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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Be a Better Speaker Learn to Sketchnote Nitya Narasimhan, PhD

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Credit: Unsplash ABOUT ME PhD & Polyglot Researcher & Developer Community & Conf Org Mom & DevRel @Microsoft Passionate about translating tech awareness into actionable learning

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya How many of you fear public speaking?

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Image Credit: Washington Post / Oct 2014 You’re not alone! 25-80% agree.. Glossophobia Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking.[1] The word glossophobia derives from the Greek γλῶσσα glōssa, meaning tongue, and φόβος phobos, fear or dread. Wikipedia / May 2019

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Why Are we afraid? Physiology We feel threatened Psychology We feel unworthy Context We feel unsure

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya That’s easy for you to say No. I’m just like you Check out my heart rate when I get on stage at a conference .. Yes, It’s scary. Yes, You can do it! Yes, It feels amazing after!

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Why What How Icons Credit: Noun Project

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Why do public speaking?

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Do it for you Professional Growth Image Credit: WOCInTechChat ● Visible Achievement ● Clarity Of Thought ● Knowledge Transfer

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Do it for us Representation Matters Image Credit: Unsplash / @ethicaleffort ● Visible Role Models ● Diversity Of Thought ● Authentic Stories

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya How do I get started? #GDCFPDay Find a conference or meetup in your topic. Submit a CFP proposal

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Audience Think Reviewer, Not Attendee Applicability Does it meet conference guidelines? Authenticity Does your unique voice come through? Assiduity Submit once. Submit often. Revise & Recycle. Abstract Less is more. Retain flexibility. #MakeTheTalkHappen Icons Credit: Noun Project

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya But why sketchnote? A picture is worth a thousand words.. Icons Credit: Noun Project

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Clarify Your thinking Construct Your workflow Icons Credit: Noun Project Before During After

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Build Your brand Distill For Brevity Icons Credit: Noun Project Before During After

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Unleash Your creativity Improve Your recall Icons Credit: Noun Project Before During After

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Let’s Look at Some Examples..

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Book Reviews

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Conference Live Tweets

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Course Recaps

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Technology Learning

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya When timing What content How tools Icons Credit: Noun Project Tips & Tricks for Getting Started ..

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Fonts Change up size/type to create interest, focus Use font types to create interest Italics, Bold, 2D/3D Use size to create focus Heading vs. subtext

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Navigation Provide easy guidance within space constraint Use Signposts & paths For whimsy and direction Use Spacing and Borders To plan for future content, create clarity

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Colors Can be done later. Bring the sketch to life Highlight connections Similar colors for similar topics Shading for Focus Create separations between topics

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Icons Invoke familiar symbols for clarity Plan for adding in later Spacing for symbols Make cheat sheets for speed Frequently used symbols for context

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Quotes Listen for the signature statement or takeaway

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Personal What makes your voice or perspective unique?

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Practice Doodle everything, have fun, keep a journal ..

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Summary Speak. Sketch. Share.

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya Thank You! Twitter | @nitya Discussion | #bitsofbuild Slides |

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#BitsOfBuild / @nitya #BitsOfBuild / @nitya Be a Better Speaker Learn to Sketchnote Nitya Narasimhan, PhD Emojis from Emojipedia Art from Unsplash, Nitya Fonts from Google Fonts Icons from NounProject (Pro) Additional attributions in notes, slides