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@lcolladotor Lessons Learned from Spatially-Resolved Transcriptomics of Postmortem Human Brain Data Projects Leonardo Collado Torres, Investigator Festival of Genomics & Biodata October 3 2023 Slides available at

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Slide 2 text Michael Gandal @mikejg84 Transcriptomic Insight Into the Polygenic Mechanisms Underlying Psychiatric Disorders

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Background: Human DLPFC 3 Louise A Huuki-Myers @lahuuki

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Zoom in: snRNA-seq → deconvolution of bulk RNA-seq Matthew N Tran @mattntran Kristen R Maynard @kr_maynard Louise A Huuki-Myers @lahuuki Keri Martinowich @martinowk Stephanie C Hicks @stephaniehicks

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What is Deconvolution? ● Inferring the composition of different cell types in a bulk RNA-seq data Louise A Huuki-Myers @lahuuki

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Sean Maden @MadenSean Sang Ho Kwon @sanghokwon17 #deconvochallenge

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#deconvochallenge Challenges and opportunities to computationally deconvolve heterogeneous tissue with varying cell sizes using single cell RNA-sequencing datasets Sean Maden @MadenSean

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Zoom in: spatial omics Kristen R Maynard @kr_maynard Keri Martinowich @martinowk Stephanie C Hicks @stephaniehicks Andrew E Jaffe @andrewejaffe Stephanie C Page @CerceoPage

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Visium Platform for Spatial Gene Expression Image from 10x Genomics - A slide contains 4 capture areas, each full of thousands of 55um-wide “spots” (often containing 1-10 cells) - Unique barcodes in each spot bind to particular genes; after sequencing, gene expression can be tied back to exact spots, forming a spatial map Kristen R. Maynard 9

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Slide 10 text Pardo et al, 2022 DOI 10.1186/s12864-022-08601-w Maynard, Collado-Torres, 2021 DOI 10.1038/s41593-020-00787-0 Brenda Pardo Abby Spangler @PardoBree @abspangler Louise A. Huuki-Myers @lahuuki

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2 pairs spatial adjacent replicates x subject = 12 sections 11 Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Adjacent spatial replicates (0μm) Adjacent spatial replicates (300μm) PCP4 Maynard, Collado-Torres, et al, Nat Neuro, 2021

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“Pseudo-bulking” collapses data: spot to layer level 12 Maynard, Collado-Torres, et al, Nat Neuro, 2021

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DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-00787-0 from 2020-02-29 Andrew E Jaffe @andrewejaffe Kristen R Maynard @kr_maynard Keri Martinowich @martinowk

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DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-00787-0 from 2020-02-29 DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac299 Since Feb 2020 spatialLIBD::fetch_data() provides access to SpatialExperiment R/Bioconductor objects Stephanie C Hicks @stephaniehicks Lukas M Weber @lmweber

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DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-00787-0 from 2020-02-29 DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac299 Since Feb 2020 spatialLIBD::fetch_data() provides access to SpatialExperiment R/Bioconductor objects

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#spatialDLPFC 16 Louise A Huuki-Myers @lahuuki Abby Spangler @abspangler Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub)

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BayesSpace clustering with batch correction worked best for multiple samples 17

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Spatial Registration Adds Anatomical Context ● Validate detection of laminar structure ● Correlate enrichment t-statistics for top marker genes of reference ○ Cluster vs. manual annotation ● Annotate with strongly associated histological layer 18 Sp k D d ~L

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Spatial Registration of Spatial Domains ● Map SpDs to Maynard et al. manual annotated layers ● Highlight most strongly associated histological layer to add biological context 19

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Identify Layer Associated Neuron Populations 20 ● Apply Spatial Registration with manual layers ● 13 layer-level cell types ○ Assign Excitatory Neurons histological layers ○ Pool other cell type groups Kelsey D Montgomery

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Spot Deconvolution 21 Cell 1 Cell 2 … Cell N Gene 1 0 0 … 0 Gene 2 2 5 … 3 … … … … … Gene i 1 0 … 0 Spot 1 Spot 2 … Spot M Gene 1 1 0 … 3 Gene 2 0 1 … 0 … … … … … Gene j 4 2 … 2 Astro Excit … Inhib Spot 1 1 1 … 1 Spot 2 … … … … … … Spot N 1 0 … 2 Single- Nucleus Spatial Deconvolved Results Spot 1 Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub)

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Existing Spot Deconvolution Software - Explored 3 novel software methods from the literature Software name Overall approach Input Cell Counts Output Tangram (Biancalani et al.) Mapping individual cells Every spot Integer counts Cell2location (Kleshchevnikov et al.) Matching gene-expression profile Average across spots Decimal counts SPOTlight (Elosua-Bayes et al.) Matching gene-expression profile Not used Proportions 22 Excit L5 Counts

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Visium Spatial Proteogenomics (SPG) Images as an Orthogonal Measurement 23

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Visium Spatial Proteogenomics (Visium-SPG) Visium-SPG = Visium SRT + immunofluorescence (using identical tissue samples) Sang Ho Kwon @sanghokwon17

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Visium Spatial Proteogenomics (Visium-SPG) - Gene expression captured like ordinary Visium - Multi-channel fluorescent images captured of the same tissue - Channels measure proteins marking for specific cell types Kristen R. Maynard 25 Sang Ho Kwon Visium-SPG = Visium SRT + immunofluorescence (using identical tissue samples) Fluorescent Protein Cell Type TMEM119 Microglia Neun Neurons OLIG2 Oligodendrocytes GFAP Astrocytes

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26 Max across layers Not max Benchmark Results: Leverage Prior Knowledge Nicholas @Nick-Eagl

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Benchmark Results: Leverage Prior Knowledge 27

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Benchmark Summary 28 Metric Tangram Cell2location SPOTlight Metric Type Avg. cor (spot-level) 0.31 0.30 0.21 Orthogonal measurements Avg. RMSE (spot-level) 1.35 1.24 1.3 Orthogonal measurements Overall prop.: (KL Div.) 0.44 0.49 0.41 Orthogonal measurements Overall prop.: (cor.) 0.46 0.37 0.47 Orthogonal measurements Overall prop.: (RMSE) 3020 3890 3040 Orthogonal measurements Histological mapping 0.69 0.77 0.23 Leverage known biology Broad vs. layer (cor.) 1.00 0.77 -0.36 Self-consistency of results Broad vs. layer (RMSE) 102 4200 4220 Self-consistency of results Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub)

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How Spot Deconvolution Results Were Used A. Better characterize unsupervised spatial domains B. Cell-cell communication; cell-type-informed ligand-receptor interactions in the context of schizophrenia risk A 29 Boyi Guo Melissa Grant-Peters

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Visium spatial clustering works for variables with high % variance explained. But what about other ones? DOI: 10.1038/s41593-020-00787-0

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Slide 31 text from 2023-04-24 Sang Ho Kwon @sanghokwon17 DOI: 10.1101/2023.04.20.537710 #Visium_SPG_AD

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Experimental design & study overview Braak V-VI & CERAD frequent Sang Ho Kwon

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AD pathology signal is too small to detect by spatially-resolved gene expression alone

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Identifying transcriptional signatures of AD-related neuropathology Sang Ho Kwon

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Some challenges ⚠ with Visium 35

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sc/snRNA-seq QC metrics such as # detected genes, # UMI, mitochondria expression % are likely biologically related!

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Prashanthi Ravichandran @prashanthi-ravichandran (GH) Artifacts in general are normalized away by library size, though there are caveats

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Diffusion issues: could be related to permeabilization step

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Having more data is useful to provide context! Here 4 new samples have low sequencing saturation (outliers) but are within range of good samples from other studies

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Having more data is useful to provide context! Those 4 samples have great median UMI counts per spot ^_^

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Software keeps evolving and as leaders in the field we aim to use the best methods 41 Moses, L., Pachter, L. Museum of spatial transcriptomics. Nat Methods 19, 534–546 (2022).

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The Development Process - Making a module - New, experimental software can change dramatically (function and syntax) between versions - Promotes collaboration by allowing two researchers to share exact code and instantly run software without special set-up SpatialExperiment release 3.14 SpatialExperiment devel 3.15 module load tangram/1.0.2 module load cell2location/0.8a0 module load spagcn/1.2.0 Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub)

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The Development Process - Regular interaction with software authors to clarify functionality and report bugs - Documentation for code and author responsiveness on GitHub can be critical in successfully applying software to our data Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub)

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Documentation + wrapper functions + tests (GitHub Actions + Bioconductor) 44

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More challenges ahead Working with multiple capture areas per tissue Nicholas J Eagles @Nick-Eagles (GitHub) Prashanthi Ravichandran @prashanthi-ravichandran (GH) Spot diameter error: ~1.8 → ~1.1 Another pair: ~2.8 → ~0.76

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Slide 46 text ● Every assay has caveats ● We re-use tricks: think adding 0, multiplying by 1 ● It nearly always takes a team ● Data sharing accelerates science + democratizes access to it ● Zooming in allows us to reduce the heterogeneity ● We can learn from each other: from uniformly processing our data & re-using it → replicate / validate?

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@MadhaviTippani Madhavi Tippani @HeenaDivecha Heena R Divecha @lmwebr Lukas M Weber @stephaniehicks Stephanie C Hicks @abspangler Abby Spangler @martinowk Keri Martinowich @CerceoPage Stephanie C Page @kr_maynard Kristen R Maynard @lcolladotor Leonardo Collado-Torres @Nick-Eagles (GH) Nicholas J Eagles Kelsey D Montgomery Sang Ho Kwon Image Analysis Expression Analysis Data Generation Thomas M Hyde @lahuuki Louise A Huuki-Myers @BoyiGuo Boyi Guo @mattntran Matthew N Tran @sowmyapartybun Sowmya Parthiban Slides available at /lcolladotor + Many more LIBD, JHU, and external collaborators @mgrantpeters Melissa Grant-Peters @prashanthi-ravichandran (GH) Prashanthi Ravichandran

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