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Cultivating* a Community-Oriented** Organization CMX Summit West October Fifteenth, Two Thousand Fifteen Tim Falls — VP, Community at Keen IO

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BTW, did you know?

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“In music, a fifteenth or double octave is the interval between one musical note and another with one-quarter the wavelength or quadruple the frequency. The fourth harmonic, it is two octaves. It is referred to as a fifteenth because, in the diatonic scale, there are 15 notes between them if one counts both ends (as is customary). Two octaves do not make a sixteenth, but a fifteenth. In other contexts, the term two octaves is likely to be used.” BTW, did you know?

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BTW, did you know? two octaves do not make a sixteenth, but a fifteenth

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8 + 8 = 15

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8 + 8 = 15 ¯\_(ϑ)_/¯

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Cultivating* a Community-Oriented** Organization

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ verb (used with object)

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ verb (used with object) 1) to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ 2) to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention verb (used with object) 1) to prepare and work on

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ verb (used with object) 1) to prepare and work on 3) to develop or improve by education or training; train; refine 2) to promote or improve growth by labor and attention

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ 4) to promote the growth or development of (an art, science, etc.); foster verb (used with object) 1) to prepare and work on 3) to develop or improve by education or training 2) to promote or improve growth by labor and attention

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ 5) to devote oneself to (an art, science, etc.) 4) to promote the development of an art, science, etc. verb (used with object) 1) to prepare and work on 3) to develop or improve by education or training 2) to promote or improve growth by labor & attention

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ devote oneself prepare & work develop thru education, training

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cul·ti·vate — ˈkəltəˌvāt/ devote oneself prepare & work develop thru education, training

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Cultivating* a Community-Oriented** Organization

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ verb (used with object)

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ verb (used with object) 1) to adjust with relation to, or bring into due relation to surroundings, circumstances, facts, etc.

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ verb (used with object) 1) bring into due relation to surroundings, circumstances, facts, etc. 2) to familiarize (a person) with new surroundings or circumstances

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ verb (used with object) 3) to direct or position toward a particular object 1) bring into due relation to surroundings, circumstances, facts, etc. 2) familiarize (a person) with new surroundings or circumstances

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ 4) to determine the position of in relation to the points of the compass; get the bearings of verb (used with object) 3) position toward a particular object 1) bring into due relation to surroundings, circumstances, facts, etc. 2) familiarize (a person) with new surroundings or circumstances

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ get bearings position toward an object relate to surroundings

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o·ri·ent — ˈôrēˌənt/ get bearings position toward an object relate to surroundings

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The next 22 minutes of our lives together… :

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The next 22 minutes of our lives together… : Hello!

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The next 22 minutes of our lives together… : Hello! Story time

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The next 22 minutes of our lives together… : Hello! Story time Assumptions

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The next 22 minutes of our lives together… : Make happen Hello! Story time Assumptions

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Tim Falls @TimFalls [email protected]

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: Story Time

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. . .

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Assumptions A)a partially-integrated, poorly-oriented community program does not deliver ideal results; typically performing sub-optimally and ultimately becoming unsustainable (in the absence of progress)

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A)a partially-integrated, poorly-oriented community program does not deliver ideal results; typically performing sub-optimally and ultimately becoming unsustainable (in the absence of progress) 2. well-oriented, fully-integrated community programs = YAY! Assumptions

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III There are many steps along the path to “YAY!” 2. well-oriented, fully-integrated community programs = YAY! Assumptions A)a partially-integrated, poorly-oriented community program does not deliver ideal results; typically performing sub-optimally and ultimately becoming unsustainable (in the absence of progress)

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3 steps toward communit-YAY!

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3 steps toward communit-YAY! Find yourselves

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3 steps toward communit-YAY! Find yourselves Set your course

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3 steps toward communit-YAY! Find yourselves Set your course Move forward ⏩

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#1 >> Find Yourselves :

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#1 >> Find Yourselves :

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#1 >> Find Yourselves :

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#1 >> Find Yourselves :

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#1 >> Find Yourselves :

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders strategy

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders strategy board

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders strategy board %

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders strategy board % $

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#1 >> Find Yourselves : founders strategy board % $ ?

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#2 >> Set your course :

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#2 >> Set your course :

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#2 >> Set your course :

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#2 >> Set your course :

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#2 >> Set your course : abort mission

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#2 >> Set your course : abort mission

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#2 >> Set your course : abort mission make it better

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#2 >> Set your course : abort mission make it better

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#3 >> Move Forward :

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3 power-ups! to help you on your quest

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3 power-ups! to help you on your quest Inclusion

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3 power-ups! to help you on your quest Inclusion Communication

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3 power-ups! to help you on your quest Inclusion Communication Trust

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Inclusion :

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“You’re already included.” -Dustin :

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e.g., >>

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Communication :

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Communication Non-violent communication

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NVC: Marshall Rosenberg Communication Non-violent communication Emotional Intelligence and Self-awareness

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Strengths Finder, Meyers-Briggs, etc Communication Non-violent communication Emotional Intelligence and Self-awareness

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StrengthsFinder 2.0 (Gallup)

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Trust :

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The Trust Equation Charles H. Green;

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The Trust Equation (credibility) Charles H. Green;

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The Trust Equation (credibility) Charles H. Green; + (reliability)

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The Trust Equation (credibility) Charles H. Green; + (reliability) + (intimacy)

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The Trust Equation (credibility) Charles H. Green; + (reliability) + (intimacy) < >

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The Trust Equation (credibility) Charles H. Green; + (reliability) + (intimacy) < >

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The Trust Equation (credibility) <(self-orientation)> Charles H. Green; + (reliability) + (intimacy) < >

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The Trust Equation (credibility) <(self-orientation)> = trustworthiness Charles H. Green; + (reliability) + (intimacy) < >

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RACI original source: debated

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RACI Responsible original source: debated

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RACI Responsible Accountable original source: debated

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RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted original source: debated

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RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed original source: debated

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RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed original source: debated

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"Hugs all around homies!”

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Full Circle :

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change happens — is happening!

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change happens — is happening!

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival)

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community you are the cultivators

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community you are the cultivators find self (baseline) — set course (plan) — move fwd (execute)

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change happens — is happening! catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community you are the cultivators find self (baseline) — set course (plan) — move fwd (execute)

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change happens — is happening! [strong foundation + healthy environment] inclusion — communication — trust catalyzes adaptation (survival) orientation guided by community you are the cultivators find self (baseline) — set course (plan) — move fwd (execute)

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Go forth

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Go forth &

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Go forth =) &

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=) /

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Tim Falls @TimFalls [email protected] Credits: photos: icons: The Noun Project Emoji!

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Tim Falls @TimFalls [email protected] Credits: photos: icons: The Noun Project Emoji!

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