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Feature-Centric Visual Exploration of Genome Interaction Maps Fritz Lekschas, PhD candidate
 Harvard University Benjamin Bach, Peter Kerpedjiev, Michael Behrisch, Nils Gehlenborg, and Hanspeter Pfister July 9th, 2018 ISMB 2018

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Cell Nucleus Contact Sequencing Heatmap 3D GENOME

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Gene regulation: Enhancer-promoter Structural variation: Break points Cell dynamics: Differentiation Cell cycle WHY CARE?

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3 million × 3 million

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CHALLENGES • Size of the heatmap • Many called features • No ground truth GOALS • Quality control • Pattern discovery • Pattern correlation CHALLENGES

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Efficiency Show all insets
 Close to origin Minimize occlusion Show all insets

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Efficiency Show all insets
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Efficiency Show all insets
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Performance comparison in pattern search on images and genome interaction maps User study: 18 participants and 6 domain experts Techniques: Results: faster pattern search
 more accurate pattern comparison
 easy-to-learn & easy-to-use EVALUATION

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CONCLUSION Explore local features in spatial context Faster pattern search Improved navigation

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