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Take rendering process to pieces for Web browser performance. @plum_shiga

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IAM @plum_shiga Programmer - From electrical control
 to Web service.

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TL; DR - I try to take piece to process of rendering , then confirm what the browser do. - Especially, “Paint” process is high cost, so it is better to use “will-change” property. - Notice : Watch out for overuse!

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Scope DISPLAY Communication

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Slowly Laggy Don’t show Affected

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What is SLOW?

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SLOW is - If the execution time has passed after a certain time. - A certain time is ?

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FPS - Frame (s) per second - 60f / s - Budget : 16.6msec / frame - Rendering + Housekeeping A certain time = Rendering : 10 msec +α

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RAIL Model - Response - Response speed to UI operation. - Animation - Animation speed per frame. - Idle - Process speed when idle state (like back-ground task). - Load - Web page loading speed.

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Rendering - Draws text and images on the screen. - The engine draws structured text from a document (often HTML), and formats it properly based on the given style declarations (often given in CSS)., Ұ෦มߋ

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Pixel Pipeline Style Layout Paint Composite JavaScript

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JavaScript - Update html string template - Event occurrence and display element state change.

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Style - Check which element (s) the CSS rule matches. - Apply rules and reflect in drawing. 1SPCMFN 3FGFSUP$440.USFFGPSFMFNFOUTPG%0.USFFXJUI CSVUFGPSDF

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For improvement style - DOM - Design to be shallow. - CSSOM - Erase unused matching rules because they are referenced many times. - Descendant selector - Reduce. They consume CPU relatively.

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Layout - In other words, Reflow - The phase to calculate exact position and size - Adjusting the influence from a element to some
 element (s). - High cost process - Maybe laggy.

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Paint - HIGHEST COST PROCESS - The process of writing the synthesized pixel to the user’s screen. - text, color, border, shadow… - Paint process is high cost because this process is across multiple layers.

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Paint - List making - List : Operations to call when drawing to screen with graphics API. - Perform pixel embedding - Rasterization - Covert data to dot-sets

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Composite - Page parts are potentially drawn on multiple layers - Draw on the screen in the correct order so that the page renders correctly. - We don't be conscious because the browser feels good. - That being said, controllable.

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Full Style Layout Paint Composite JavaScript

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Update layout - When we change the shape of an element, such as width, height, left or top position. - Check all other elements and "reflow" the page. - Repaint affected areas across layers - Full process runs

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Skip Layout Style Layout Paint Composite JavaScript

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Update color - Update background-image, text color, shadow. - They do not affect page layout.
 -> Skip layout

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Skip paint too Style Layout Paint Composite JavaScript

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Update cursor - No effect (basically…) - Note : depending on brows

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Triggers = CSS property

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CSS Triggers - It depends on CSS property which process of Pixel pipeline affects. - Concrete example - cursor: Except EdgeHTML, about composition - If it is WebKit, nothing will be affected -> Low cost and light weight - float: affects all processes

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Pixel Pipeline Style Layout Composite JavaScript Paint

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Problem - When two areas that require painting are combined by the browser, the entire screen needs to be repainted. - For example, pin a header at the top of the page (like global navigation) and draw something at the view bottom. - Eventually the entire screen is repainted. - I wish they was painted bottom area, it would be cheaper…

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Slide 33 text Understand stacking context By giving a hint in advance Browser is ready → HOW?

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will-change - We can give a clue to browsers about what elements are expected to change - Browsers can set up optimizations before elements are actually changed. - The high-cost processing run potentially, page response can improve.

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will-change - Continue to indicate that the target element will be update soon. - To maintain certain optimizations for a long time. - We need to turn will-change on / off using script code before and after the change occurs.

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CSS Triggers

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will-change const el = document.getElementById('element'); el.addEventListener('mouseenter', hintBrowser); el.addEventListener('animationEnd', removeHint); function hintBrowser() { // They will be update at key frame block = 'transform, opacity'; } function removeHint() { = 'auto'; }

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TL; DR - I try to take piece to process of rendering , then confirm what the browser do. - Especially, “Paint” process is high cost, so it is better to use “will-change” property. - Notice : Watch out for overuse!

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Take rendering process to pieces for Web browser performance. @plum_shiga