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Creating a next-generation financial dataset from scratch with NLP & active learning

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whois Patrick Harrison Director of AI Engineering @ S&P Global [email protected] We are a group of data scientists and machine learning engineers working to build production AI-powered applications at S&P Global.

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In this talk… 1. A little bit about S&P Global 2. A major structural trend in financial data — ESG 3. Creating an ESG dataset from scratch with spaCy, BERT, and active learning 4. Why S&P Global is a great place for NLP practitioners

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S&P Global

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S&P Global is… • A financial data & technology company • Several divisions: • Ratings — Credit ratings for governments, corporations, institutions • Indices — Dow Jones, S&P 500, S&P Europe 350, … • Market Intelligence — data, analytics, research, news • Platts — energy analytics • A member of the Fortune 500 ($50B+ market capitalization)

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Customers • Companies • Banks & Investors • Governments & Policy-makers • Professional Services • Academic Researchers “I need to make the best possible decisions for my organization.”

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“I need data.” This is where we can help.

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Relevant, accurate data makes makes better decisions possible. When our customers make better decisions, it can lead to economic growth and better governance.

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Some of our datasets… • Cross-industry: • Conventional financial performance metrics • News & events • Professionals • Transcripts of earnings conference calls • Many more… • Industry-specific: • Natural gas pipeline network & operations • Many more…

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The accuracy guarantee • …or what you might call the “100% precision, 100% recall rule” • If there is a fact in the public domain and it falls within the scope of S&P’s information coverage, typically we guarantee: • That fact will be in our datasets, and • the data will be correct • If you find an example where data is missing or incorrect, we will send you $50

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let’s talk about ESG data

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In the past, when financial analysts did research on a company, conventional financial performance metrics were paramount.

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Today, customers are clamoring for new types of information about companies they research.

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Environmental | Social | Governance

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Example ESG attributes • Has this company made a public commitment to reduce or eliminate deforestation from its business operations? • Does the company disclose the investments it is making, if any, to promote sustainable water use in its business operations? • Does the company have standards in place to prohibit child labor practices in its business operations? In its supply chain? • Has this company made a public commitment regarding animal welfare practices? • Is the CEO’s compensation linked to company performance on sustainability metrics? • Does the company have targets in place for diversity and inclusion in its workforce? • … (hundreds more) • This data is really hard to get today!

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We want to create the best ESG dataset in the world Problem: collecting standardized ESG data for thousands of companies is hard

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Why is collecting ESG data hard? Conventional Data ESG Data Typically regulated Typically unregulated (for now) Disclosure is mandatory Disclosure is voluntary, non-disclosure is common Companies report similar metrics Companies report a variety of metrics, or no metrics Reported in standard formats Companies report data in various formats and channels Reported at predictable times Companies may report whenever they like

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evidence for this ESG attribute Does the company assess risks related to water issues at least once a year?

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Summarizing the task • We need to identify spans of text that contain relevant evidence for a company’s ESG attributes… • …which may or may not be disclosed anywhere • …for hundreds of ESG attributes • …from a variety of document or web sources • …across thousands of companies • …and system accuracy has to be 100%.

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creating an ESG dataset from scratch with spaCy, BERT, and active learning

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nlp modeling pipeline

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active learning lifecycle

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Next steps • This modeling approach and workflow is currently in “internal production” as S&P Global builds out its ESG dataset across thousands of companies • Members of our AI Engineering group build and maintain models, workflow tools, and infrastructure that make the active learning model development lifecycle and production workflow possible

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S&P: a great place for nlp practitioners

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The corpus • Documents are our bread and butter: we work with hundreds of millions of professionally-produced documents • Enough text data to do some really interesting things, like creating customized word embedding and pre-trained language models for the financial services domain

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The people • We have large teams of analysts and subject-matter experts on staff who can assist with annotating data — no crowd-sourcing required • The data-first mindset — as a data company, we have a lot of people who have been thinking hard about the storage, management, and quality of data for a long time

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The data “Where did you find that?” “How many shares of Apple, Inc. stock are outstanding?”

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… … “Source Tagging”

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The impact • Processing text is fundamental to the core operations of our business • The business opportunity for NLP is large and direct • Lots of internal and external customers really care about the results of your work

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Closing thoughts • It’s not always the best-performing model that wins • It’s the end-to-end system that provides value in a specific business context, potentially including human-machine collaboration • We are hiring • A big thank you to the folks at Explosion and the rest of the Python data science ecosystem! [email protected]