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The Good relation between Vue.js and Web Components To the future Takanori Oki @Vue Fes Japan

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Self Introduction • Takanori Oki (@takanorip) • Frontend Developer at FOLIO Inc. • Use Nuxt.js/Vue.js, React, Polymer • A member of Polymer Japan • I love font and webfont

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What are Web Components?

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Web Components w 8FCඪ४ٕज़ͰɺΧϓηϧԽ͞Εͨ
 ͢Δ֓೦ w 8FCඪ४ٕज़ͳͷͰɺಛఆͷπʔϧ΍
 ϥΠϒϥϦʹґଘ͠ͳ͍ w ͦͷ··ϒϥ΢βͰಈ࡞͢Δ

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Browser Support

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We don't need to use polyfill library!!!! (except for IE and Edge)

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Specifications • Custom Elements • Shadow DOM • HTML Template • ES ModulesʢHTML Importsʣ
 HTML Modules

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Custom Elements w ಠࣗͷػೳ΍ݟͨ໨Λ࣋ͬͨ)5.-ཁૉΛ
 ఆٛͰ͖ΔΑ͏ʹ͢ΔͨΊͷ࢓༷ w ఆٛͨ͠)5.-ཁૉͷλάΛ)5.-தʹ
 هड़ͯ͠࢖༻͢Δ w ͜ΕҎ߱ʮಠࣗͷػೳ΍ݟͨ໨Λ࣋ͬͨ)5.- ཁૉʯͷ͜ͱΛʮΧελϜཁૉʯͱݺͿ

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Shadow DOM w %0.ͷΧϓηϧԽΛ࣮ݱ͢ΔͨΊͷ࢓༷ w 4IBEPX3PPU഑Լʹ4IBEPX5SFFͱ
 ݺ͹ΕΔ/PEF5SFF͕ੜ੒͞ΕΔ w άϩʔόϧͷ$44΍+BWB4DSJQU͸

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HTML Template w ཁૉΛ࢖༻͠)5.-υΩϡϝϯτ Ͱ)5.-ͷ਽ܗΛѻ͏ͨΊͷ࢓༷ w ͜Ε͸8)"58(%0.4UBOEBSEͷҰ෦ʹ औΓࠐ·Ε͍ͯΔ w +BWB4DSJQU͔Β΋ѻ͍΍͘͢͢ΔͨΊͷػೳ ֦ு΋ٞ࿦͕ਐΜͰ͍Δ

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ES Modules w &4Ͱಋೖ͞Εͨ&4.PEVMFTͷػೳΛ
 ಡΈࠐΉ w ͦͷલʹ)5.-*NQPSUTͱ͍͏࢓༷͕
 ଘࡏ͍͕ͯͨ͠ɺഇࢭ͞Εͨ w HTML Modulesͱ͍͏࢓༷͕ٞ࿦͞Ε͍ͯΔ

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HTML Imports w )5.-Λ)5.-ͰಡΈࠐΉͨΊͷ࢓༷ w ࣅͨػೳΛ࣋ͭ&4.PEVMFTͷ࢓༷͕҆ఆ͠ ϒϥ΢β࣮૷͕ग़ଗͬͨ͜ͱͰɺ
 ඇਪ঑ʹͳͬͨ w ݱࡏ།Ұ࣮૷͞Ε͍ͯΔ(PPHMF$ISPNF

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HTML Modules w )5.-Λ+BWB4DSJQUͷதʹ௚઀*NQPSUՄೳ
 ϒϥ΢βͰαϙʔτ͠Α͏ͱ͍͏΋ͷ w ·ͩ(JU)VCͷ*TTVFͰٞ࿦͞Ε͍ͯΔஈ֊

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How to use Web Components with Vue.js?

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How to build Web Components with Vue.js?

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Vue CLI 3 Build Targets w 7VF$-*ͰCVJME͢Δͱ͖ɺ--target wcͱ ͍͏ΦϓγϣϯΛ͚ͭΔͱɺ7VFKTͷ
 ม׵ͯ͠CVJME͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ w ͜ΕͰੜ੒͞ΕͨϑΝΠϧ͸ɺ୯ମͰ

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@vue/web-component-wrapper w 7VFίϯϙʔωϯτΛϥοϓͯ͠
 ΧελϜཁૉͱͯ͠ొ࿥͢Δ w #VJME5BSHFUTͰ΋͜ΕΛ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ w 7VFKTΛϥοϓ͍ͯ͠ΔͷͰɺ

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͜ͷػೳΛ࢖͏͜ͱͰ Vue.jsͷίϯϙʔωϯτΛ Web Components΁ εϜʔζʹҠߦͰ͖Δ

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·ͨɺWeb Componentsͷ ෦෼తͳಋೖʹ΋໾ཱͭ

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Why we use Web Components?

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1. We can use the same component with any JavaScript Libraries

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For example... w 6*ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛ౷Ұ͍ͨ͠
 +BWB4DSJQUϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ͝ͱʹ6*ϑϨʔϜ ϫʔΫ࢖͍෼͚Δͷɺޮ཰ѱ͍ w ϑϨʔϜϫʔΫΛมߋ͠ͳͯ͘͸ͳΒͳ͘ͳͬ ͨͱ͖ɺ6*෦෼Λ࢖͍ճ͢͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ w ֎෦ެ։͠΍͍͢

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2. Fully Scoped

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For example... w େ͖͍ϓϩδΣΫτͰ$44ͷґଘؔ܎͕
 ͞Εͳ͍࣮૷͕͍ͨ͠ w ֎෦ެ։͍ͨ͠

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Demerit w ଐੑ஋ʹ4USJOHܕ͔͠౉ͤͳ͍ w ֎෦͔Β౉͞ΕΔΠϕϯτͷϋϯυϦϯά͕ ೉͍͠ w %0.ཁૉͷऔΓճ͕͠໘౗ w $44ͷઃܭΛେ෯ʹݟ௚͢ඞཁ͕͋Δ

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ਖ਼௚ɺ7VFKTͷػೳΛ࢖ͬͯίϯϙʔωϯτ ࡞ͬͨ΄͏͕ॊೈͰػೳతͰ؆ܿ

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3. Micro Frontends

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Micro Frontends? • Be Technology Agnostic • Isolate Team Code • Establish Team Prefixes • Favor Native Browser Features over 
 Custom APIs • Build a Resilient Site

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Think about a web app as a composition of features

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Functions Normal Frontend

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Function1 Micro Frontend Function2 Function4 Function3

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Build a Resilient Site

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w CSSͷมߋ w ࢖༻͢ΔϥΠϒϥϦͷมߋ w JavaScriptͷมߋ w DOMߏ଄ͷมߋ • etc...

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Web ComponentsͳΒ ScopedͳͷͰ มߋ͕༰қ

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The biggest change that can be assumed = Framework migration

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When Vue.js die, we should think about this

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Why didn't we use Web Components earlier...?

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ʁ A B A? B?

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Replacing UI implementation with Web Components, we can respond flexibly to changing frameworks

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What will become of us?

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Vue.js is replaced by Web Components?

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Vue.js (and other frameworks) will be coexistent with Web Components

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Web Components Vue.js (and other frameworks) Web Components Web Components

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Web Components is
 "to encapsulate HTML elements"

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Vue.js is
 "To make
 Web Applications"

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 ͚ͩͲɺ՝୊΋ଟ͍ w 7VFKTͱ8FC$PNQPOFOUT͸ڞଘͰ͖Δ w 6*Λ8FC$PNQPOFOUTʹ·͔ͤΔ͜ͱͰɺ ෛ࠴ΛݮΒ͢͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ

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Let's use Web Components!

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THANK YOU! (font: Futura, ৽ΰ1SP)