• AI @Microsoft - Community @NYC - Illustrator @SketchTheDocs

PhD & Polyglot with 25+ years of software research, architecture & development experience across industry, startups, academia and community.

Expertise & Interests:
Generative AI, Distributed Systems, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Systems, Web Development, Cloud Computing, Public Speaking, Self-Care, Sketchnoting, Community Building

Distinguished Member Of Tech Staff @Motorola
Google Developer Expert (Flutter/Web)
Adjunct Faculty (SUNY)

Community Builder @NYC
Founder, Google Developer Group NYC & Hudson Valley
Founder, AI Developers & Entrepreneurs Meetup

Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/nitya
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nityan
Website | https://nitya.dev
Dev.to | https://dev.to/nitya
GitHub | https://github.com/nitya
HuggingFace | https://huggingface.co/nityan


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