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C o l o r a d o C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e s O n l i n e ( C C C O n l i n e ) : S o p h i a S t r i c k f a d e n , M A F r o n t R a n g e C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e : E r i c S a l a h u b & K e r r i M i t c h e l l Going Online Overnight with Faculty Workshops - Two Case Comparisons of Faculty Workshops for Essentials of Online Teaching

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Introductions Sophia Strickfaden eLearning Technologist Colorado Community Colleges Online Aurora, CO Kerri Mitchell English Faculty, Instructional Coach Front Range Community College Fort Collins, CO Eric Salahub Philosophy Faculty, Instructional Coach Front Range Community College Fort Collins, CO

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Our Network

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13 Colleges, 1 System “The Colorado Community College System (CCCS) is made of up 13 unique colleges with 38 locations across the state, educating over 125,000 students every year.”

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Graph of Colorado COVID cases as of February 5, 2021. In comparison to other states, Colorado was fairly flat until November. Our cases are falling and we’re seeing improvements.. Source: New York Times, "Colorado Covid Map and Case Count". Retrieved October 5, 2020. D ue t o C O V I D - 1 9 , t h e n e e d t o m o v e o ur e n t i r e s y s t e m o f co ur s e s t o o n l i n e i n s t r uct i o n h a d t o h a p p e n q ui ck l y wh i l e m a i n t a i n i n g q ua l i t y s t ud e n t - l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n ce s . Fa cul t y a r e ce n t r a l t o t h e co l l e ct i v e s ucce s s i n t h i s d a un t i n g t a s k . A f a cul t y wo r k s h o p f o r e s s e n t i a l s o f o n l i n e t e a ch i n g wa s n e ce s s a r y . Covid Response

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What are the Online Essentials? Chat

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Chat Summary of Online Essentials

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Section 1 – Eric Salahub, Front Range Community College

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Front Range Community College, Kerri and Eric Colorado Community Colleges Online, Sophia and Lee Tran (no longer at CCCOnline)

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Front Range Community College Larimer Campus in Fort Collins Boulder County Campus in Longmont Westminster Campus

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FRCC's Spring 2020 COVID Response Challenge: Design a two-week 10-hour “online essentials” workshop to prepare faculty and instructors to teach online classes for Summer and Fall 2020

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Asynchronous Online Focused 10-hour Online Essentials 10-hour Practicum During the First Semester of Online Teaching FRCC Online Essentials

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FRCC Online Essentials Design Challenge Prepare Teachers for Real-time- Remote No Practicum for RtR Teachers RtR Best Practices Training offered during Fall 2020 in-service College-wide Instructional Coaching and PD for all Modalities

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1. Reflect on prior knowledge as foundation to think about online design and teaching. 2. Understand FRCC’s Online Course Quality Guidelines and apply them when designing and teaching online courses. 3. Experience the Quality Guidelines as a student; practice using D2L Tools and experience what it is like to have an engaged facilitator. 4. Draft and revise a pedagogical plan for online teaching and learning. 5. Become familiar with additional resources for online and multi-modal course design and teaching. 6. Be ready to transition to the Practicum being aware of what you will need in order to meet your teaching and learning goals. FRCC Online Essentials Outcomes

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FRCC Online Essentials Overview

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Independent Student Work Independent Teacher Work In Class Work Reflecting on Prior Knowledge

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Previewing: Online Design In Class Work ?? Independent Student Work ?? Independent Teacher Work ?? No Sessions?

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Week 1 Open Discussion

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Week 1 “Quizzes”

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High Standards Effective Design Rich and Inclusive Learning Environment Engaged Teaching and Active Learning Active Student Engagement FRCC Online Course Quality Guidelines

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Week 1: Guided Thinking Activity

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What is Online Teaching Teacher Students

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Week 1 Post/Reply Discussion

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Week 2 Open Discussion

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Week 2: Guided Thinking Activity

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If your main job as an online teacher isn’t to deliver content, what will teaching mean if your online class? Eric, I think I designed myself out of my own class…

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Week 2 Post/Reply Discussion

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600+ FRCC Teachers Trained With Online Essentials 50% FTE Growth from 2019 10+ New Online Classes (Science, Nursing, etc.) FRCC Online Essentials

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All Modalities “C” or better pass rates Front Range Community College

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Redesign Essentials for Online and Remote? Offer two versions of Essentials? Should Remote teachers have a practicum experience? FRCC Online Essentials 2021?

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Section 2 – Sophia Strickfaden, Colorado Community Colleges Online (CCCOnline)

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Front Range Community College, Kerri and Eric Colorado Community Colleges Online, Sophia and Lee Tran (no longer at CCCOnline)

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Aurora, CO Area Colorado Community Colleges Online, Sophia and Lee Tran (no longer at CCCOnline)

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The Charge, Context, Goal 10-hour workshop for CCCS instructors to intentionally and rapidly transition to online learning with sustainable course design. 5 DAYS UNTIL DELIVERY

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The Essentials Online Student Characteristics Effective Remote Teaching Design Online Delivery Format Blueprint/Plan Online Course Practice Using Tools

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FACULTY PARTICIPANTS 652 CCCS Faculty (13 Colleges) Minimal or little experience teaching online. Diverse in experience, expertise, exposure, and technology comfort. Many experienced with teaching in classroom and/or in real-time. The Audience Reach

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AVERAGE HOURS LEARNING 16.2 Desire2Learn (D2L) LMS CCCOnline Master Course Template (MCT) Articulate Rise for Content Center for Academic Excellence for Recruitment and Enrollment Delivery

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Pre- and Post-Surveys

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Post-Survey Adjustments Alt Video Options Rubrics Privacy: FERPA Decrease load Balance Language

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Totals # of Facilitat ors # of Sections Enrollment Completed Did Not Complete Dropped Did Partial Work Did Not Participate May 4 4 104 79 14 11 9 5 June 8 8 190 126 42 22 16 26 July 2 2 59 41 10 8 3 7 August 5 6 194 104 65 25 25 40 October 4 4 82 49 20 13 8 12 January 1 2 23 11 6 6 4 2 Overall 24 26 652 410 157 85 65 92 Enrollment/Completion Statistics

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Totals Drop Rate Completer Success Rate Pass/Fail Rate May 10.58% 84.95% 75.96% June 11.58% 75.00% 66.32% July 13.56% 80.39% 66.49% August 12.89% 61.54% 53.615% October 12.56% 72.55% 63.43% January 26.09% 72.31% 62.88% Overall 14.54% 74.46% 64.78% Enrollment/Completion Statistics

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Feedback Answer Scales May Survey June Survey July Survey August Survey October Survey January Survey Overall Average Instructor modeled best practices Agree/ Strongly Agree 98.61% 94.08% 92.68% 92.98% 96.00% 100.00% 95.73% Effective course design Strategies Agree/ Strongly Agree 95.83% 94.82% 95.12% 90.35% 96.00% 100.00% 95.35% Instructor feedback was helpful Agree/ Strongly Agree 97.23% 93.33% 97.56% 92.98% 98.00% 100.00% 96.52% Participant ability to teach online Confident/ Very Confident 94.45% 84.44% 80.49% 92.98% 90.00% 100.00% 90.39% Recommend workshop to others Somewhat Likely/ Very Likely 98.61% 97.04% 95.12% 92.23% 94.00% 100.00% 96.17% Post Survey Results

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Next Steps Seat Time Adjustments Custom to Groups Self-Paced Modules Outreach Enhancements Student-Data Based Decisions Other Ideas?

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Given the two solutions… Let’s Chat!

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What ideas do you have? What have you done? What are your suggestions? Tell us what ideas you would take from this presentation. Chat

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Authors’ Contacts Sophia Strickfaden [email protected] Twitter: @Sophia_eLearn Kerri Mitchell [email protected] Eric Salahub [email protected]

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