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Azure in Action: Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Christian Weyer @christianweyer CTO Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans Consultant

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2 § Co-Founder & CTO at Thinktecture AG § Personal focus on § Mobile & web-based application architectures § Pragmatic end-to-end solutions § Cloud-native & serverless architectures § Independent Microsoft Regional Director § Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio Tools & Development ASPInsider, AzureInsider § Google GDE for Web Technologies § [email protected] § @christianweyer Christian Weyer Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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§ Consultant at Thinktecture AG § Personal focus on § Container Technologies § Cloud-native & serverless architectures § Office Add-In Development § Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio Tools & Development § [email protected] [email protected] § § @ThorstenHans Thorsten Hans Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 3

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4 Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Topics Morning Containers & Orchestrators Afternoon Serverless

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5 § We can choose from a continuum § VM ➔ § Containers ➔ § Orchestrators ➔ § PaaS ➔ § Serverless Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Evolution to Cloud Compute Continuum PaaS IaaS On-Premises Serverless

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6 Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless IaaS

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7 The other Cloud Azure Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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8 § Why Azure? § Look beyond one’s own nose § Microsoft has always been strong in the enterprise § It is no longer “Windows Azure” § >50% of VMs running on Linux (increasing) § Strong developer tooling § VS Code, anyone? § Breadth & depth offerings § Very broad availability worldwide Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Azure Cloud

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10 How ‘large’ is ‘small’? ‘Micro’ Services Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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11 Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Bird’s-Eye-View Target Architectures HTTP API WS API Service D HTTPS HTTPS WebSocket Service A Service B Service C HTTP API

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12 § Single Responsibility § Focused around business domain § ‘Small’ § Isolation § Choice of technology § Well-defined technology-agnostic API § Mobility § Autonomy § Exclusive State § Decoupling § Asynchronous Communication § Really, always? Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Principles of Microservices 12

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13 Classic Microservices Containers & Orchestrators Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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1. What is Azure Kubernetes Service 2. Azure Kubernetes Service 101 3. Integrating AKS with Azure Services Containers & Orchestrators - Talking Points Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 14

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What is AKS? Azure Kubernetes Service Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 15

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AKS § Managed k8s cluster on Azure § AKS supports § Cluster auto-scaling § GPU enabled nodes § Development Tooling Integration (Azure DevSpaces) § Cost efficient § you pay ONLY for your worker nodes Azure Kubernetes Services Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 16

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Azure Kubernetes Services 1 Fully managed Kubernetes Master 2 Seamless Azure Integration 3 Simplified Cluster Operations Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 17

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Azure Kubernetes Service AKS 101 Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 18

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Using Azure CLI # Create a resource group az group create --name thh-demo --location westeurope --tags @{resp="THH"} # Create a Service Principal az ad sp create-for-rbac --name thh-demo-aks-sp --skip-assignment # Will print something like { "appId": "7248f250-0000-0000-0000-dbdeb8400d85", # --> identifier ($SP_ID) "displayName": "thh-demo-aks-sp", "name": "http://thh-demo-aks-sp", "password": "77851d2c-0000-0000-0000-cb3ebc97975a", # --> client secret ($SP_PWD) "tenant": "72f988bf-0000-0000-0000-2d7cd011db47“ } Prepare a new AKS Cluster Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 19

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Using Azure CLI # Create a AKS Cluster az aks create --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --location westeurope --service-principal $SP_ID --client-secret $SP_PWD --node-count 3 --node-vm-size Standard_DS1_v2 --tags @{resp="THH"} Create a new AKS Cluster Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 20

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Using Azure CLI # Scale-Out an AKS Cluster (increase Node count to 5) az aks scale --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --node-count 5 Scale-Out an AKS Cluster Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 21

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Using Azure CLI # Scale-In an AKS Cluster (reduce Node count to 1) az aks scale --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --node-count 1 Scale-In an AKS Cluster Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 22

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Using Azure CLI # Get current k8s version az aks get-upgrades --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --output table # Name ResourceGroup MasterVersion NodePoolVersion Upgrades # ------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ---- ---------- # thh... thh-demo 1.9.6 1.9.6, 1.9.8, 1.10.1 Get AKS Cluster Upgrades Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 23

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Using Azure CLI # Start k8s upgrade az aks upgrade --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --kubernetes-version 1.10.1 Upgrade an AKS Cluster Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 24

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Azure Services Integrating AKS Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 25

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Integrating AKS with Azure Services 1 Container Registry 2 Storage 3 Container Instances 4 Key Vault 5 Analytics Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 26

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Consume private images § Pull Docker images from ACR § Authentication done via Service Principal § Grant Reader permissions to AKS’s underlying SP for ACR Azure Container Registry Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 27

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Using Azure CLI # Get ACR Identifier az acr show --name thhdemo --resource-group thh --query id # --> identifier ($ACR_ID) # Create Role Assignment for SP az role assignment create --assignee $SP_ID --role Reader --scope $ACR_ID Authenticate with ACR Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 28

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Use persistent volumes § Support for Azure Disks and Azure Files § Static consumption § Storage is attached to Cluster and app developer uses it (eg in a Pod) § Dynamic consumption § Cluster knows how to dynamically create Azure Disks or Azure Files Shares Azure Storage Account Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 29

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Scale cluster dynamically and support hybrid workloads § Deploy Pods to ACI § Execute both Windows and Linux containers § Feels like one or more native k8s node § Implemented using Virtual Kubelet Azure Container Instances Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 30

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Extend AKS using a virtual-kubelet # Start k8s upgrade az aks install-connector --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --connector-name virtual-kubelet --aci-resource-group thh-demo --service-principal $SP_ID --client-secret $SP_PWD --os-type Windows Azure Container Instances Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 31

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Keep sensitive data secured § Consume secrets, keys and certificates from a secured resource § Final, native integration for Key Vault and competitors not yet landed in k8s § Two different integration scenarios available § Authenticate via Client-Id and –Secret from within an application component § Use AAD to generate an Pod Identity (think of MSI) § Best solution … for NOW Azure Key Vault Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 32

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All Insights at one place § Use Application Insights to collect application logs § Use Log Insights to collect infrastructure logs § Seamless integration of Log Insights for AKS § Centralized experience in Azure Monitor Azure Monitor Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 33

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Enable Monitoring Add-on to stream logs to Azure Monitor # Enable Monitoring Add-on on AKS az aks enable-addons --name thh-demo-aks --resource-group thh-demo --addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id $WS_R_ID Azure Log Insights Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless 34

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35 § We can choose from a continuum § VM ➔ § Containers ➔ § Orchestrators ➔ § PaaS ➔ § Serverless Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Evolution to Cloud Compute Continuum PaaS IaaS On-Premises Serverless

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36 A different approach Serverless Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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37 § We strive for isolating functional services § Choice of technology, use best fitting communication means § Microservice: unit of independent deployment for a business domain-specific service § Nanoservice: like Microservice, but more focused & lightweight; can be replaced easier § Functions as the mental model § Basic idea: make things easier, get productive with business, not infrastructure Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Microservices – or rather: Nanoservices !

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38 Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action What is Serverless, anyway?

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39 Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Serverless Sweet Spot Programming Model § Event-driven § Stateless § Service-full Operational Model § Fully managed § Automatically scaling § Usage priced

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40 § Serverless Compute → Azure Functions § Serverless Database → Azure Cosmos DB § Serverless Storage → Azure Storage § Serverless Realtime → Azure SignalR Service § Serverless Events → Azure Event Grid § Serverless Messaging → Azure Service Bus § Serverless Workflows → Azure Logic Apps Azure Durable Functions § Serverless IoT → Azure IoT Hub § Serverless Analytics → Azure Application Insights § Serverless Containers → Azure Container Instances Azure in Action Serverless in Azure Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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41 Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action There are NO servers!

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42 Azure Storage & Cosmos DB Serverless Data Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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43 § Blob § Highly scalable storage for arbitrary data § Can host static websites § Integrated with Event Grid § Files: fully managed cloud file shares § Sync § SMB, HTTPS § Table § Very simple schemaless table storage § Highly scalable § Needs thorough upfront design of data structures Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Azure Storage

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44 § Globally distributed, elastically scalable § Fully managed by Azure § But not yet fully automatically scaling § Pricing not (yet?) suitable for low-entry projects § Multi-model database § Key-value, document, graph § Multiple APIs § DocumentDB, with SQL & JS APIs § MongoDB API § Cassandra API § Table Storage API § Graph Database with Gremlin API Azure in Action Cosmos DB: A NoSQL Database with Many Faces Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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45 § Building event-driven architectures with Cosmos DB § Listening to Azure Cosmos DB collection for any changes § Inserts, updates, soft-deletes § Subscribe to collection changes Azure in Action Cosmos DB Change Feed Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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46 Azure Functions Serverless Compute Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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47 § Azure Functions is code being triggered by an event § Basic principles enable powerful use cases § Events ➔ Triggers § Bindings § Two ways of operation § Cost-optimized, automatic scale (aka Consumption Plan) § Always-on § V2 Runtime built on .NET Core § Available for e.g. self-hosting § Local tooling & runtime available § Multiple language bindings supported Azure in Action Azure Functions: Functions-as-a-Service Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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48 § Cold vs. warm start Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Azure Functions: Activation in Consumption Plan

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49 § Incoming event triggers function § Input bindings enable easy access to data from various data sources § Output bindings offer easy access to outbound data sinks Azure in Action Triggers & Bindings Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Your code logic Runtime Azure Function HTTP Trigger Storage Input Binding Push Notification Output Binding Database Output Binding Email Output Binding Example

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50 Azure in Action Triggers & Bindings in Code Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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51 Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Triggers & Bindings

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52 Azure Service Bus Serverless Messaging Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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53 § Asynchronous communication for decoupling Microservices § Different messaging services in Azure § Events, messages, data points § Event Grid § Primary use case: Reactive programming § Service Bus § Primary use case: Enterprise-grade messaging § Event Hubs § Primary use case: Big data streams Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Communication is key to Cloud Architectures

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54 § Fully-managed centralized event routing service § Simplifies development of event-based applications § Simplifies creation of serverless workflows § Supports direct event filtering using event type, prefix or suffix § Your application will only need to receive the events you care about § Same underlying model for different use-cases § System-provided events § Custom application-specific events Azure in Action Reactive Programming: Event Grid Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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55 § Queues & Topics § Reliable asynchronous communication § Rich features for temporal control § Routing and filtering § Transactions § Convoys & Sessions (related messages with state) Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Service Bus: Messaging-as-a-Service

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56 Sender § Sender sends message to queue § Queue ACKs receipt § Receiver connects to queue & retrieves message § Receiver ACKs complete (or other action) Service Bus Queues Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Receiver

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57 § Sender only knows about Topic § Receivers only know about Subscriptions § Filters and Actions exist on Subscriptions Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Service Bus Topics & Subscriptions Type == ‘order‘ Sender type=order type=quote Topic Type == ‘quote‘ Filter Filter Subscrip- tion 1 Subscrip- tion 2

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58 Azure SignalR Service Serverless Realtime Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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59 § Realtime messaging is a wanted feature nowadays § Dashboards and monitoring apps § Collaborative apps § Apps that require notifications § ASP.NET Core SignalR provides programming model for bi-directional ‘method invocation’ § Via WebSockets, SSE or Long Polling § Wanted: “SignalR messaging & scale-out”-as-a-Service ➔ Azure SignalR Service § Azure Functions bindings available for accessing Hubs (in preview) Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Azure in Action Azure SignalR Service

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60 Summary Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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61 § Container technologies provide § a soft migration path to the cloud § a unified deployment model § AKS integrates perfectly with Azure Services § AKS scales dynamically depending on your needs § Serverless is just one option in the Cloud Continuum § Always think about the use cases and requirements § Serverless will be pre-dominant on the ‘server’ in a couple of years § Azure Functions is way more than just a Web API framework Summary Azure in Action Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless

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Azure in Action: Pragmatische Cloud-Lösungen mit Containern & Serverless Christian Weyer @christianweyer [email protected] Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans [email protected]