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Server side code? Me?

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No content

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It's been...a while

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The paradox of choice

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"I wish there was a way to do simple server stuff with what I already know..."

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Something familiar

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Something that maintains my focus

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Something lightweight and simple

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Enter Ktor!

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So here's what we're gonna do...

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A Google "Dashboard"

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Bonus: WebApp!

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Let's build the RESTful API!

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Things we'll be using

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Ktor OAuth2 Retrofit Moshi Google APIs Google Cloud

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Things we're not going to get into

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Quickstart Database Sessions Testing

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You've setup an application on Google Cloud

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You've authenticated to Google's OAuth2

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Ktor's basic structure

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CIO Jetty Netty Tomcat

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Netty CIO Jetty Tomcat

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fun main(args: Array) { io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain.main(args) }

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ktor { deployment { port = 8080 watch = [Dev/kotlin/ktor/src] }1 application { modules = [com.dankim.ApplicationKt.module] }1 }1

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ktor { deployment { port = 8080 watch = [Dev/kotlin/ktor/src] }1 application { modules = [com.dankim.ApplicationKt.module] }1 }1

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fun main(args: Array) { io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain.main(args) } fun Application.module() { }

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class Application(val environment: ApplicationEnvironment) : ApplicationCallPipeline(), CoroutineScope { ... }1

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class Application(val environment: ApplicationEnvironment) : ApplicationCallPipeline(), CoroutineScope { ... }1

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Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 5 Phase 4

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Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor Interceptor

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1. Setup 2. Monitoring 3. Features 4. Call 5. Fallback

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Features Call

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No content

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DefaultHeaders Feature

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fun Application.module() { }1

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curl -v > < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Content-Length: 0

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fun Application.module() { }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) }1

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override fun install(...): DefaultHeaders { ... val feature = DefaultHeaders(config) pipeline.intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Features) { feature.intercept(call) } ... }

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curl -v < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 02:08:13 GMT < Server: ktor-server-core/1.2.4 ktor-server-core/ 1.2.4 < Content-Length: 0

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) }1

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override fun install(...): Routing { ... val routing = Routing(pipeline).apply(configure) pipeline.intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Call) { routing.interceptor(this) } ... }

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Features Call

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) }

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curl -v < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found < Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2019 02:08:13 GMT < Server: ktor-server-core/1.2.4 ktor-server-core/ 1.2.4 < Content-Length: 0

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) }11

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) { get("/dashboard.json") { call.respondText { "Hello KotlinConf!" }11 }11 }11 }11

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curl -v < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2019 15:33:23 GMT < Server: ktor-server-core/1.2.4 ktor-server-core/ 1.2.4 ... Hello KotlinConf!

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Let's get some data

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GET Gmail Data

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)11 data class GmailThreads( @Json(name = "threads") val threads: List )111

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)11 data class GmailThreads( @Json(name = "threads") val threads: List )111 @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class GmailThread( @Json(name = "id") val id: String, @Json(name = "snippet") val snippet: String )1

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@GET("gmail/v1/users/{user}/threads") fun getGmailThreads(@Path("user") user: String): Call

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private fun getGmailData(): GmailThreads? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance() .getGmailThreads("[email protected]") .execute() return when { response.isSuccessful -> response.body() else -> { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1 }1

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private fun getGmailData(): GmailThreads? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance() .getGmailThreads("[email protected]") .execute() return when { response.isSuccessful -> response.body() else -> { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1 }1

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private fun getGmailData(): GmailThreads? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance() .getGmailThreads("[email protected]") .execute() return when { response.isSuccessful -> response.body() else -> { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1 }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) { }11 }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) { get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() call.respondText { gmailData.toJson() }1111 }111 }11 }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) { get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() call.respondText { gmailData.toJson() }1 }1 }1 }1

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fun Application.module() { install(DefaultHeaders) install(Routing) { get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() call.respondText { gmailData.toJson() }1 }1 }1 }1

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curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "

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curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "

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GET Gtasks Data

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)111 data class GoogleTasks( @Json(name = "items") val tasks: List? = null )111

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)111 data class GoogleTasks( @Json(name = "items") val tasks: List? = null )111 @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)11 data class GoogleTask( @Json(name = "id") val id: String? = null, @Json(name = "title") val title: String? = null, @Json(name = "status") val status: String? = null )11

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)111 data class GoogleTasks( @Json(name = "items") val tasks: List? = null )111 @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)11 data class GoogleTask( @Json(name = "id") val id: String? = null, @Json(name = "title") val title: String? = null, @Json(name = "status") val status: String? = null )11 @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)1 data class MyGoogleDashboard( @Json(name = "tasks") val tasks: List, @Json(name = "emails") val emails: List )1

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@GET("tasks/v1/lists/{listId}/tasks") fun getTasks(@Path("listId") listId: String): Call

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private fun getTaskList(listId: String): GoogleTasks? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().getTasks(listId).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { response.body() } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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private fun getTaskList(listId: String): GoogleTasks? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().getTasks(listId).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { response.body() } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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private fun getTaskList(listId: String): GoogleTasks? { val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().getTasks(listId).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { response.body() } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() val taskList = getTaskList("") val myGoogleDashboard = MyGoogleDashboard( tasks = taskList?.tasks, emails = gmailData?.threads ) call.respondText { myGoogleDashboard.toJson() }1 }1

Slide 84

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get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() val taskList = getTaskList("") val myGoogleDashboard = MyGoogleDashboard( tasks = taskList?.tasks, emails = gmailData?.threads ) call.respondText { myGoogleDashboard.toJson() }1 }1

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get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() val taskList = getTaskList("") val myGoogleDashboard = MyGoogleDashboard( tasks = taskList?.tasks, emails = gmailData?.threads ) call.respondText { myGoogleDashboard.toJson() }1 }1

Slide 86

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get("/dashboard.json") { val gmailData = getGmailData() val taskList = getTaskList("") val myGoogleDashboard = MyGoogleDashboard( tasks = taskList?.tasks, emails = gmailData?.threads ) call.respondText { myGoogleDashboard.toJson() }1 }1

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curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "

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curl -H "Authorization: Bearer "

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Gtasks POST

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@POST("tasks/v1/lists/{listId}/tasks") fun createTask(@Path("listId") listId: String, @Body task: GoogleTask): Call

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask("",task).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask("",task).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

Slide 93

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask("",task).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

Slide 94

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask("",task).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask("",task).execute() return if (response.isSuccessful) { call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) } else { handleError(response.errorBody().toString()) null }1 }1

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curl -v -F 'taskName=This is super cool!' -H "Accept: application/json" < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 02:58:41 GMT < Server: ktor-server-core/1.2.4 ktor-server-core/1.2.4 < Content-Length: 0

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No content

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OAuth 2

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No content

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val googleOauthProvider = OAuthServerSettings.OAuth2ServerSettings( name = "google", authorizeUrl = "", accessTokenUrl = "", requestMethod = HttpMethod.Post, clientId = "", clientSecret = "", defaultScopes = listOf( "profile", "email", "", "" ) )

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fun Application.module() { // ... install(Authentication) { oauth("google-oauth") { client = HttpClient(Apache) providerLookup = { googleOauthProvider } urlProvider = { redirectUrl("/login") } } } }

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fun Application.module() { ... install(Routing) { authenticate("google-oauth") { route("/login") { handle { val principal = call.authentication.principal() ?: error("No principal") saveOAuthToken(principal.accessToken) call.respondRedirect("/") }11111 }1111 }1111 }11 }11

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fun Application.module() { ... install(Routing) { authenticate("google-oauth") { route("/login") { handle { val principal = call.authentication.principal() ?: error("No principal") saveOAuthToken(principal.accessToken) call.respondRedirect("/") }11111 }1111 }111 }11 }11

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fun Application.module() { ... install(Routing) { authenticate("google-oauth") { route("/login") { handle { val principal = call.authentication.principal() ?: error("No principal") saveOAuthToken(principal.accessToken) call.respondRedirect("/") }1 }1 }1 }1 }1

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Web: showing the data

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get("/dashboard") { val gmailData = getGmailData() val taskList = getTaskList("") ... }

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call.respondHtml { body { p { h1 { +"Dashboard" } h2 { +"Tasks:" } ul { taskList?.tasks?.forEach { li { +it.title!! } }1 }1 h2 { +"Emails:" } ul { gmailData?.threads?.forEach { li { +StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(it.snippet) } }1 }1 }1 }1 }1

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body { p { h1 { +"Dashboard" } h2 { +"Tasks:" } ul { taskList?.tasks?.forEach { li { +it.title } }11 }11 h2 { +"Emails:" } ul { gmailData?.threads?.forEach { li { +StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(it.snippet) } }1 }1 }1 }1

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body { p { h1 { +"Dashboard" } h2 { +"Tasks:" } ul {11 taskList?.tasks?.forEach { li { +it.title } }11 }11 h2 { +"Emails:" } ul {1 gmailData?.threads?.forEach { li { +StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(it.snippet) } }1 }1 }1 }1

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body { p { h1 { +"Dashboard" } h2 { +"Tasks:" } ul {11 taskList?.tasks?.forEach { li { +it.title } }11 }11 h2 { +"Emails:" } ul {1 gmailData?.threads?.forEach { li { +StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(it.snippet) } }1 }1 }1 }1

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No content

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Web: posting data

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get("/tasks/new") { call.respondHtml { body { form("/tasks/new", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded, method = ) { acceptCharset = "utf-8" p { label { +"Task: " } textInput { name = "taskName" } }1 p { submitInput { value = "send" } }1 }1 }1 }1 }1

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get("/tasks/new") { call.respondHtml { body { form("/tasks/new", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded, method = ) { acceptCharset = "utf-8" p { label { +"Task: " } textInput { name = "taskName" } }111111 p { submitInput { value = "send" } }11111 }1111 }111 }111 }1

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get("/tasks/new") { call.respondHtml { body { form("/tasks/new", encType = FormEncType.applicationXWwwFormUrlEncoded, method = ) { acceptCharset = "utf-8" p { label { +"Task: " } textInput { name = "taskName" } }111111 p { submitInput { value = "send" } }11111 }1111 }111 }11 }1

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No content

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val acceptHeader = call.request.headers.get("Accept") val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask( "", task).execute() when (acceptHeader) { "application/json" -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) else -> call.respondRedirect("/dashboard") }1 }1

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val acceptHeader = call.request.headers.get("Accept") val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask( "", task).execute() when (acceptHeader) { "application/json" -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) else -> call.respondRedirect("/dashboard") }1 }1

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post("/tasks/new") { val postParams = call.receiveParameters() val taskName = postParams.entries() .find { it.key == "taskName" }?.value?.first() val acceptHeader = call.request.headers.get("Accept") val task = GoogleTask(title = taskName) val response = getGoogleServicesInstance().createTask( "", task).execute() when (acceptHeader) { "application/json" -> call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK) else -> call.respondRedirect("/dashboard") }1 }1

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No content

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Google Cloud

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XML config files

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../src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml ../src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml

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Cloud projects cost money!

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No content

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gcloud projects delete [PROJECT_ID]

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Wrap it up!

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