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1 Demystifying the neural network black box Christopher Lennan (Senior Data Scientist) @chris_lennan Tanuj Jain (Data Scientist) @tjainn #idealoTech

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Motivation 2

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3 Motivation Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) • CNNs are at the heart of most computer vision applications these days • They have also established themselves as successful for various NLP tasks • But: It is notoriously difficult to interpret/understand predictions! • Problematic, because o Understanding is just as important as performance o Sensitive applications (medical or autonomous driving) require a thorough understanding of its inner workings o CNNs can be improved if their predictions are properly understood

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idealo Use Case ● Why are these misclassified as bathrooms? 4 Use Case: Identify the area of Hotel Property

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Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 5 source: Zhou et. al., “Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization”

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Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 6 source:

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Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 7 source: Zhou et. al., “Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization”

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Interpretability 8

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9 Interpreting CNNs • The available methods for interpreting CNNs can be broadly grouped into 1. Attribution methods • attributing a classification result back to the input pixels • output is usually a heatmap over input pixels that indicates how much each pixel contributed to the classification outcome 2. Visualization methods • Visualize the patterns that filters have learned • Generate images that cause maximum neuron activation • Visualize neuron interactions

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Attribution methods 1. Perturbation based approaches - Occlude area of interest to test its effectiveness in changing predictions 2. Gradient based approaches - Calculation of gradients of output w.r.t. some network variable a. Saliency Maps b. Guided Backpropagation c. Deconvolution 3. Relevance Score approaches a. Class Activation Map (CAM) b. Grad- CAM c. Layerwise Relevance Propagation (LRP) Relative importance of areas of the input image for predictions

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Visualization methods Neurons and parameters can be visualized at all levels of the network: 11 Looking at the learned parameters of the neural network source:

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Coding Time! 12

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Idealo Use Cases 13

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Insights With CAM Swimming Pool misclassified as Bathroom 16 CAM

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Insights With CAM Swimming Pool misclassified as Bathroom 17 CAM

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Insights With CAM Swimming Pool misclassified as Bathroom 18 CAM

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Insights With CAM Swimming Pool misclassified as Bathroom Using rails to misidentify Pool as Bathroom. 19

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Insights With CAM Bathroom correct classification 20 CAM

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Insights With CAM Bathroom correct classification 21 CAM

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Insights With CAM Bathroom correct classification 22 CAM

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Insights With CAM Bathroom correct classification Using faucets to correctly identify Bathroom. 23

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Image Aesthetics

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Convolutional filter visualisations Layer 23 MobileNet original MobileNet Aesthetic 25

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Convolutional filter visualisations Layer 51 MobileNet original MobileNet Aesthetic 26

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Convolutional filter visualisations Layer 79 MobileNet original MobileNet Aesthetic 27

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Image-ATM Python package we developed for tagging images 28

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Check us out! #idealoTech 29

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Data Science Team 30

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Tanuj Jain [email protected] @tjainn Christopher Lennan [email protected] @chris_lennan 31

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