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UI Architecture in the Compose world Android UIs at Scale 360|AnDev 2021

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Nacho Lopez He/Him Software Engineer Android Core UI @mrmans0n

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[CHIRP BIRD ICO N] UI Architecture

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … Well, actually… it was in 2017

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Laissez-faire architecture A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …

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Laissez-faire architecture A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …

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Laissez-faire architecture A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …

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Laissez-faire architecture A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away …

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It needed to stop

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19 interface ViewModel interface Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable } interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V }

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20 interface ViewModel interface Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable } interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V } But it still was too unopinionated

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But it still was too unopinionated 3 classes

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But it still was too unopinionated 3 classes Weak contract

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But it still was too unopinionated 3 classes Weak contract RxJava++

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So how did we fix that?

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ViewModel interface Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable } interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V } interface

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ViewModel interface Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable } interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V } interface

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ViewModel class MyViewModel : { internal fun textChanged(): Observable = ... internal fun respondToButtonClick() { ... } fun updateText(text: String) { ... } }

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ViewModel class MyViewModel : { internal fun textChanged(): Observable = ... } internal fun onButtonClicked(): Observable = button.clicks() }

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) : ViewDelegate { private val button = rootView.findViewById( internal fun setText(text: String) { .

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) : ViewDelegate { private val button = rootView.findViewById( internal fun setText(text: String) { .

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Merge all the streams into one to create a stronger contract

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interface ViewModel { fun stateObservable(): Observable fun processUserIntent(intent: I) } class WeaverViewBinder : Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable { val disposables = CompositeDisposable() disposables += viewModel.stateObservable() .subscribe { state >

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interface ViewModel { fun stateObservable(): Observable fun processUserIntent(intent: I) } interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V fun render(state: VS) fun userIntentObservable(): Observable = Observable.never() } class WeaverViewBinder : Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable { val disposables = CompositeDisposable() disposables += viewModel.stateObservable() .subscribe { state >

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interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V fun render(state: VS) fun userIntentObservable(): Observable = Observable.never() } class WeaverViewBinder : Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable { val disposables = CompositeDisposable() disposables += viewModel.stateObservable() .subscribe { state -> viewDelegate.render(state) } disposables += viewDelegate.userIntentObservable() .subscribe { intent -> viewModel.processUserIntent(intent) } return disposables } }

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interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V fun render(state: VS) fun userIntentObservable(): Observable = Observable.never() } class WeaverViewBinder : Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable { val disposables = CompositeDisposable() disposables += viewModel.stateObservable() .subscribe { state >

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interface ViewDelegate { protected val rootView: V fun render(state: VS) fun userIntentObservable(): Observable = Observable.never() } class WeaverViewBinder : Binder { fun bind(viewDelegate: ViewDelegate, viewModel: ViewModel): Disposable { val disposables = CompositeDisposable() disposables += viewModel.stateObservable() .subscribe { state >

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What we use: Weaver [CHIRPBIRDI CO N] ’s MVI + Data binding UI architecture framework

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What is Weaver?

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1. Data binding What is Weaver?

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1. Data binding What is Weaver? FrameLayout>

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1. Data binding What is Weaver? FrameLayout>

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1. Data binding What is Weaver? FrameLayout>

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1. Data binding What is Weaver? FrameLayout>

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1. Data binding What is Weaver? FrameLayout> 2. MVI

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2. MVI What is Weaver?

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2. MVI What is Weaver? setState { ... }

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2. MVI What is Weaver? setState { -> ... }

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2. MVI What is Weaver? setState { ... ) useState { state .

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2. MVI What is Weaver? setState { ... } onSuccess { value -> ... } onFailure { throwable -> ... } onSuccessOrFailure { result -> ... } onComplete { ... } } yieldEffect( .

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2. MVI What is Weaver? setState { -> ... } yieldEffect( .

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What is Weaver? 3. Unidirectional Data Flow

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What is Weaver? 3. Unidirectional Data Flow

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What is Weaver? 3. Unidirectional Data Flow

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What is Weaver? 3. Unidirectional Data Flow

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What is Weaver? 3. 4. Stand comp Unidirectional Data Flow

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4. Standalone components What is Weaver?

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What is Weaver? 4. Standalone components class MyFeatureActivity : InjectedFragmentActivity()

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What is Weaver? 4. Standalone components class MyFeatureActivity : InjectedFragmentActivity() FrameLayout>

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What is Weaver? 4. Standalone components class MyFeatureActivity : InjectedFragmentActivity() FrameLayout>

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What is Weaver? 4. Standalone components class MyFeatureActivity : InjectedFragmentActivity() FrameLayout>

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What is Weaver? 4. Standalone components class MyFeatureActivity : InjectedFragmentActivity() FrameLayout> 5. Easy threading

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What is Weaver? 5. 6. Painless subscriptions Easy threading

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What is Weaver? 5. 6. Painless subscriptions 7. Testing framework Easy threading

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What is Weaver? 5. 6. Painless subscriptions 7. Testing framework 8. IDE support Easy threading

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What is Weaver? 5. 6. 7. 8. Painless subscriptions Easy threading Testing framework IDE support

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& Mental model is the same Instead of having 3 building blocks, we only need 1 in Compose: the ViewModel.

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& Mental model is the same Binders, Views unnecessary To provide everything necessary we will need some configuration via CompositionLocal Cohesive entrypoints

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& Mental model is the same Binders, Views unnecessary Cohesive entrypoints

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& val viewModel = weaverViewModel()

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& val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState()

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& val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val value by viewModel.watchAsState(MyViewState :: value) val state by viewModel.watchAsState()

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& val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val values by viewModel.watchAsState(MyViewState :: value1, MyViewState :: value2, …) val (value1, value2, ... ) = values val value by viewModel.watchAsState(MyViewState :

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& val viewModel = weaverViewModel() viewModel.subscribeEffects { ... } val values by viewModel.watchAsState(MyViewState :

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } }

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } @Composable fun FollowButton( isFollowing: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { ... }

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } @Composable fun FollowButton( isFollowing: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { ... }

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } @Composable fun FollowButton( isFollowing: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { ... }

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } @Composable fun FollowButton( isFollowing: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { ... }

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& @Composable fun FollowButton() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val isFollowing by viewModel.watchAsState(FollowViewState :: following) FollowButton(isFollowing) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } @Composable fun FollowButton( isFollowing: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit ) { ... }

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& strategy 1. Proof of concept 2. Prepare the build to make sure that Compose or the new IR backend properly built on CI.

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& strategy 2. Adding to the build 3. Design system Robust theming and ways to customize for special cases.

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& strategy 3. Design system 4. Early Access Program Partner up with select feature teams of different needs and allow them to early adopt Compose. Provide hands on support to them. They will find all the possible ways your infra is broken and how your APIs suck. Fix, document.

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& strategy 4. Early Access Program 5. Hype train Education is king on such a big change. Make sure to communicate internally about Compose, with comprehensive documentation and education sessions / talks / codelabs.

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& strategy 5. Hype train 6. Broad adoption Open the floodgates for more feature teams to use it.

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& strategy 6. Broad adoption 7. Long term support Team ownership on upgrading the Compose dependencies. Integration and instrumentation testing are key to make sure the core infra doesn’t break between updates. [CHIRPBIRDI CO N] feature devs

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& strategy 7. Long term support

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adoption New screens

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adoption New screens Existing trivial screens

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adoption New screens Existing trivial screens

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@Composable fun TopicsHeader() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() Title(state.title) Subtitle(state.subtitle) Row { Facepile(state.users) FollowButton(state.following) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } Description(state.description) Timeline(state.timeline) }

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@Composable fun TopicsHeader() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() Title(state.title) Subtitle(state.subtitle) Row { Facepile(state.users) FollowButton(state.following) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } Description(state.description) Timeline(state.timeline) }

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@Composable fun TopicsHeader() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() Title(state.title) Subtitle(state.subtitle) Row { Facepile(state.users) FollowButton(state.following) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } Description(state.description) Timeline(state.timeline) } Business logic is reused

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@Composable fun TopicsHeader() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() Title(state.title) Subtitle(state.subtitle) Row { Facepile(state.users) FollowButton(state.following) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } Description(state.description) Timeline(state.timeline) }

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@Composable fun TopicsHeader() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel() val state by viewModel.watchAsState() Title(state.title) Subtitle(state.subtitle) Row { Facepile(state.users) FollowButton(state.following) { viewModel.toggleFollow() } } Description(state.description) Timeline(state.timeline) }

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@Composable fun Facepile(twitterUsers: List, membersClicked: () -> Unit) { val borderColor = HorizonTheme.colors.primary.toArgb() AndroidView( :: FacePileView) { facePileView: FacePileView -> facePileView.avatarBorderColor = borderColor facePileView.initFaces(twitterUsers.take(3).reversed()) facePileView.setOnClickListener { membersClicked() } } }

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@Composable fun Facepile(twitterUsers: List, membersClicked: () -> Unit) { val borderColor = HorizonTheme.colors.primary.toArgb() AndroidView( :: FacePileView) { facePileView: FacePileView -> facePileView.avatarBorderColor = borderColor facePileView.initFaces(twitterUsers.take(3).reversed()) facePileView.setOnClickListener { membersClicked() } } }

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Can be migrated later on @Composable fun Facepile(twitterUsers: List, membersClicked: () >

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adoption Complex screens

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adoption Complex screens Legacy screens

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adoption Complex screens Legacy screens

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android:id="@+id/send_dm" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/send_dm" /> android:id="@+id/follow" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/follow" />

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android:id="@+id/send_dm" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/send_dm" /> android:id="@+id/follow" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/follow" />

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android:id="@+id/send_dm" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/send_dm" /> android:id="@+id/follow" style="@style/TwitterButtonMediumBorderless" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/follow" />

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class @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton { HorizonComposeButton }

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class @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton { HorizonComposeButton }

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class @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton { HorizonComposeButton } private var onClick by mutableStateOf({}) private var buttonText: CharSequence? by mutableStateOf("") override fun getText(): CharSequence? = buttonText override fun setText(value: CharSequence?) { buttonText = value } // ...

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class @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton { HorizonComposeButton } @Composable override fun Content() { HorizonTheme { HorizonButton(_text, onClick, ... ) } } // ...

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private val styleButtonAppearanceMap by lazy { fun bold(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Outlined, ButtonColors.Legacy.Primary) fun heavy(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Filled, ButtonColors.Legacy.Primary) fun regular(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Outlined, ButtonColors.Legacy.Regular) // ... mapOf( to bold(ButtonSize.Legacy.Large()), to bold(ButtonSize.Legacy.Small()), // ... ) } internal fun styleToButtonAppearance(@StyleRes styleResId: Int): ButtonStyle = styleButtonAppearanceMap[styleResId] ?: error("There is no mapping for this legacy style.")

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private val styleButtonAppearanceMap by lazy { fun bold(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Outlined, ButtonColors.Legacy.Primary) fun heavy(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Filled, ButtonColors.Legacy.Primary) fun regular(size: ButtonSize) = ButtonStyle(size, ButtonType.Outlined, ButtonColors.Legacy.Regular) // ... mapOf( to bold(ButtonSize.Legacy.Large()), to bold(ButtonSize.Legacy.Small()), // ... ) } internal fun styleToButtonAppearance(@StyleRes styleResId: Int): ButtonStyle = styleButtonAppearanceMap[styleResId] ?: error("There is no mapping for this legacy style.")

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AppCompatView Inflater to automatically switch views

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<item name="viewInflaterClass">com.twitter.ui.CustomViewInflater </ item> ... </ style>

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<item name="viewInflaterClass">com.twitter.ui.CustomViewInflater </ item> ... </ style> class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == TwitterButton :: && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } }

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<item name="viewInflaterClass">com.twitter.ui.CustomViewInflater </ item> ... </ style> class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == TwitterButton :: && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } }

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class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == TwitterButton :: && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } } <item name="viewInflaterClass">com.twitter.ui.CustomViewInflater </ item> ... </ style>

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class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == TwitterButton :: && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } } But what if we want to be selective?

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class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == TwitterButton :: && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } } But what if we want to be selective?

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class CustomViewInflater : AppCompatViewInflater() { override fun createView(context: Context, name: String, attrs: AttributeSet): View { if ( name == && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } } But what if we want to be selective? MigrationTwitterButton ::

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if ( name == && HorizonComposeButtonUtils.isComposeButtonEnabled() ) { HorizonComposeButton(context, name, attrs) } else { super.createView(context, name, attrs) } } } But what if we want to be selective? MigrationTwitterButton :: class MigrationTwitterButton @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : TwitterButton(context, attrs, defStyleAttr)

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But what if we want to be selective?

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Use a different subclass of the UI element for what you want to migrate

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val button = context.findViewById< button.setText(R.string.my_new_fancy_text) TwitterButton>()

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val button = context.findViewById< button.setText(R.string.my_new_fancy_text) HorizonButton>()

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val button = context.findViewById< button.setText(R.string.my_new_fancy_text) HorizonButton>() class HorizonComposeButton @JvmOverloads constructor( ... ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton class TwitterButton @JvmOverloads constructor( ... ) : AppCompatButton(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton

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val button = context.findViewById< button.setText(R.string.my_new_fancy_text) HorizonButton>() class HorizonComposeButton @JvmOverloads constructor( ... ) : AbstractComposeView(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton class TwitterButton @JvmOverloads constructor( ... ) : AppCompatButton(context, attrs, defStyleAttr), HorizonButton

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No content

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public interface { // Omit nullity annotation to maintain compatibility with TextView's getText() // that returns platform type CharSequence getText(); void setText(@Nullable CharSequence charSequence); void setIcon(@DrawableRes int iconDrawable); boolean isEnabled(); void setEnabled(boolean enabled); int getVisibility(); void setVisibility(int visibility); void setOnClickListener(@Nullable View.OnClickListener listener); void setTag(@Nullable Object action); void setContentDescription(@Nullable CharSequence contentDescription); boolean callOnClick(); HorizonButton }

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public interface { HorizonButton }

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Programmatic usages: create a common interface

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class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { var text = mutableStateOf("") init { context.withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton, defAttrs) { text = getString(R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton_android_text) ?: "" } } Text(text) } } @Composable override fun Content() {

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Text(text) } } class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { var text = mutableStateOf("") init { context.withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton, defAttrs) { text = getString(R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton_android_text) ?: "" } } @Composable override fun Content() {

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Text(text) } } class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { @Composable override fun Content() { val viewModel = weaverViewModel(id) val text by viewModel.watchAsState(HorizonButtonState :: text)

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} } class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { var text = mutableStateOf("") init { context.withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton, defAttrs) { text = getString(R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton_android_text) ?: "" } } @Composable override fun Content() { val internalText = rememberSaveable { text } Text(internalText)

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} } class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { var text = mutableStateOf("") init { context.withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton, defAttrs) { text = getString(R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton_android_text) ?: "" } } @Composable override fun Content() { val internalText = rememberSaveable { text } Text(internalText)

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} } class HorizonComposeButton( ... ) : AbstractComposeView( ... ), HorizonButton { var text = mutableStateOf("") init { context.withStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton, defAttrs) { text = getString(R.styleable.HorizonComposeButton_android_text) ?: "" } } @Composable override fun Content() { val internalText = rememberSaveable { text } Text(internalText) SideEffect { if (textInternal != text) { text = textInternal } }

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Preserve state when the AbstractCompose View is recreated

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No content

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Wrapping up!

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Wrapping up!

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Wrapping up!

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Wrapping up!

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Question time! #360AnDev Nacho Lopez @mrmans0n 6:10PM · July 23, 2021

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Thank You