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Help Me, OKR Kenobi! OKRs explained through Star Wars By Andrew Cedotal ([email protected])

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What are OKRs? OKRs are goals that you set based on your manager’s goals.

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When to use OKRs? In organizations where managers know what needs to happen… ...but their reports know how to make it happen.

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Organization-wide Goal: Conquer the Galaxy

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The organization-wide goal has sub-goals...

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...and each sub-goal is assigned to a specific direct report.

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So what makes a good goal?

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Can we make this measurable? How about... #1: Measurable.

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Yep, sounds like that supports “Conquer the Galaxy!” #1: Measurable.

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Can we make this both measurable AND ambitious? How about... #2: Ambitious.

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Hey, that would get us really close to conquering the galaxy! #2: Ambitious.

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As your head of weapons research, I propose we rewrite this as.... #3: Mostly written by you, not a manager.

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Oh, wow, a PLANET-DESTROYING Death Star? Good rewrite; that is way better. #3: Mostly written by you, not a manager.

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Keep breaking it down. Stop when you get to individual contributors.

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Here’s the key: Your Objectives ARE your manager’s Key Results. OKRs are recursive, so everyone is synced around company-wide goals.

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Questions? I’m [email protected], @cedotal on Twitter.