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Why Every Single Element of SOLID is Wrong! Dan North @tastapod

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion

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Single Responsibility Principle “one reason to change” “only do one thing”

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Single Responsibility Principle What is a single responsibility anyway? ETL: three responsibilities or one? How can you predict what is going to change? Pointlessly Vague Principle

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Single Responsibility Principle Simple code is easy to reason about Can easily do several related things Refactor until it Fits In Your Head Write simple code

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Open-Closed Principle Open for extension, closed for modification “When requirements change,
 extend behaviour by adding new code,
 not changing code that works”

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Open-Closed Principle Open for extension, closed for modification “When requirements change,
 the existing code is now wrong!
 so replace it with code that works” Cruft Accretion Principle

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Open-Closed Principle Simple code is easy to change Simple code is easy to test Simple code is both open and closed Write simple code!

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Liskov Substitution Principle “Strong behavioural subtyping” Substitution with a subtype preserves all
 “desirable properties” of the original type “Provably undecidable” but useful

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Liskov Substitution Principle “There is nothing quite so useless, as doing with great efficiency, something that should not be done at all.” Stuck in is-a and has-a modelling mindset Drucker’s Warning Principle

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Liskov Substitution Principle What about acts-like-a, can-be-used-as-a? Composition is simpler than inheritance Try to avoid object hierarchies altogether Write simple code!

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Interface Segregation Principle Many small interfaces are better than one big object Design small, role-based interfaces No client depends on methods it doesn’t use

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Interface Segregation Principle Practically anything is better than one big object Design small, role-based classes No client depends on methods it doesn’t use Stable Door Principle This is already true!! —>

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Interface Segregation Principle Don’t write big objects in the first place! Write code that Fits In Your Head If a class needs lots of interfaces, simplify the class! Write simple code!

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Dependency Inversion Principle High-level modules should not depend on
 lower-level modules Abstractions (e.g. interfaces) should not depend on
 details (e.g. concrete implementations)

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Dependency Inversion Principle Reuse is overrated, design for use! DIP leads to a different kind of dependency,
 dependency on DI frameworks! Wrong Goal Principle

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Dependency Inversion Principle See how far you get combining simple classes new is the new new! Assemble into small components that Fit In Your Head Write simple code!

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion Too much to remember!

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Single Responsibility Open/Closed Liskov Substitution Interface Segregation Dependency Inversion Write simple code!