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1. Calendar 2. Previous lecture recap 3. Visualize your data on SPSS 4. Visualization dos and don'ts 5. Exercise INDEX

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Collect feedback on your questions on Canvas Discussion. Once ready, submit your final questions on Canvas. Please indicate your group name and the names of all group members. One submission per group. Deadline: Mar.11 at midnight. Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 ASSIGNMENT 2

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 LAUNCH SPSS ■ Go to Canvas ○ Assignments > SPSS Lab 5 - Charts ○ Download the Week-5.sav file ■ Open the file on SPSS ○ Launch SPP ■ File > Open > Data… ■ Find and open the Week-5.sav file

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 CREATING CHARTS IN SPSS

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 CREATING CHARTS IN SPSS Select the main measures of dispersion (Std. Deviation, Min, Max, Range) and centrality (Mean, Median, Mode) Select the main measures of dispersion (Std. Deviation, Min, Max, Range) and centrality (Mean, Median, Mode)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 FIRST HISTOGRAM (SLEPT_HRS)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 FIRST HISTOGRAM (SLEPT_HRS)

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Write an easy to understand title Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 FIRST HISTOGRAM (SLEPT_HRS) Add labels to the chart Pro tip: increase default font-size and remove borders Chart axes should be easy to understand

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 FIRST HISTOGRAM (SLEPT_HRS)

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Histograms: use this chart for Scale variables Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 WHICH CHART TO USE AND WHEN Bar Charts: use this chart for Nominal and Ordinal variables Pie Charts: use this chart for Nominal and Ordinal variables

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 BAR CHART (POLITICAL_PARTY)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 BAR CHART (POLITICAL_PARTY) Transpose if Nominal variable

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 BAR CHART (POLITICAL_PARTY)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 PIE CHART (RESIDENCE_STATUS) Percentages and pie chart 👍

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 PIE CHART (RESIDENCE_STATUS)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 PIE CHART (RESIDENCE_STATUS)

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 DATA VISUALIZATION GOOD PRACTICES ● Pie charts: only if they have 3 or less slices; ● Bar and columns charts: Always show the origin (zero line); ● Horizontal bars are easier to read than vertical ones for categorical, non-time sensitive, data (and nominal variables in general); ● Always add a title to visualization; ● Always label axes; ● Add callouts if you want to highlight some information; ● Avoid 3d charts ● Reference data sources.

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 OUTPUT WINDOW

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 OUTPUT WINDOW You can save you Outpt window as a separate file. .SPV files do not include the dataset, but can very helpful in case you want to share a chart with someone else on your team.

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Photo: Startup Weekend Hackathon. Nov.2014 EXERCISE Create a pie chart for the variable GPA Make sure to: ● add an easy to understand title ● add data labels Upload a screenshot of the pie chart on Canvas.

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THANK YOU Alberto Lusoli [email protected] Office hour: Thursday, 12.30pm - 1.20pm (please book an appointment in advance via email).