Orders? Users?

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Applying DDD to Microservices Applying DDD to Microservices

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Pattern: Database Per Service Pattern: Database Per Service

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Pattern: Database Per Service Pattern: Database Per Service

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Pattern: Database Per Service Pattern: Database Per Service

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Messaging Patterns Messaging Patterns

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Sync vs Async Approach Sync vs Async Approach Two Ways Two Ways

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Sync vs Async Approach Sync vs Async Approach Two Ways Two Ways The publisher writes a message and waits until reader confirm the reading

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Sync vs Async Approach Sync vs Async Approach Two Ways Two Ways The publisher writes a message and waits until reader confirm the reading The writer doesn't wait for the reader, you can read the message at any time

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Synchronous Calls Synchronous Calls Probably, easiest communication pattern to Probably, easiest communication pattern to implement is simply calling another service implement is simply calling another service synchronously, usually via REST. synchronously, usually via REST. Service 1 Service 2 REST

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Synchronous Calls Synchronous Calls Protocols Protocols HTTP/RPC HTTP/RPC

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Synchronous Calls Synchronous Calls Protocols Protocols HTTP/RPC HTTP/RPC except for except for streaming streaming

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HTTP/REST IS GREAT HTTP/REST IS GREAT Easy to understand (text protocol) Web infrastructure already built on top of HTTP Great tooling for testing, inspection, modification Loose coupling between clients/server makes changes easy High-quality http implementations in every language

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Synchronous Calls Synchronous Calls Problems? Problems? You need wait for a response You need to handle errors (like timeouts) You work with many different APIs You you use a lot of different API wrappers

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A gem for building API Wrappers in Ruby A gem for building API Wrappers in Ruby

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ApiStruct: Configuration ApiStruct: Configuration ApiStruct::Settings.configure do |config| config.endpoints = { some_api: { root: '' } } end

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ApiStruct: Client ApiStruct: Client class OrdersClients < ApiStruct::Client some_api :orders def index get end def show(id) get(id) end end

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ApiStruct: Entity ApiStruct: Entity class Order < ApiStruct::Entity client_service OrdersClient attr_entity :id, :state, :total_price end

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ApiStruct: Entity ApiStruct: Entity class Order < ApiStruct::Entity client_service OrdersClient attr_entity :id, :state, :total_price end order = # => {"id"=>1, "state"=>"shipping", "total_price"=>"99"}

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Event-Driven Architecture Event-Driven Architecture ( (EDA EDA) )

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Сommunication Сoncepts Сommunication Сoncepts Messages Messages Events Events Commands Commands

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Messages Messages The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers

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Messages Messages The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers Literally can be anything Literally can be anything

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Messages Messages The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers The basic unit of communication in Message Brokers Literally can be anything Literally can be anything An ID, a string, an object, a An ID, a string, an object, a command, an event or whatever. command, an event or whatever.

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Commands Commands It's a one-to-one communication between publisher It's a one-to-one communication between publisher and subscriber and subscriber

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Commands Commands It's a one-to-one communication between publisher It's a one-to-one communication between publisher and subscriber and subscriber Event Publisher Subscriber

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Events Events An event is a message which informs listeners about An event is a message which informs listeners about something which has happened something which has happened

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Events Events An event is a message which informs listeners about An event is a message which informs listeners about something which has happened something which has happened Event Publisher Subscriber 1 Subscriber 2

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Topic Topic Queue Queue vs

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Topic Topic Queue Queue vs All subscribers will receive a All subscribers will receive a copy of the message copy of the message

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All subscribers will receive a All subscribers will receive a copy of the message copy of the message A single message will be A single message will be received by exactly one received by exactly one consumer consumer Topic Topic Queue Queue vs

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Queues Queues Pros Pros Simple messaging pattern with a transparent communication flow Messages can be recovered by putting them back on the queue

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Cons Cons Only one consumer can get the message Implies a coupling between producer and consumer as it’s an one-to-one relation Queues Queues

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Topics Topics Pros Pros Multiple consumers can get a message Decoupling between producer and consumers (publish-and- subscribe pattern)

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Cons Cons More complicated communication flow A message cannot be recovered for a single listener Topics Topics

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Virtual Topics Virtual Topics Pros Pros Multiple consumers can get a message Decoupling between producer and consumers (publish-and-subscribe pattern) Messages can be recovered by putting them back on the queue

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Virtual Topics Virtual Topics Cons Cons Might require additional configuration in the broker

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FIFO (First-In-First-Out) FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Queues Queues The order in which messages are sent and received is strictly preserved.

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Message Brokers Message Brokers

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Checklist Checklist Services discovery Messaging Load balancing Logging Queuing

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Amazon SQS Amazon SQS Fully managed message queue Fully managed message queue

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Amazon SQS Amazon SQS Fully managed message queue Fully managed message queue Pros Pros Cons Cons

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Amazon SQS Amazon SQS Fully managed message queue Fully managed message queue Pros Pros Available as a cloud service Cons Cons

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Amazon SQS Amazon SQS Fully managed message queue Fully managed message queue Pros Pros Available as a cloud service Cons Cons FIFO queues support only 300 messages per second

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Amazon SQS Amazon SQS Fully managed message queue Fully managed message queue Pros Pros Available as a cloud service Cons Cons FIFO queues support only 300 messages per second No ability to use FIFO with Pub/Sub (SNS)

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pros Pros It has two main concepts: topics and queues

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pros Pros It has two main concepts: topics and queues Load Balancing: replication, horizontal scaling

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pros Pros It has two main concepts: topics and queues Load Balancing: replication, horizontal scaling Support for most protocols

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pros Pros It has two main concepts: topics and queues Load Balancing: replication, horizontal scaling Support for most protocols Cons Cons Need backups

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Pros Pros It has two main concepts: topics and queues Load Balancing: replication, horizontal scaling Support for most protocols Cons Cons Need backups Might require additional configuration(FIFO, Virtual Topics)

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Protocols Protocols

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Protocols Protocols OpenWire OpenWire STOMP STOMP AMQP AMQP MQTT MQTT What to сhoose? What to сhoose? WebSocket WebSocket XMPP XMPP

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Instance can provide Instance can provide all protocols at the all protocols at the same time same time

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ActiveMQ ActiveMQ Endpoints Endpoints

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Publish/Subscribe Publish/Subscribe pattern and Ruby pattern and Ruby

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Publishing is simply Publishing is simply options = { command: 'update_order', data: { order_id: 1, state: :paid } } redis = redis.publish(:orders, options.to_json)

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But we need handle But we need handle pubishing result pubishing result options = { command: 'update_order', data: { order_id: 1, state: :paid } } redis = redis.publish(:orders, options.to_json).tap do |r| Raven.capture_message('Publish failed', extra: options) if end

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Pub/Sub pattern Pub/Sub pattern redis = redis.subscribe(:orders) do |on| on.message do |channel, message| # call the command end end

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Pub/Sub pattern Pub/Sub pattern redis = do redis.subscribe(:orders) do |on| on.message do |channel, message| begin # call the command rescue StandardError => e Raven.capture_exception(e) end end end end

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Testing Testing

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No content

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Real life problems Real life problems No one really knows how to test microservices

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Real life problems Real life problems No one really knows how to test microservices No one really knows how to test infrastructure for microservices

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Solutions? Solutions? Unit testing for each service with hard mocking

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Solutions? Solutions? Unit testing for each service with hard mocking Up the server with all services for running integration testing

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Monitoring Monitoring No more single system, no more centralized monitoring

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Monitoring Monitoring No more single system, no more centralized monitoring Logs and metrics collecting (Beats, Statsd, Elasticsearch)

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Monitoring Monitoring No more single system, no more centralized monitoring Logs and metrics collecting (Beats, Statsd, Elasticsearch) Aggregation (Logstash)

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Monitoring Monitoring No more single system, no more centralized monitoring Logs and metrics collecting (Beats, Statsd, Elasticsearch) Aggregation (Logstash) Visualization (Kibana, Grafana)

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Monitoring Monitoring No more single system, no more centralized monitoring Logs and metrics collecting (Beats, Statsd, Elasticsearch) Aggregation (Logstash) Visualization (Kibana, Grafana) Store and maintain all this data and systems

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Thanks! Thanks!